methods, notes and classification Central Government Debt (ceased) methods, notes and classification

*                                                                              *
* OECD STATISTICS                                                              *
* PARIS                  Central Government Debt Statistics                    *
*                        ----------------------------------                    *
*                                                                              *
*                                                                              *
* Internet & DVD:                             DSI  DATA SERVICE & INFORMATION  *
*                                             D-47476 Rheinberg  P.O. Box 1127 *
*                                             Phone: +49 2843-3368  Fax: -3230 *




    1   XXX......   Reporting country
    2   ...XX....   Variable
    3   .....X...   Data type (or Blanks)
    4   ......X..   Unit (or Blanks)
    5   .......XX   Blank

SUB-CODE  1 : Reporting country

          AUS Australia
          AUT Austria
          BEL Belgium
          CAN Canada
          CZE Czech Republic
          DNK Denmark
          E15 European Union (15 countries)
          FIN Finland
          FRA France
          DEU Germany
          GRC Greece
          HUN Hungary
          ISL Iceland
          IRL Ireland
          ITA Italy
          JPN Japan
          KOR Korea
          LUX Luxembourg
          MEX Mexico
          NLD Netherlands
          NZL New Zealand
          NOR Norway
          OEC OECD - Total
          POL Poland
          PRT Portugal
          SLK Slovak Republic
          ESP Spain
          SWE Sweden
          CHE Switzerland
          TUR Turkey
          GBR United Kingdom
          USA United States
        Non-OECD Member Economies
          CHL Chile
          EST Estonia
          ISR Israel
          SVN Slovenia

SUB-CODE  2 : Variable
           01 Total central government debt
           02 .Total marketable debt
           03 ..Total money market instruments
           04 ...Treasury bills
           05 ...Commercial papers
           06 ...Other money market instruments
           07 ..Total bonds
           08 ...Total fixed rate income instruments
           09 ....Short-term bonds
           10 ....Medium-term bonds
           11 ....Long-term bonds
           12 .....Long-term bonds, of which maturity > 20 years and <= 30 years
           13 .....Long-term bonds, of which maturity > 30 years
           14 ...Index-linked bonds
           15 ....Index-linked bonds, of which maturity > 20 years and <= 30 years
           16 ....Index-linked bonds, of which maturity > 30 years
           17 ...Variable-rate notes
           18 ...Other bonds
           19 ..Total marketable debt held by residents and non-residents
           20 ...Marketable debt held by residents
           21 ...Marketable debt held by non-residents (comparison table)
           22 ..Marketable debt held by non-residents
           23 ..Marketable debt in foreign currency
           24 ..Weighted average maturity of marketable debt
           25 ..Weighted average yield of marketable debt
           26 .Total non-marketable debt
           27 ..Savings bonds
           28 ..Other non-marketable debt
           29 ..Non-marketable debt held by non-residents
           30 Total central government debt % of GDP
           31 .Total marketable debt % GDP
           32 ..Money market instruments % total marketable debt
           33 ..Government Bonds % total marketable debt
           34 .Total non-marketable debt % GDP
           35 Duration Macaulay for domestic debt
           36 Duration Macaulay for foreign debt
           37 Duration Macaulay for total debt
           38 Modified Duration for domestic debt
           39 Modified Duration for foreign debt
           40 Modified Duration for total debt
           41 Average term to maturity for domestic debt
           42 Average term to maturity for foreign debt
           43 Average term to maturity for total debt

	 Gross domestic product and exchange rates
           44 GDP
           45 Exchange rates end of fiscal year (national currency/$)
           46 Yearly average exchange rates (national currecy/$)

SUB-CODE  3 : Data type
            A Stocks: Outstanding amounts
            G Flows: Gross issues
            N Flows: Net issues

SUB-CODE  4 : Unit
            1 Millions of national currency
            2 Million USD
            3 Number of years
            4 Percentage

    • Variable
      • 01 Total central government debt
      • 02 .Total marketable debt
      • 03 ..Total money market instruments
      • 04 ...Treasury bills
      • 05 ...Commercial papers
      • 06 ...Other money market instruments
      • 07 ..Total bonds
      • 08 ...Total fixed rate income instruments
      • 09 ....Short-term bonds
      • 10 ....Medium-term bonds
      • 11 ....Long-term bonds
      • 12 .....Long-term bonds, of which maturity > 20 years and <= 30 years
      • 13 .....Long-term bonds, of which maturity > 30 years
      • 14 ...Index-linked bonds
      • 15 ....Index-linked bonds, of which maturity > 20 years and <= 30 years
      • 16 ....Index-linked bonds, of which maturity > 30 years
      • 17 ...Variable-rate notes
      • 18 ...Other bonds
      • 19 ..Total marketable debt held by residents and non-residents
      • 20 ...Marketable debt held by residents
      • 21 ...Marketable debt held by non-residents (comparison table)
      • 22 ..Marketable debt held by non-residents
      • 23 ..Marketable debt in foreign currency
      • 24 ..Weighted average maturity of marketable debt
      • 25 ..Weighted average yield of marketable debt
      • 26 .Total non-marketable debt
      • 27 ..Savings bonds
      • 28 ..Other non-marketable debt
      • 29 ..Non-marketable debt held by non-residents
      • 30 Total central government debt % of GDP
      • 31 .Total marketable debt % GDP
      • 32 ..Money market instruments % total marketable debt
      • 33 ..Government Bonds % total marketable debt
      • 34 .Total non-marketable debt % GDP
      • 35 Duration Macaulay for domestic debt
      • 36 Duration Macaulay for foreign debt
      • 37 Duration Macaulay for total debt
      • 38 Modified Duration for domestic debt
      • 39 Modified Duration for foreign debt
      • 40 Modified Duration for total debt
      • 41 Average term to maturity for domestic debt
      • 42 Average term to maturity for foreign debt
      • 43 Average term to maturity for total debt
      • Gross domestic product and exchange rates
        • 44 GDP
        • 45 Exchange rates end of fiscal year (national currency/$)
        • 46 Yearly average exchange rates (national currecy/$)
    • Data type
      • A Stocks: Outstanding amounts
      • G Flows: Gross issues
      • N Flows: Net issues
      • 1 Millions of national currency
      • 2 Million USD
      • 3 Number of years
      • 4 Percentage
    • Reporting Country
      • AUS Australia
      • AUT Austria
      • BEL Belgium
      • CAN Canada
      • CZE Czech Republic
      • DNK Denmark
      • E15 European Union (15 countries)
      • FIN Finland
      • FRA France
      • DEU Germany
      • GRC Greece
      • HUN Hungary
      • ISL Iceland
      • IRL Ireland
      • ITA Italy
      • JPN Japan
      • KOR Korea
      • LUX Luxembourg
      • MEX Mexico
      • NLD Netherlands
      • NZL New Zealand
      • NOR Norway
      • OEC OECD - Total
      • OOE Other OECD
      • POL Poland
      • PRT Portugal
      • SLK Slovak Republic
      • ESP Spain
      • SWE Sweden
      • CHE Switzerland
      • TUR Turkey
      • GBR United Kingdom
      • USA United States
      • Non-OECD Member Economies
        • CHL Chile
        • EST Estonia
        • ISR Israel
        • SVN Slovenia