Average time between leaving formal education and starting the first job by age, sex and educational attainment level for persons who left within the last 3 or 5 years - (months)

Source: Eurostat, Luxembourg

Filter Series


Available Time Series

Description Direct Link
3 years or less / All ISCED 1997 levels / From 15 to 34 years / Total / Average / European Union - 27 countries (2007-2013)
(Unit: AVG)
3 years or less / All ISCED 1997 levels / From 15 to 34 years / Total / Average / Belgium
(Unit: AVG)
3 years or less / All ISCED 1997 levels / From 15 to 34 years / Total / Average / Bulgaria
(Unit: AVG)
3 years or less / All ISCED 1997 levels / From 15 to 34 years / Total / Average / Czechia
(Unit: AVG)
3 years or less / All ISCED 1997 levels / From 15 to 34 years / Total / Average / Denmark
(Unit: AVG)
3 years or less / All ISCED 1997 levels / From 15 to 34 years / Total / Average / Estonia
(Unit: AVG)
3 years or less / All ISCED 1997 levels / From 15 to 34 years / Total / Average / Ireland
(Unit: AVG)
3 years or less / All ISCED 1997 levels / From 15 to 34 years / Total / Average / Greece
(Unit: AVG)