Individuals regularly using the internet by NUTS 2 regions

Source: Eurostat, Luxembourg

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Information society indicator: Frequency of internet access: once a week (including every day) / Unit of measure: Percentage of individuals / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/ Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Information society indicator: Frequency of internet access: once a week (including every day) / Unit of measure: Percentage of individuals / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Prov. Antwerpen
Information society indicator: Frequency of internet access: once a week (including every day) / Unit of measure: Percentage of individuals / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Prov. Limburg (BE)
Information society indicator: Frequency of internet access: once a week (including every day) / Unit of measure: Percentage of individuals / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Prov. Oost-Vlaanderen
Information society indicator: Frequency of internet access: once a week (including every day) / Unit of measure: Percentage of individuals / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Prov. Vlaams-Brabant
Information society indicator: Frequency of internet access: once a week (including every day) / Unit of measure: Percentage of individuals / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Prov. West-Vlaanderen
Information society indicator: Frequency of internet access: once a week (including every day) / Unit of measure: Percentage of individuals / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Prov. Brabant wallon
Information society indicator: Frequency of internet access: once a week (including every day) / Unit of measure: Percentage of individuals / Geopolitical entity (reporting): Prov. Hainaut