Fänge - Nordostpazifik
Methoden, Erläuterungen und Klassifizierung
- Arten
- 00 Wasserorganismen
- 01 Aquatic animals
- 02 Crustaceans and Molluscs
- 03 Finfish
- 04 Finfish and invertebrates
- 05 Marine fishes
- 06 Flounders, halibuts, soles
- 07 Cods, hakes, haddocks
- 08 Miscellaneous coastal fishes
- 09 Miscellaneous demersal fishes
- 0a Herrings, sardines, anchovies
- 0b Miscellaneous pelagic fishes
- 0c Sharks, rays, chimaeras
- 0d Marine fishes not identified
- 0e Molluscs
- 0f Squids, cuttlefishes, octopuses
- 0g Gadus chalcogrammus (Alaska pollock(=Walleye poll.))
- 0h Atheresthes stomias (Arrowtooth flounder)
- 0i Delphinapterus leucas (White whale)
- 0j Balaena mysticetus (Bowhead whale)
- 0k Oncorhynchus keta (Chum(=Keta=Dog) salmon)
- 0l Brachyura (Marine crabs nei)
- 0m Squalus acanthias (Picked dogfish)
- 0n Squalidae (Dogfish sharks nei)
- 0o Pleuronectiformes (Flatfishes nei)
- 0p Hippoglossus hippoglossus (Atlantic halibut)
- 0q Hippoglossus stenolepis (Pacific halibut)
- 0r Clupea pallasii (Pacific herring)
- 0s Pleurogrammus monopterygius (Atka mackerel)
- 0t Atheresthes evermanni (Kamchatka flounder)
- 0u Scomber japonicus (Pacific chub mackerel)
- 0v Mollusca (Marine molluscs nei)
- 0w Osteichthyes (Marine fishes nei)
- 0x Merluccius productus (North Pacific hake)
- 0y Sebastes alutus (Pacific ocean perch)
- 0z Gadus macrocephalus (Pacific cod)
- 10 Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Pink(=Humpback) salmon)
- 11 Trachurus symmetricus (Pacific jack mackerel)
- 12 Macrouridae (Grenadiers, rattails nei)
- 13 Anoplopoma fimbria (Sablefish)
- 14 Scorpaenidae (Scorpionfishes, redfishes nei)
- 15 Salmonoidei (Salmonoids nei)
- 16 Oncorhynchus nerka (Sockeye(=Red) salmon)
- 17 Loliginidae, Ommastrephidae (Various squids nei)
- 18 Sebastes entomelas (Widow rockfish)
- 19 Limanda aspera (Yellowfin sole)
- 1a Sebastes flavidus (Yellowtail rockfish)
- Fanggebiete
- Maßeinheit
- Geopolitische Meldeeinheit
- 0 Europäische Union - 27 Länder (2007-2013)
- 1 Europäische Union - 25 Länder (2004-2006)
- 2 Europäische Union - 15 Länder (1995-2004)
- 3 Bulgarien
- 4 Deutschland (bis 1990 früheres Gebiet der BRD)
- 5 Polen
- 6 Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum (EWR) (EU27 - 2007-2013 und IS, LI, NO)
- 7 Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum (EWR) (EU25 - 2004-2006 und IS, LI, NO)
- 8 Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum (EWR) (EU15 - 1995-2004 und IS, LI, NO)
- 9 Russland