methods, notes and classification Wayne County, OH Methoden, Erläuterungen und Klassifizierung

    • Indicator
      • Housing Inventory: Active Listing Count
        • 00
        • 01 in Wayne County, OH
        • 02 Month-Over-Month in Wayne County, OH
        • 03 Year-Over-Year in Wayne County, OH
        • 04 Wayne County, OH
        • 05 lation (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 06 estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 07 r Wayne County, OH
        • 08 ed by Building Permits for Wayne County, OH
        • 09 y, OH
        • 0a OH
        • 0b ayne County, OH
        • 0c (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH (DISCONTINUED)
        • 0d n Wayne County, OH
        • 0e l Industries in Wayne County, OH
        • 0f Wayne County, OH
        • 0g enses Known to Law Enforcement in Wayne County, OH (DISCONTINUED)
        • 0h estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 0i imate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 0j r Wayne County, OH
        • 0k
        • 0l H
        • 0m usted by Cost of Living for Wayne County, OH
        • 0n year estimate) for Wayne County, OH (DISCONTINUED)
        • 0o H
        • 0p
        • 0q
        • 0r g in Wayne County, OH
        • 0s nty, OH
        • 0t
        • 0u (5-year estimate) Index for Wayne County, OH
        • 0v as a Percentage of Households with Children (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 0w eted an Associate's Degree or Higher (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 0x Level (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 0y OH
      • Housing Inventory: Average Listing Price
        • 0z in Wayne County, OH
        • 10 Month-Over-Month in Wayne County, OH
        • 11 Year-Over-Year in Wayne County, OH
      • Population Estimate,
        • 12 Total (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 13 Total, Not Hispanic or Latino (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 14 Total, Not Hispanic or Latino, White Alone (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 15 Total, Not Hispanic or Latino, Black or African American Alone (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 16 Total, Not Hispanic or Latino, American Indian and Alaska Native Alone (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 17 Total, Not Hispanic or Latino, Asian Alone (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 18 Total, Not Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 19 Total, Not Hispanic or Latino, Some Other Race Alone (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 1a Total, Not Hispanic or Latino, Two or More Races (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 1b Total, Not Hispanic or Latino, Two or More Races, Two Races Including Some Other Race (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 1c Total, Not Hispanic or Latino, Two or More Races, Two Races Excluding Some Other Race, and Three or More Races (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 1d Total, Hispanic or Latino (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 1e Total, Hispanic or Latino, White Alone (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 1f Total, Hispanic or Latino, Black or African American Alone (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 1g Total, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian and Alaska Native Alone (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 1h Total, Hispanic or Latino, Asian Alone (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 1i Total, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 1j Total, Hispanic or Latino, Some Other Race Alone (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 1k Total, Hispanic or Latino, Two or More Races (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 1l Total, Hispanic or Latino, Two or More Races, Two Races Including Some Other Race (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH
        • 1m Total, Hispanic or Latino, Two or More Races, Two Races Excluding Some Other Race, and Three or More Races (5-year estimate) in Wayne County, OH
      • Market Hotness:
        • 1n Demand Score in Wayne County, OH
        • 1o Listing Views per Property in Wayne County, OH
        • 1p Page View Count per Property Versus the United States in Wayne County, OH
        • 1q Page View Count per Property in Wayne County, OH
        • 1r Median Days on Market in Wayne County, OH
        • 1s Median Days on Market in Wayne County, OH
        • 1t Median Days on Market in Wayne County, OH
        • 1u Median Days on Market in Wayne County, OH
        • 1v Median Days on Market Versus the United States in Wayne County, OH
        • 1w Median Days on Market Day in Wayne County, OH
        • 1x Median Listing Price in Wayne County, OH
        • 1y Median Listing Price in Wayne County, OH
        • 1z Median Listing Price Versus the United States in Wayne County, OH
        • 20 Median Listing Price in Wayne County, OH
        • 21 Nielsen Household Rank in Wayne County, OH
        • 22 Supply Score in Wayne County, OH
      • Gross Domestic Product:
        • 23 All Industries in Wayne County, OH
        • 24 Private Goods-Producing Industries in Wayne County, OH
        • 25 Government and Government Enterprises in Wayne County, OH
        • 26 Private Services-Providing Industries in Wayne County, OH
      • Market Hotness: Hotness Rank in Wayne County, OH
        • 27
        • 28
        • 29
      • 2a Market Hotness: Hotness: Score in Wayne County, OH
      • Unemployed Persons in Wayne County, OH
        • 2b
        • 2c
      • Employed Persons in Wayne County, OH
        • 2d
        • 2e
      • Housing Inventory: Median Days on Market
        • 2f in Wayne County, OH
        • 2g Month-Over-Month in Wayne County, OH
        • 2h Year-Over-Year in Wayne County, OH
      • Housing Inventory: Median
        • 2i Listing Price in Wayne County, OH
        • 2j Listing Price Month-Over-Month in Wayne County, OH
        • 2k Listing Price per Square Feet in Wayne County, OH
        • 2l Listing Price per Square Feet Month-Over-Month in Wayne County, OH
        • 2m Listing Price per Square Feet Year-Over-Year in Wayne County, OH
        • 2n Listing Price Year-Over-Year in Wayne County, OH
        • 2o Home Size in Square Feet in Wayne County, OH
        • 2p Home Size in Square Feet Month-Over-Month in Wayne County, OH
        • 2q Home Size in Square Feet Year-Over-Year in Wayne County, OH
      • 90% Confidence Interval
        • 2r Lower Bound of Estimate of Median Household Income for Wayne County, OH
        • 2s Upper Bound of Estimate of Median Household Income for Wayne County, OH
        • 2t Lower Bound of Estimate of Related Children Age 5-17 in Families in Poverty for Wayne County, OH
        • 2u Lower Bound of Estimate of People of All Ages in Poverty for Wayne County, OH
        • 2v Lower Bound of Estimate of People Age 0-17 in Poverty for Wayne County, OH
        • 2w Upper Bound of Estimate of Related Children Age 5-17 in Families in Poverty for Wayne County, OH
        • 2x Upper Bound of Estimate of People of All Ages in Poverty for Wayne County, OH
        • 2y Upper Bound of Estimate of People Age 0-17 in Poverty for Wayne County, OH
        • 2z Lower Bound of Estimate of Percent of Related Children Age 5-17 in Families in Poverty for Wayne County, OH
        • 30 Lower Bound of Estimate of Percent of People of All Ages in Poverty for Wayne County, OH
        • 31 Lower Bound of Estimate of Percent of People Age 0-17 in Poverty for Wayne County, OH
        • 32 Upper Bound of Estimate of Percent of Related Children Age 5-17 in Families in Poverty for Wayne County, OH
        • 33 Upper Bound of Estimate of Percent of People of All Ages in Poverty for Wayne County, OH
        • 34 Upper Bound of Estimate of Percent of People Age 0-17 in Poverty for Wayne County, OH
      • Estimate of
        • 35 Median Household Income for Wayne County, OH
        • 36 Related Children Age 5-17 in Families in Poverty for Wayne County, OH
        • 37 People of All Ages in Poverty in Wayne County, OH
        • 38 People Age 0-17 in Poverty in Wayne County, OH
      • Housing Inventory: New Listing Count
        • 39 in Wayne County, OH
        • 3a Month-Over-Month in Wayne County, OH
        • 3b Year-Over-Year in Wayne County, OH
      • Housing Inventory: Pending Listing Count
        • 3c in Wayne County, OH
        • 3d Month-Over-Month in Wayne County, OH
        • 3e Year-Over-Year in Wayne County, OH
      • Housing Inventory: Pending
        • 3f Ratio in Wayne County, OH
        • 3g Ratio Month-Over-Month in Wayne County, OH
        • 3h Ratio Year-Over-Year in Wayne County, OH
      • Estimated Percent of
        • 3i Related Children Age 5-17 in Families in Poverty for Wayne County, OH
        • 3j People of All Ages in Poverty for Wayne County, OH
        • 3k People Age 0-17 in Poverty for Wayne County, OH
      • Housing Inventory: Price Increased Count
        • 3l in Wayne County, OH
        • 3m Month-Over-Month in Wayne County, OH
        • 3n Year-Over-Year in Wayne County, OH
      • Housing Inventory: Price
        • 3o Reduced Count in Wayne County, OH
        • 3p Reduced Count Month-Over-Month in Wayne County, OH
        • 3q Reduced Count Year-Over-Year in Wayne County, OH
      • Poverty Universe, Age
        • 3r 0-17 for Wayne County, OH
        • 3s 5-17 related for Wayne County, OH
      • 3t Poverty Universe,: All Ages for Wayne County, OH
      • Real Gross Domestic Product:
        • 3u All Industries in Wayne County, OH
        • 3v Private Goods-Producing Industries in Wayne County, OH
        • 3w Government and Government Enterprises in Wayne County, OH
        • 3x Private Services-Providing Industries in Wayne County, OH
      • Housing Inventory: Total Listing Count
        • 3y in Wayne County, OH
        • 3z Month-Over-Month in Wayne County, OH
        • 40 Year-Over-Year in Wayne County, OH