methods, notes and classification Health Statistics - Selected Data Methoden, Erläuterungen und Klassifizierung

*                                                                                 *
* OECD STATISTICS                                                                 *
* PARIS                   OECD Health Statistics - Selected Data                  *
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    1   XXX......   Country
    2   ...XX....   Variable
    3   .....XXXX   Blank

SUB-CODE  1 : Country
	  AUS Australia
	  AUT Austria
	  BEL Belgium
	  CAN Canada
          CHI Chile
	  CZE Czech Republic
	  DNK Denmark
          EST Estonia
	  FIN Finland
          FRA France
	  DEU Germany
	  GCR Greece
	  HUN Hungary
	  ICE Iceland
	  IRE Ireland
          ISR Israel
	  ITA Italy
	  JPN Japan
	  KOR Korea (Republic of)
	  LUX Luxembourg
	  MEX Mexico
	  NLD Netherlands
	  NZL New Zealand
	  NOR Norway
	  POL Poland
	  PRT Portugal
	  SLK Slovak Republic
          SLV Slovenia
	  ESP Spain
	  SWE Sweden
	  CHE Switzerland
	  TUR Turkey
	  GBR United Kingdom
	  USA United States

SUB-Code  2 : Variable
           01 Total expenditure on health, % of gross domestic product
           02 Total health expenditure per capita, US$ PPP
           03 Public expenditure on health, % total expenditure on health
           04 Public health expenditure per capita, US$ PPP
           05 Out-of-pocket expenditure on health, % of total expenditure on health
           06 Out-of-pocket expenditure on health, US$ PPP
           07 Pharmaceutical expenditure, % total expenditure on health
           08 Pharmaceutical expenditure per capita, US$ PPP
           09 Practising physicians, density per 1 000 population
           10 Professionally active physicians, density per 1 000 population
           11 Practising nurses, density per 1 000 population
           12 Professionally active nurses, density per 1 000 population
           13 Medical graduates, density per 100 000 population
           14 Nursing graduates, density per 100 000 population
           15 Hospital beds, density per 1 000 population
           16 Curative (acute) care beds, density per 1 000 population
           17 Psychiatric care beds, per 1 000 population
           18 MRI units per million population
           19 CT Scanners per million population
           20 Mammographs per million population
           21 Radiation therapy equipment per million population
           22 Doctor consultations per capita
           23 Vaccination rates against measles
           24 Vaccination rates against DTP
           25 Vaccination rates agains influenza for people 65 and over
           26 MRI exams, per 1000 population, total
           27 MRI exams, per 1000 population, in hospitals
           28 MRI exams, per 1000 population, in ambulatory care
           29 CT scanners exams, per 1000 population, total
           30 CT scanners exams, per 1000 population, in hospitals
           31 CT scanners exams, per 1000 population, in ambulatory care
           32 Hospital discharge rates, all causes, per 100 000 population
           33 Average length of stay for acute care, all conditions, days
           34 Average length of stay for a normal delivery, days
           35 Caesarean sections, per 1000 live births
           36 Life expectancy at birth, Females
           37 Life expectancy at birth, Males
           38 Life expectancy at birth, Total Population
           39 Life expectancy at 65 years old, females
           40 Life expectancy at 65 years old, males
           41 Infant mortality rate, deaths per 1 000 live births
           42 Potential years of life lost (PYLL), all causes, females, years
           43 Potential years of life lost (PYLL), all causes, males, years
           44 Causes of mortality, Suicides, deaths per 100 000 population
           45 Tobacco consumption, % of adult females who are daily smokers
           46 Tobacco consumption, % of adult males who are daily smokers
           47 Tobacco consumption, % of adult population who are daily smokers
           48 Alcohol consumption, litres per population aged 15+
           49 Obesity, percentage of females with a BMI>30 kg/m2, based on self-reports
           50 Obesity, percentage of males with a BMI>30 kg/m2, based on self-reports
           51 Obesity, percentage of adult population with a BMI>30 kg/m2, based on self-reports
           52 Obesity, percentage of females with a BMI>30 kg/m2, based on measures of height and weight
           53 Obesity, percentage of males with a BMI>30 kg/m2, based on measures of height and weight
           54 Obesity, percentage of adult population with a BMI>30 kg/m2, based on measures of height and weight

    • 01 Total expenditure on health, % of gross domestic product
    • 02 Total health expenditure per capita, US$ PPP
    • 03 Public expenditure on health, % total expenditure on health
    • 04 Public health expenditure per capita, US$ PPP
    • 05 Out-of-pocket expenditure on health, % of total expenditure on health
    • 06 Out-of-pocket expenditure on health, US$ PPP
    • 07 Pharmaceutical expenditure, % total expenditure on health
    • 08 Pharmaceutical expenditure per capita, US$ PPP
    • 09 Practising physicians, density per 1 000 population
    • 10 Professionally active physicians, density per 1 000 population
    • 11 Practising nurses, density per 1 000 population
    • 12 Professionally active nurses, density per 1 000 population
    • 13 Medical graduates, density per 100 000 population
    • 14 Nursing graduates, density per 100 000 population
    • 15 Hospital beds, density per 1 000 population
    • 16 Curative (acute) care beds, density per 1 000 population
    • 17 Psychiatric care beds, per 1 000 population
    • 18 MRI units per million population
    • 19 CT Scanners per million population
    • 20 Mammographs per million population
    • 21 Radiation therapy equipment per million population
    • 22 Doctor consultations per capita
    • 23 Vaccination rates against measles
    • 24 Vaccination rates against DTP
    • 25 Vaccination rates agains influenza for people 65 and over
    • 26 MRI exams, per 1000 population, total
    • 27 MRI exams, per 1000 population, in hospitals
    • 28 MRI exams, per 1000 population, in ambulatory care
    • 29 CT scanners exams, per 1000 population, total
    • 30 CT scanners exams, per 1000 population, in hospitals
    • 31 CT scanners exams, per 1000 population, in ambulatory care
    • 32 Hospital discharge rates, all causes, per 100 000 population
    • 33 Average length of stay for acute care, all conditions, days
    • 34 Average length of stay for a normal delivery, days
    • 35 Caesarean sections, per 1000 live births
    • 36 Life expectancy at birth, Females
    • 37 Life expectancy at birth, Males
    • 38 Life expectancy at birth, Total Population
    • 39 Life expectancy at 65 years old, females
    • 40 Life expectancy at 65 years old, males
    • 41 Infant mortality rate, deaths per 1 000 live births
    • 42 Potential years of life lost (PYLL), all causes, females, years
    • 43 Potential years of life lost (PYLL), all causes, males, years
    • 44 Causes of mortality, Suicides, deaths per 100 000 population
    • 45 Tobacco consumption, % of adult females who are daily smokers
    • 46 Tobacco consumption, % of adult males who are daily smokers
    • 47 Tobacco consumption, % of adult population who are daily smokers
    • 48 Alcohol consumption, litres per population aged 15+
    • 49 Obesity, percentage of females with a BMI>30 kg/m2, based on self-reports
    • 50 Obesity, percentage of males with a BMI>30 kg/m2, based on self-reports
    • 51 Obesity, percentage of adult population with a BMI>30 kg/m2, based on self-reports
    • 52 Obesity, percentage of females with a BMI>30 kg/m2, based on measures of height and weight
    • 53 Obesity, percentage of males with a BMI>30 kg/m2, based on measures of height and weight
    • 54 Obesity, percentage of adult population with a BMI>30 kg/m2, based on measures of height and weight
    • Reporting Country
      • AUS Australia
      • AUT Austria
      • BEL Belgium
      • CAN Canada
      • CHI Chile
      • CZE Czech Republic
      • DNK Denmark
      • EST Estonia
      • FIN Finland
      • FRA France
      • DEU Germany
      • GCR Greece
      • HUN Hungary
      • ICE Iceland
      • IRE Ireland
      • ISR Israel
      • ITA Italy
      • JPN Japan
      • KOR Korea (Republic of)
      • LUX Luxembourg
      • MEX Mexico
      • NLD Netherlands
      • NZL New Zealand
      • NOR Norway
      • POL Poland
      • PRT Portugal
      • SLK Slovak Republic
      • SLV Slovenia
      • ESP Spain
      • SWE Sweden
      • CHE Switzerland
      • TUR Turkey
      • GBR United Kingdom
      • USA United States