Institutional investors are major collectors of savings and suppliers of funds to financial markets. In 1996 the OECD Committee on Financial Markets launched a study with a view to assessing the impact of institutional investors on the structure and functioning of financial markets. Quantitative information gathered in the context of this exercise is included in the present publication, which provides a unique set of comprehensive statistics on institutional savings and investment in the OECD area. Concepts and definitions are, to a great extent, based on the System of National Accounts.
Data are derived from national sources based on a questionnaire prepared under the auspices of the OECD Working Party on Financial Statistics. Statistics are complemented by methodological country notes. The publication benefited from the work of Financial Statistics Section (of Financial Affairs Division) and could not have been accomplished without the contribution of OECD Member countries.
A. Institutional coverage
In this edition, the term institutional investor mainly refers to insurance companies, pension funds and investment companies collecting savings and supplying funds to the markets. However, other types of institutional wealth (e.g. endowment funds, foundations, etc.) are also included. Data are organised according to the following institutional breakdown:
Insurance companies Life insurance companies Non-life insurance companies
Pension funds (funded private and public schemes) Autonomous pension funds Non-autonomous pension funds
Investment companies Open-end investment companies Closed-end investment Cies
Other forms of institutional investors Foundations and endowment funds Non-pension fund money managed by banks Private investment partnership Other forms
B. Geographical coverage
The statistics relate to twenty-eight OECD Member countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Slovak Republic, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States.
C. Data
Statistics are organised under two main categories: individual country information and comparative data. Sub-categories under these main headings are presented by subject, referred to as "tables" in the classification plan. In addition to these two main categories, there are also annex tables referring to supplementary data useful for a comprehensive coverage of the situation.
Institutional Saving and Investment provides information on the assets by type of institutional investor with detailed breakdowns for financial assets. Some information is also provided on liabilities.
Share of Institutional Investment in Domestic Financial Assets provides the following comparative information for the holdings of individual categories of institutional investors :
This table provides data for eighteen countries: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. It should be noted that the availability of the above details may vary across countries.
Financial Assets of Institutional Investors provide the following comparative information:
Portfolio Composition of Institutional Investors provides total financial assets of institutional investors by country in national currency and the share of different types of assets as per cent of total.
Outstanding Claims of Households on Institutional Investors (as a per cent of outstanding financial assets of households) provides data for fifteen countries: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Korea, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. The categories of investors included vary across countries depending on the availability of the data.
Table 1. Outstanding financial assets of households (in billions of national currency) provides the underlying data used for the calculation of summary table 4.
Table 2. Components of financial assets by domestic and domestic financial sectors provides the underlying data used for the calculation of country table 2.
Table 3. End of year exchange rates provides the exchange rate for each country against the US dollar at close of trading on the last working day of each year. Source, OECD Statistics Directorate.
Table 4. GDP provides gross domestic product figures for 28 OECD countries. Source, OECD Statistics Directorate.
******************************************************************************** * * * OECD STATISTICS * * PARIS INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS - Statistical Yearbook * * ---------------------------------------------- * * * * Internet & DVD: DSI DATA SERVICE & INFORMATION * * D-47476 Rheinberg P.O. Box 1127 * * Phone: +49 2843-3368 Fax: -3230 * ******************************************************************************** CLASSIFICATION PLAN: -------------------- STRUCTURE OF THE CODE : XXX / XX / X / XX / X SUB-CODES : 1 XXX...... Country 2 ...XX.... Investor 3 .....X... Table 4 ......XX. Component 5 ........X Sector (or Blank) SUB-CODE 1 : Country ----------- AUS Australia AUT Austria BEL Belgium CAN Canada CZE Czech Republic DNK Denmark FIN Finland FRA France DEU Germany GRC Greece HUN Hungary ISL Iceland ITA Italy JPN Japan KOR Korea LUX Luxembourg MEX Mexico NLD Netherlands NOR Norway POL Poland PRT Portugal SLK Slovak Republic ESP Spain SWE Sweden CHE Switzerland TUR Turkey GBR United Kingdom USA United States SUB-CODE 2 : Investor ----------- 01 Insurance companies 02 Life insurance companies 03 Non-life insurance companies 04 Pension funds 05 Autonomous pension funds 06 Non-autonomous pension funds 07 Investment companies 08 Open-end investment companies 09 Closed-end investment companies 10 Other forms of institutional investors 11 Other forms of institutional saving 12 Total financial assets for New Zealaand 13 Life insurance companies: Unitised products 14 Life insurance companies: Non-unitised products 15 Investment companies :Unit Trusts & Group Investment Funds,Sociétés d'investissement 16 Pensions Funds, Employment related superannuation 17 Pensions Funds,Other superannuation 18 Other Funds SUB-CODE 3 : Table ----------- Country tables 1 Institutional Saving and Investment (outstanding amounts) 2 Share of Institutional Investment in Domestic Financial Assets (in percent of financial assets of domestic sectors and financial and financial domestic services) Summary tables 3 Financial Assets of Institutional Investors (outstanding amounts) 4 Financial Assets of Institutional Investors (as a per cent of GDP) 5 Portfolio Composition of Institutional Investors 6 Outstanding Claims of Households on Institutional Investors (as a per cent of outstanding financial assets of households) Supplementary tables A Outstanding Financial Assets of Households B Components of Financial Assets by Domestic and Domestic Financial Sectors C End of Year Exchange Rates D GDP of OECD Member Countries SUB-CODE 4 : Component ----------- 01 A. Assets 02 1. Non-financial assets 03 2. Financial assets 04 2.1. Cash and deposits 05 2.2. Bills and bonds 06 2.2.i) Bills and bonds issued by residents 07 2.2.ii) Bills and bonds issued by non-residents 08 2.2.1. Short-term bills and bonds 09 2.2.2. Long-term bonds 10 2.3. Loans 11 2.3.i) Loans to residents 12 2.3.ii) Loans to non-residents 13 2.3.1. Short-term loans 14 2.3.2. Long-term loans 15 2.4. Shares 16 2.4.i) Shares issued by residents 17 2.4.ii) Shares issued by non-residents 18 2.5. Other 19 Other 20 B. Liabilities 21 Of which: Net equity of households 22 Of which: Shares/units issued by investment companies directly held by households 33 of which : Total overseas investment 23 Liabilities of money market funds 24 Holdings of foreign securities 31 Memo item: Exchange traded derivatives: notional amounts out 34 Memo item: Total pension funds 32 Memo item: Assets under the control of asset management cies 25 Financial assets 26 Shares 27 Non-resident shares 28 Bonds 29 Non-resident bonds 30 Loans SUB-CODE 5 : Sector ----------- 1 Domestic 2 Domestic Financial