International Migration Statistics
Table A Immigrants and expatriates: Total population by nationality and country of birth (Unit: number of persons)
Abstract This table contains data on immigrants and expatriates for almost all OECD member countries. This database is the first internationally comparable dataset with detailed information on the foreign-born population. Data are broken down by nationality and by country of birth.
Table B Immigrants and expatriates: Population 15+ by nationality, country of birth and educational attainment (Unit: number of persons)
Abstract This table contains data on immigrants and expatriates for almost all OECD member countries. This database is the first internationally comparable dataset with detailed information on the foreign-born population by level of education. Data are broken down by nationality and by country of birth.
Table C Immigrants and expatriates: Emigration rates by country of birth (Total population and Population 15+) (Unit: rates)
Abstract This table contains data on immigrants and expatriates for almost all OECD member countries. This database is the first internationally comparable dataset with detailed information on the foreign-born population. Data are broken down by total population and population 15+ and by country of birth.
Table D Immigrants and expatriates: Emigration rates for highly educated persons by country of birth (Unit: rates)
Abstract This table contains data on immigrants and expatriates for almost all OECD member countries. This database is the first internationally comparable dataset with detailed information on the foreign-born population. Data are broken down by emigration rates for highly educated persons and by country of birth.
******************************************************************************** * * * OECD STATISTICS * * PARIS International Migration Statistics, part I * * ---------------------------------- * * * * CD-ROM PRODUCTION: DSI DATA SERVICE & INFORMATION * * D-47476 Rheinberg P.O. Box 1127 * * Phone: +49 2843-3368 Fax: -3230 * ******************************************************************************** CLASSIFICATION PLAN: -------------------- STRUCTURE OF THE CODE : XX / X / X / X / XXX / X SUB-CODES : 1 XX....... Residence country or Blank 2 ..X...... Born or Blank 3 ...X..... Table 4 ....X.... Level of education or variable or Blank 5 .....XXX. Country of birth 6 ........X Nationality or Blank SUB-CODE 1 : Residence country ----------- AS Australia AT Austria BE Belgium CA Canada CZ Czech Republic DN Denmark FI Finland FR France DE Germany GR Greece HU Hungary IR Ireland IT Italy JP Japan LU Luxembourg MX Mexico NL Netherlands NZ New Zealand NO Norway PO Poland PT Portugal KR Korea ES Spain SV Slovak Republic SW Sweden CH Switzerland TR Turkey UK United Kingdom US United States AL All residence countries SUB-CODE 2 : Born or Blank ----------- T Total born F Foreign born N Native born U Unknown Blank SUB-CODE 3 : Table ----------- A Immigrants and expatriates: Total population by nationality and country of birth (Unit: number of persons) B Immigrants and expatriates: Population 15+ by nationality, country of birth and educational attainment (Unit: number of persons) C Immigrants and expatriates: Emigration rates by country of birth (Total population and Population 15+) (Unit: rates) D Immigrants and expatriates: Emigration rates for highly educated persons by country of birth (Unit: rates) SUB-CODE 4 : Level of education or variable or Blank ----------- Blank (Tab. A) Level of education (Tab. B) A All LVL ED Variable (Tab. C) T Total Population P Population 15+ Variable (Tab. D) 0 HSERBL15 - 2000 1 HSERCS15 - 2001 SUB-CODE 5 : Country of birth ----------- 000 OECD CTRIES 001 NON-OECD CTRIES 002 OTHERS 003 Australia 004 Austria 005 Belgium 006 Canada 007 Czech Republic 008 Denmark 009 Finland 010 Former Czechos 011 France 012 Germany 013 Greece 014 Hungary 015 Iceland 016 Ireland 017 Italy 018 Japan 019 Korea North 020 Korea South 021 KoreaSouth&North 022 Luxembourg 023 Mexico 024 Netherlands 025 New Zealand 026 Norway 027 Poland 028 Portugal 029 Slovak Republic 030 Spain 031 Sweden 032 Switzerland 033 Turkey 034 United Kingdom 035 United States 036 Afghanistan 037 Albania 038 Algeria 039 American Samoa 040 Andorra 041 Angola 042 Anguilla 043 Antigua&Barbuda 044 Argentina 045 Armenia 046 Aruba 047 Azerbaidjan 048 Bahamas 049 Bahrain 050 Bangladesh 051 Barbados 052 Belarus 053 Belize 054 Benin 055 Bermuda 056 Bhutan 057 Bolivia 058 Bosnia Herzeg. 059 Botswana 060 Brazil 061 British Indian 062 BruneiDarussalam 063 Bulgaria 064 Burkina Faso 065 Burundi 066 Cambodia 067 Cameroon 068 Cape Verde 069 Cayman Islands 070 Chad 071 Chile 072 China 073 Chinese Taipei 074 Cocos Islands 075 Colombia 076 Comoros 077 Congo 078 Congo, Dem. Rep. 079 Cook Islands 080 Costa Rica 081 C⌠te d'Ivoire 082 Croatia 083 CtralAfricanRep. 084 Cuba 085 Cyprus 086 Djibouti 087 Dominica 088 Dominican Rep. 089 East Timor 090 Ecuador 091 Egypt 092 El Salvador 093 EquatorialGuinea 094 Eritrea 095 Estonia 096 Ethiopia 097 Falkland Islands 098 Fiji 099 Former USSR 100 FormerYugoslavia 101 Gabon 102 Gambia 103 Georgia 104 Ghana 105 Gibraltar 106 Grenada 107 Guam 108 Guatemala 109 Guinea 110 Guinea-Bissau 111 Guyana 112 Haiti 113 Holy See 114 Honduras 115 Hong Kong 116 India 117 Indonesia 118 Iran 119 Iraq 120 Israel 121 Jamaica 122 Jordan 123 Kazakhstan 124 Kenya 125 Kirghizistan 126 Kiribati 127 Kuwait 128 Laos 129 Latvia 130 Lebanon 131 Lesotho 132 Liberia 133 Libya 134 Liechtenstein 135 Lithuania 136 Macau 137 Macedonia 138 Madagascar 139 Malawi 140 Malaysia 141 Maldives 142 Mali 143 Malta 144 Marshall Islands 145 Mauritania 146 Mauritius 147 MicronesiaStates 148 Moldova 149 Monaco 150 Mongolia 151 Montserrat 152 Morocco 153 Mozambique 154 Myanmar 155 Namibia 156 Nauru 157 Nepal 158 Nicaragua 159 Niger 160 Nigeria 161 Niue 162 Norfolk Islands 163 NthlandsAntilles 164 NthrnMariana Isd 165 Oman 166 Pakistan 167 Palau Islands 168 Palestinian Try 169 Panama 170 PapuaNewGuinea 171 Paraguay 172 Peru 173 Philippines 174 Pitcairn 175 Puerto Rico 176 Qatar 177 Romania 178 Russia 179 Rwanda 180 Saint Helena 181 Saint Lucia 182 SaintKitts&Nevis 183 Samoa 184 San Marino 185 SaoTome,Principe 186 Saudi Arabia 187 Senegal 188 SerbiaMontenegro 189 Seychelles 190 Sierra Leone 191 Singapore 192 Slovenia 193 SntVinc,Grenadin 194 Solomon Islands 195 Somalia 196 South Africa 197 Sri Lanka 198 Sudan 199 Suriname 200 Svalbard,J.Mayen 201 Swaziland 202 Syria 203 Tadjikistan 204 Thailand 205 Timor-Leste 206 Togo 207 Tokelau 208 Tonga 209 Trinidad&Tobago 210 Tunisia 211 TurkmΘnistan 212 TurksCaicos Isl. 213 Tuvalu 214 Uganda 215 Ukraine 216 UntdArabEmirates 217 UntdRep.Tanzania 218 Uruguay 219 Uzbekistan 220 Vanuatu 221 Venezuela 222 Vietnam 223 VirginIslands,UK 224 VirginIslands,US 225 Western Sahara 226 Yemen 227 Zambia 228 Zimbabwe 229 Other Africa 230 OtherNrthAmerica 231 OtherS&CAmerica 232 Other Asia 233 Other Europe 234 Other Oceania 235 Other 236 Unknown 237 ALL SUB-CODE 6 : Nationality or Blank ----------- F Foreigners N National A All nationalities U Unknown Blank