methods, notes and classification Services: Statistics on Value Added and Employment Methoden, Erläuterungen und Klassifizierung

SERVICES: Statistics on Value Added and Employment


The electronic version of SERVICES: Statistics on Value Added and Employment (Services: VAE) is the latest CD ROM version of the OECD paper publication.

This publication contains national accounts based data on value added and employment in service activities. Its purpose is to document the growth and changes in the structure of the service sector in OECD Member countries over the past thirty years, and to provide basic data for economic analysis in what is now the major economic sector in the OECD area. It also seeks to provide a means of assessing the availability and comparability of data across countries.

Data are derived from Member countries national accounts, and are shown at the most disaggregated activity level available to the OECD Secretariat at the time of publication. The data shown in this report are as far as possible consistent with the data presented in the ôNational Accounts of OECD Countriesö, Volume 1 and 2. In addition OECD publishes business survey based data on services activities in the annual publication ôStructural Statistics for Industry and Services.ö

Contents of the CD ROM

The CD contains the series presented in the paper publication (ISIC Rev.3) and are provided from 1970 to 1999.

The countries The countries are the OECD Member countries. The full list of countries and the corresponding ISO codes, which have been used in the CD ROM, are provided in the classification plan.

The classifications (see also Appendix)

Most OECD countries have recently made the transition from the 1968 System of National Accounts (SNA) to the 1993 SNA, but some are not yet in a position to provide full activity detail and historical series in the new System. The publication provides data according to national availability, on the basis of the 1993 SNA. 1993 SNA recommends use of the International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities, Revision 3 (ISIC Rev. 3), while 1968 SNA uses ISIC Rev. 2. Country tables set out activity detail of national data according to the ISIC Rev. 3, as shown on the following page. Some ISIC Rev. 2 tables are provided in the historic tables in the electronic edition, where detailed historic series on an ISIC Rev. 3 basis are as yet missing.

All publications present ISIC major divisions as well as sub-divisions at approximately the 2-digit level whether data are available or not (if you wish to view only these divisions in Beyond 2020, refer to chapter 4). The series shown in the statistical tables at the 1 and 2-digit levels are as far as possible consistent with the data shown in the ôNational Accounts of OECD Countriesö, Main Aggregates and Detailed Tables publications. However where countries have more detailed activity or historic data that is not consistent with the annual national accounts publication, OECD has sometimes preferred to show the activity detail.

The ISIC Rev. 3 and Rev. 2 major divisions and sub-divisions at the 2-digit level as presented in the tables are provided in the Appendix.

The data

Services: VAE contains four data sets, which correspond to the standard tables of the paper version, but generally include longer time series (from 1970 until the latest available year):

  • Gross Value Added at current prices
  • Gross Value Added volumes (constant prices or chain volume measures)
  • Total Employment
  • Employees

Gross value added data (at current prices and volumes) are calculated, according to national practices, at basic prices, at factor cost, at market prices or at producer prices.

Value added volumes may either be presented at constant prices or chained.

Appendix: 2-digit ISIC codes used for all countries

ISIC Rev. 3 and Rev. 2 major divisions and sub-divisions at approximately the 2-digit level, as presented in the tables for all countries:

ISIC Rev. 3:

G_I 50_64 1. Motor, wholesale and retail trade; restaurants and hotels; transport and communication G_H 50_55 1.1. Motor, wholesale and retail trade; restaurants and hotels G 50_52 1.1.1. Motor, wholesale and retail trade 50 Motor trade and repairs 51 Wholesale and commission trade 52 Retail trade and repairs H 55 1.1.2. Restaurants and hotels I 60_64 1.2. Transport, storage and communication 60_63 1.2.1. Transport and storage 60 Land transport, transport via pipelines 61 Water transport 62 Air transport 63 Auxiliary transport services, travel agencies 64 1.2.2. Communication 641 Postal and courier services 642 Telecommunications J_K 65_74 2. Finance, insurance, real estate and business services J 65_67 2.1. Financial and insurance services 65 2.1.1. Financial intermediation 66 2.1.2. Insurance and pension funding 67 2.1.3. Auxiliary financial services K 70_74 2.2. Real estate and business services 70 2.2.1. Real estate services 71_74 2.2.2. Business services 71 Renting, etc. 72 Computer and related activities 73 Research and development 74 Other business activities 741 Legal and accounting services 742 Architect., engineering, other tech. serv. 743 Advertising services 749 Other business activities n.e.c. L_Q 75_99 3. Other services L 75 3.1. Public administration and defence M_Q 80_99 3.2. Education, health, social work related, other community, social and personal services M 80 3.2.1. Education N 85 3.2.2. Health and social work O 90_93 3.2.3. Other community, social and personal services 90 Sanitary and similar services 91 Membership organisations n.e.c. 92 Recreational and cultural services 93 Other personal services P 95 3.2.4. Private households with employed persons Q 99 3.2.5. Extra-territorial organisations

ISIC Rev. 2:

6 61_63 1. Wholesale and retail trade, restaurants and hotels 61_62 1.1. Wholesale and retail trade 63 1.2. Restaurants and hotels 7 71_72 2. Transport, storage and communication 71 2.1. Transport and storage 72 2.2. Communication 8 81_83 3. Finance, insurance, real estate and business services 81 3.1. Financial institutions 82 3.2. Insurance 83 3.3. Real estate and business services 9 92_95 4. Community, social and personal services 92 4.1. Sanitary and similar services 93 4.2. Social and related community services 94 4.3. Recreational and cultural services 95 4.4. Personal and household services 91 5. Producers of Government services n.e.c. 6. Other producers


A. Structure of the Publication

Most OECD countries have recently made the transition from the 1968 System of National Accounts 1 (SNA) to the 1993 SNA 2 , but some are not yet in a position to provide full activity detail and historical series in the new System. The publication provides data according to national availability, on the basis of the 1993 SNA. 1993 SNA recommends use of the International Stan-dard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities, Revision 3 3 (ISIC Rev. 3), while 1968 SNA uses ISIC Rev. 2 4 . Country tables set out activity detail of national data according to the ISIC Rev. 3, as shown on the following page. Some ISIC Rev. 2 tables are provided in the historic tables in the electronic edition, where detailed historic series on an ISIC Rev. 3 basis are as yet missing.

Data are given for the years 1970 to 1999, where available. Regarding a number of countries for which employment data is provided in terms of full-time equivalents, the electronic edition also shows the number of employed persons and employees.

B. Methodological Notes

  1. Classification

In ISIC Rev. 3 services are defined as all activities in the tabulation categories G to Q, which are summarily described as follows:

G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, personal and household goods;

H Hotels and restaurants

I Transport, storage and communications

J Financial intermediation including insurance

K Real estate, renting and business services

L Public administration, defence and compul- sory social security;

M Education

N Health and social work

O Other community, social and personal serv- ices;

P Private households with employed persons

Q Extra-territorial organisations

In ISIC Rev. 2 services are defined as all activities in major divisions 6 through 9 described as follows:

6 Wholesale and retail trade and restaurants and hotels

7 Transport, storage and communication

8 Financial, insurance, real estate and business services

9 Community, social and personal services

The differences between ISIC Rev. 3 and ISIC Rev. 2 are principally:

a) the separate division 50 for wholesale, retail and re- pairs of motor vehicles and retail sale of automotive fuel; b) the separate division 63 for all supporting and auxil- iary activities to transport regardless of whether it is land, sea or air transport; c) a separate division 71 for all renting and leasing of equipment. In ISIC Rev 2 these were scattered all over the classification; d) a separate division 72 for computer related services; e) a separate division 73 for research and development activities, which were previously classified in social and community services; f) considerable expansion of the activity detail for services.

  1. Market and Non-Market Services The service sector in this study covers both market and non-market services. Market services are defined as those services produced for sale on the market at a price intended to cover production costs and to provide a profit to the producer. Non-market services, on the other hand, cover those services provided to the community as a whole free of charge, or to individual consumers either free of charge or at a fee which is well below 50 per cent of production costs. Under the 1993 SNA market and non-market services are not separately reported if they are involved in the same ISIC activity. However the 1968 SNA recommended that market and non-market services be separately identified.

Non-market services may be produced by Government, by private non-profit institutions serving households and by private households who employ domestic staff. In the ISIC Rev. 2 presentation Government non-market serv-ices are grouped under the heading ôProducers of Gov-ernment Servicesö; the other non-market services are grouped under the heading ôOther Producersö. Though all countries provide separate data (in ISIC Rev. 2) for general government services, defence and compulsory social security, several do not separate non-market educational, health, social, recreational and cultural services from their market counterparts.

  1. Value added Value added is defined as the difference between the value of output (that is sales plus net increase in stocks of finished goods and work in progress) and the value of intermediate consumption (that is the goods and services consumed in the production process). Estimations of value added shown in this document are gross, that is before deduction of consumption of fixed capital.

Gross Value Added (GVA) may be calculated at basic prices, factor cost, producersÆ prices or at market prices. The statistical tables indicate which method of valuation is used. The use of different methods in OECD countries limits the comparability of value-added between countries. These valuations are summarised below.

Market prices are those which purchasers pay for the goods and services they acquire, excluding deductible Value Added Tax (VAT). The term market prices how-ever is sometimes restricted to aggregates such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), whereas the term purchaserÆ prices is used for individual transactions.

ProducersÆ prices are those amounts receivable by the producer for a unit of good or service produced as out-put less any VAT or similar tax, invoiced to the pur-chaser. They exclude separately invoiced transport charges.

Basic prices are those amounts receivable by producers from the purchaser for a unit of good or service pro-duced as output less any tax payable, and plus any sub-sidy receivable, on that unit as a consequence of its pro-duction or sale. They exclude transport charges invoiced separately by the producer.

Factor costs may be derived from basic prices by sub-tracting any other taxes and adding any other subsidies on production that are not related to the number of units produced.

The 1993 SNA recommends valuing output at basic prices or producersÆ prices. The 1968 SNA used factor costs, producersÆ prices and market prices.

GVA at basic prices is output valued at basic prices less intermediate consumption valued at purchasersÆ prices. GVA at producersÆ prices is output valued at producersÆ prices less intermediate consumption valued at purchas-ersÆ prices.

GVA at market prices is output valued at market prices less intermediate consumption valued at purchasersÆ prices. GVA at factor cost is GVA at market prices less any indirect taxes plus any subsidies.

Value added at current prices is usually estimated in the same way as it is defined, namely as the difference between current price output and intermediate inputs. Value added volumes, whether at constant prices or chained may also be derived in the same way, when double deflation or other double indicator methods are used. Many countries, however, use various kinds of single indicator methods such as deflation of current price value added by a price index or extrapolation of base year value added by a volume index. With single indicator methods, constant price value added is derived directly, and not as the difference between constant price gross output and constant price intermediate consump-tion. The OECD publication ôServices: Measuring Real Annual Value Addedö5 describes the various methods used in each country in 1996. There has been some evolution since that time, with a few countries investing considerable effort in development of price measures of services supplied to enterprises. The comparability of volume output measures by activity between countries remains an area of concern, and particularly so in the service industries, which calls for renewed investigation.

  1. Employment

The 1993 SNA introduces a number of measures of em-ployment in particular: - number of jobs; - total hours worked in employee and self-employed jobs; and - full-time equivalent jobs.

The rationale is to find measures of employment which match output data and hence allow analysis of productivity. The recommended measure is total hours worked, a second best is full-time equivalent jobs, the third best option is average number of persons employed in em-ployee jobs and self-employed jobs. Currently very few countries are able to provide hours worked data by detailed activity and it has not proved possible for this edition to provide the full complexity of country employment data. On this occasion the hours worked option has been ignored in favour of data on jobs or persons employed.

The SNA recommends the use of a domestic concept of employment in keeping with the domestic concept of production. Total employment includes all persons en-gaged in the domestic production of a country whether or not they are resident in the country. It covers the working proprietors and unpaid family workers of unin-corporated units as well as employees. Employees cover all persons engaged in the activities of business units, government bodies, private non-profit institutions, ex-cept the proprietors and their unpaid family workers in the case of unincorporated businesses. Domestic staff employed by private households are also included.

Members of the Armed Forces, are classed as employees, irrespective of the duration and type of their service. maison des mΘnages privΘs. Les membres des forces armΘes sont classΘs comme salariΘs, quelles que soient la durΘe et la nature de leur service. The domestic concept of employment is generally used by OECD countries and the categories of employed persons included in employment statistics are usually those recommended by the SNA. The few exceptions are indicated in the Summary Table, ôCharacteristics of employment estimatesö. This table shows for each country the coverage and type of estimate of employment statistics, as far as information was available to the OECD Secretariat at the time of publication.

*                                                                              *
* OECD STATISTICS                                                              *
* PARIS                   Services: Statistics on Value Added                  *
*                         and Employment                                       *
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    1   XXX......   Country
    2   ...X.....   Variable/Table
    3   ....XX...   Industry
    4   ......X..   ISIC Rev.
    5   .......XX   Measure

SUB-CODE  1 : Country
          AUS Australia
          AUT Austria
          BEL Belgium
          CAN Canada
          CHE Switzerland
          CZE Czech Republic
          DEU Germany
          DNK Denmark
          ESP Spain
          FIN Finland
          FRA France
          GBR United Kingdom
          GRC Greece
          HUN Hungary
          IRL Ireland
          ISL Iceland
          ITA Italy
          JPN Japan
          KOR Korea
          LUX Luxembourg
          MEX Mexico
          NLD Netherlands
          NOR Norway
          NZE New Zealand
          POL Poland
          PRT Portugal
          SLK Slovak Republic
          ESP Spain ESP
          SWE Sweden
          TUR Turkey
          GBR United Kingdom
          USA United States

SUB-CODE  2 : Variable/Table
            P Gross Value Added at current prices
            V Gross Value Added volumes (constant prices or chain volume measures)
            T Total Employment
            E Employees

SUB-CODE  3 : Industry


        ISIC Rev. 2
           01 6 61_63 1. Wholesale and retail trade, restaurants and hotels
           02 61_62 1.1. Wholesale and retail trade
           03 63 1.2. Restaurants and hotels
           04 7 71_72 2. Transport, storage and communication
           05 71 2.1. Transport and storage
           06 72 2.2. Communication
           07 8 81_83 3. Finance, insurance, real estate and business services
           08 81 3.1. Financial institutions
           09 82 3.2. Insurance
           10 83 3.3. Real estate and business services
           11 92_95 4. Community, social and personal services
           12 92 4.1. Sanitary and similar services
           13 93 4.2. Social and related community services
           14 94 4.3. Recreational and cultural services
           15 95 4.4. Personal and household services
           16 91 5. Producers of Government services
           17 n.e.c. 6. Other producers
           18 EME, TOTAL EMPLOYEES, All activities
           19 PCT, % of services in total employees, all activities
           20 FISIM, Imputed bank service charge
           21 EMP, TOTAL EMPLOYMENT, All activities

        ISIC Rev. 3
           01 G_I 50_64 1. Motor, wholesale and retail trade; restaurants and hotels; transport and communication
           02 G_H 50_55 1.1. Motor, wholesale and retail trade; restaurants and hotels
           03 G 50_52 1.1.1. Motor, wholesale and retail trade
           04 50 Motor trade and repairs
           05 51 Wholesale and commission trade
           06 52 Retail trade and repairs
           07 H 55 1.1.2. Restaurants and hotels
           08 I 60_64 1.2. Transport, storage and communication
           09 60_63 1.2.1. Transport and storage
           10 60 Land transport, transport via pipelines
           11 61 Water transport
           12 62 Air transport
           13 63 Auxiliary transport services, travel agencies
           14 64 1.2.2. Communication
           15 641 Postal and courier services
           16 642 Telecommunications
           17 J_K 65_74 2. Finance, insurance, real estate and business services
           18 J 65_67 2.1. Financial and insurance services
           19 65 2.1.1. Financial intermediation
           20 66 2.1.2. Insurance and pension funding
           21 67 2.1.3. Auxiliary financial services
           22 K 70_74 2.2. Real estate and business services
           23 70 2.2.1. Real estate services
           24 71_74 2.2.2. Business services
           25 71 Renting, etc.
           26 72 Computer and related activities
           27 73 Research and development
           28 74 Other business activities
           29 741 Legal and accounting services
           30 742 Architect., engineering, other tech. serv.
           31 743 Advertising services
           32 749 Other business activities n.e.c.
           33 L_Q 75_99 3. Other services
           34 L 75 3.1. Public administration and defence
           35 M_Q 80_99 3.2. Education, health, social work related, other community, social and personal services
           36 M 80 3.2.1. Education
           37 N 85 3.2.2. Health and social work
           38 O 90_93 3.2.3. Other community, social and personal services
           39 90 Sanitary and similar services
           40 91 Membership organisations n.e.c.
           41 92 Recreational and cultural services
           42 93 Other personal services
           43 P 95 3.2.4. Private households with employed persons
           44 Q 99 3.2.5. Extra-territorial organisations
           45 EME, TOTAL EMPLOYEES, All activities
           46 PCT, % of services in total employees, all activities
           47 FISIM, Imputed bank service charge
           48 EMP, TOTAL EMPLOYMENT, All activities

            2 ISIC Rev. 2
            3 ISIC Rev. 3

SUB-CODE  5 : Measure
           BP Basic prices
           FC Factor cost
           MP Market prices
           PP Producer prices

           CV Chain volume measures

           PE Persons
           FT Full-time equivalents
           JO Jobs
           PY Person-years
           LU Labour units
           NE not elsewhere classified


Statistics on value added is given in millions of national currency,
on employment and employees in thousands.
    • Gross Value Added at current prices
      • ISIC Rev. 2 data
        • P012 6 61_63 1. Wholesale and retail trade, restaurants and hotels
        • P022 61_62 1.1. Wholesale and retail trade
        • P032 63 1.2. Restaurants and hotels
        • P042 7 71_72 2. Transport, storage and communication
        • P052 71 2.1. Transport and storage
        • P062 72 2.2. Communication
        • P072 8 81_83 3. Finance, insurance, real estate and business services
        • P082 81 3.1. Financial institutions
        • P092 82 3.2. Insurance
        • P102 83 3.3. Real estate and business services
        • P112 92_95 4. Community, social and personal services
        • P122 92 4.1. Sanitary and similar services
        • P132 93 4.2. Social and related community services
        • P142 94 4.3. Recreational and cultural services
        • P152 95 4.4. Personal and household services
        • P162 91 5. Producers of Government services
        • P172 n.e.c. 6. Other producers
        • P192 PCT, % of services in total employees, all activities
        • P202 FISIM, Imputed bank service charge
      • ISIC Rev. 3 data
        • P013 G_I 50_64 1. Motor, wholesale and retail trade; restaurants and hotels; transport and communication
        • P023 G_H 50_55 1.1. Motor, wholesale and retail trade; restaurants and hotels
        • P033 G 50_52 1.1.1. Motor, wholesale and retail trade
        • P043 50 Motor trade and repairs
        • P053 51 Wholesale and commission trade
        • P063 52 Retail trade and repairs
        • P073 H 55 1.1.2. Restaurants and hotels
        • P083 I 60_64 1.2. Transport, storage and communication
        • P093 60_63 1.2.1. Transport and storage
        • P103 60 Land transport, transport via pipelines
        • P113 61 Water transport
        • P123 62 Air transport
        • P133 63 Auxiliary transport services, travel agencies
        • P143 64 1.2.2. Communication
        • P153 641 Postal and courier services
        • P163 642 Telecommunications
        • P173 J_K 65_74 2. Finance, insurance, real estate and business services
        • P183 J 65_67 2.1. Financial and insurance services
        • P193 65 2.1.1. Financial intermediation
        • P203 66 2.1.2. Insurance and pension funding
        • P213 67 2.1.3. Auxiliary financial services
        • P223 K 70_74 2.2. Real estate and business services
        • P233 70 2.2.1. Real estate services
        • P243 71_74 2.2.2. Business services
        • P253 71 Renting, etc.
        • P263 72 Computer and related activities
        • P273 73 Research and development
        • P283 74 Other business activities
        • P293 741 Legal and accounting services
        • P303 742 Architect., engineering, other tech. serv.
        • P313 743 Advertising services
        • P323 749 Other business activities n.e.c.
        • P333 L_Q 75_99 3. Other services
        • P343 L 75 3.1. Public administration and defence
        • P353 M_Q 80_99 3.2. Education, health, social work related, other community, social and personal services
        • P363 M 80 3.2.1. Education
        • P373 N 85 3.2.2. Health and social work
        • P383 O 90_93 3.2.3. Other community, social and personal services
        • P393 90 Sanitary and similar services
        • P403 91 Membership organisations n.e.c.
        • P413 92 Recreational and cultural services
        • P423 93 Other personal services
        • P433 P 95 3.2.4. Private households with employed persons
        • P463 PCT, % of services in total employees, all activities
        • P473 FISIM, Imputed bank service charge
    • Gross Value Added volumes (constant prices or chain volume measures)
      • ISIC Rev. 2 data
        • V012 6 61_63 1. Wholesale and retail trade, restaurants and hotels
        • V022 61_62 1.1. Wholesale and retail trade
        • V032 63 1.2. Restaurants and hotels
        • V042 7 71_72 2. Transport, storage and communication
        • V052 71 2.1. Transport and storage
        • V062 72 2.2. Communication
        • V072 8 81_83 3. Finance, insurance, real estate and business services
        • V082 81 3.1. Financial institutions
        • V092 82 3.2. Insurance
        • V102 83 3.3. Real estate and business services
        • V112 92_95 4. Community, social and personal services
        • V122 92 4.1. Sanitary and similar services
        • V132 93 4.2. Social and related community services
        • V142 94 4.3. Recreational and cultural services
        • V152 95 4.4. Personal and household services
        • V162 91 5. Producers of Government services
        • V172 n.e.c. 6. Other producers
        • V192 PCT, % of services in total employees, all activities
        • V202 FISIM, Imputed bank service charge
      • ISIC Rev. 3 data
        • V013 G_I 50_64 1. Motor, wholesale and retail trade; restaurants and hotels; transport and communication
        • V023 G_H 50_55 1.1. Motor, wholesale and retail trade; restaurants and hotels
        • V033 G 50_52 1.1.1. Motor, wholesale and retail trade
        • V043 50 Motor trade and repairs
        • V053 51 Wholesale and commission trade
        • V063 52 Retail trade and repairs
        • V073 H 55 1.1.2. Restaurants and hotels
        • V083 I 60_64 1.2. Transport, storage and communication
        • V093 60_63 1.2.1. Transport and storage
        • V103 60 Land transport, transport via pipelines
        • V113 61 Water transport
        • V123 62 Air transport
        • V133 63 Auxiliary transport services, travel agencies
        • V143 64 1.2.2. Communication
        • V153 641 Postal and courier services
        • V163 642 Telecommunications
        • V173 J_K 65_74 2. Finance, insurance, real estate and business services
        • V183 J 65_67 2.1. Financial and insurance services
        • V193 65 2.1.1. Financial intermediation
        • V203 66 2.1.2. Insurance and pension funding
        • V213 67 2.1.3. Auxiliary financial services
        • V223 K 70_74 2.2. Real estate and business services
        • V233 70 2.2.1. Real estate services
        • V243 71_74 2.2.2. Business services
        • V253 71 Renting, etc.
        • V263 72 Computer and related activities
        • V273 73 Research and development
        • V283 74 Other business activities
        • V293 741 Legal and accounting services
        • V303 742 Architect., engineering, other tech. serv.
        • V313 743 Advertising services
        • V323 749 Other business activities n.e.c.
        • V333 L_Q 75_99 3. Other services
        • V343 L 75 3.1. Public administration and defence
        • V353 M_Q 80_99 3.2. Education, health, social work related, other community, social and personal services
        • V363 M 80 3.2.1. Education
        • V373 N 85 3.2.2. Health and social work
        • V383 O 90_93 3.2.3. Other community, social and personal services
        • V393 90 Sanitary and similar services
        • V403 91 Membership organisations n.e.c.
        • V413 92 Recreational and cultural services
        • V423 93 Other personal services
        • V433 P 95 3.2.4. Private households with employed persons
        • V463 PCT, % of services in total employees, all activities
        • V473 FISIM, Imputed bank service charge
    • Total Employment
      • ISIC Rev. 2 data
        • T012 6 61_63 1. Wholesale and retail trade, restaurants and hotels
        • T022 61_62 1.1. Wholesale and retail trade
        • T032 63 1.2. Restaurants and hotels
        • T042 7 71_72 2. Transport, storage and communication
        • T052 71 2.1. Transport and storage
        • T062 72 2.2. Communication
        • T072 8 81_83 3. Finance, insurance, real estate and business services
        • T082 81 3.1. Financial institutions
        • T092 82 3.2. Insurance
        • T102 83 3.3. Real estate and business services
        • T112 92_95 4. Community, social and personal services
        • T122 92 4.1. Sanitary and similar services
        • T132 93 4.2. Social and related community services
        • T142 94 4.3. Recreational and cultural services
        • T152 95 4.4. Personal and household services
        • T162 91 5. Producers of Government services
        • T172 n.e.c. 6. Other producers
        • T192 PCT, % of services in total employees, all activities
        • T212 EMP, TOTAL EMPLOYMENT, All activities
      • ISIC Rev. 3 data
        • T013 G_I 50_64 1. Motor, wholesale and retail trade; restaurants and hotels; transport and communication
        • T023 G_H 50_55 1.1. Motor, wholesale and retail trade; restaurants and hotels
        • T033 G 50_52 1.1.1. Motor, wholesale and retail trade
        • T043 50 Motor trade and repairs
        • T053 51 Wholesale and commission trade
        • T063 52 Retail trade and repairs
        • T073 H 55 1.1.2. Restaurants and hotels
        • T083 I 60_64 1.2. Transport, storage and communication
        • T093 60_63 1.2.1. Transport and storage
        • T103 60 Land transport, transport via pipelines
        • T113 61 Water transport
        • T123 62 Air transport
        • T133 63 Auxiliary transport services, travel agencies
        • T143 64 1.2.2. Communication
        • T153 641 Postal and courier services
        • T163 642 Telecommunications
        • T173 J_K 65_74 2. Finance, insurance, real estate and business services
        • T183 J 65_67 2.1. Financial and insurance services
        • T193 65 2.1.1. Financial intermediation
        • T203 66 2.1.2. Insurance and pension funding
        • T213 67 2.1.3. Auxiliary financial services
        • T223 K 70_74 2.2. Real estate and business services
        • T233 70 2.2.1. Real estate services
        • T243 71_74 2.2.2. Business services
        • T253 71 Renting, etc.
        • T263 72 Computer and related activities
        • T273 73 Research and development
        • T283 74 Other business activities
        • T293 741 Legal and accounting services
        • T303 742 Architect., engineering, other tech. serv.
        • T313 743 Advertising services
        • T323 749 Other business activities n.e.c.
        • T333 L_Q 75_99 3. Other services
        • T343 L 75 3.1. Public administration and defence
        • T353 M_Q 80_99 3.2. Education, health, social work related, other community, social and personal services
        • T363 M 80 3.2.1. Education
        • T373 N 85 3.2.2. Health and social work
        • T383 O 90_93 3.2.3. Other community, social and personal services
        • T393 90 Sanitary and similar services
        • T403 91 Membership organisations n.e.c.
        • T413 92 Recreational and cultural services
        • T423 93 Other personal services
        • T433 P 95 3.2.4. Private households with employed persons
        • T443 Q 99 3.2.5. Extra-territorial organisations
        • T463 PCT, % of services in total employees, all activities
        • T483 EMP, TOTAL EMPLOYMENT, All activities
    • Employees
      • ISIC Rev. 2 data
        • E012 6 61_63 1. Wholesale and retail trade, restaurants and hotels
        • E022 61_62 1.1. Wholesale and retail trade
        • E032 63 1.2. Restaurants and hotels
        • E042 7 71_72 2. Transport, storage and communication
        • E052 71 2.1. Transport and storage
        • E062 72 2.2. Communication
        • E072 8 81_83 3. Finance, insurance, real estate and business services
        • E082 81 3.1. Financial institutions
        • E092 82 3.2. Insurance
        • E102 83 3.3. Real estate and business services
        • E112 92_95 4. Community, social and personal services
        • E122 92 4.1. Sanitary and similar services
        • E132 93 4.2. Social and related community services
        • E142 94 4.3. Recreational and cultural services
        • E152 95 4.4. Personal and household services
        • E162 91 5. Producers of Government services
        • E172 n.e.c. 6. Other producers
        • E182 EME, TOTAL EMPLOYEES, All activities
        • E192 PCT, % of services in total employees, all activities
      • ISIC Rev. 3 data
        • E013 G_I 50_64 1. Motor, wholesale and retail trade; restaurants and hotels; transport and communication
        • E023 G_H 50_55 1.1. Motor, wholesale and retail trade; restaurants and hotels
        • E033 G 50_52 1.1.1. Motor, wholesale and retail trade
        • E043 50 Motor trade and repairs
        • E053 51 Wholesale and commission trade
        • E063 52 Retail trade and repairs
        • E073 H 55 1.1.2. Restaurants and hotels
        • E083 I 60_64 1.2. Transport, storage and communication
        • E093 60_63 1.2.1. Transport and storage
        • E103 60 Land transport, transport via pipelines
        • E113 61 Water transport
        • E123 62 Air transport
        • E133 63 Auxiliary transport services, travel agencies
        • E143 64 1.2.2. Communication
        • E153 641 Postal and courier services
        • E163 642 Telecommunications
        • E173 J_K 65_74 2. Finance, insurance, real estate and business services
        • E183 J 65_67 2.1. Financial and insurance services
        • E193 65 2.1.1. Financial intermediation
        • E203 66 2.1.2. Insurance and pension funding
        • E213 67 2.1.3. Auxiliary financial services
        • E223 K 70_74 2.2. Real estate and business services
        • E233 70 2.2.1. Real estate services
        • E243 71_74 2.2.2. Business services
        • E253 71 Renting, etc.
        • E263 72 Computer and related activities
        • E273 73 Research and development
        • E283 74 Other business activities
        • E293 741 Legal and accounting services
        • E303 742 Architect., engineering, other tech. serv.
        • E313 743 Advertising services
        • E323 749 Other business activities n.e.c.
        • E333 L_Q 75_99 3. Other services
        • E343 L 75 3.1. Public administration and defence
        • E353 M_Q 80_99 3.2. Education, health, social work related, other community, social and personal services
        • E363 M 80 3.2.1. Education
        • E373 N 85 3.2.2. Health and social work
        • E383 O 90_93 3.2.3. Other community, social and personal services
        • E393 90 Sanitary and similar services
        • E403 91 Membership organisations n.e.c.
        • E413 92 Recreational and cultural services
        • E423 93 Other personal services
        • E433 P 95 3.2.4. Private households with employed persons
        • E443 Q 99 3.2.5. Extra-territorial organisations
        • E453 EME, TOTAL EMPLOYEES, All activities
        • E463 PCT, % of services in total employees, all activities
    • Reporting Country
      • AUS Australia
      • AUT Austria
      • BEL Belgium
      • CAN Canada
      • CHE Switzerland
      • CZE Czech Republic
      • DEU Germany
      • DNK Denmark
      • ESP Spain
      • FIN Finland
      • FRA France
      • GBR United Kingdom
      • GRC Greece
      • HUN Hungary
      • IRL Ireland
      • ISL Iceland
      • ITA Italy
      • JPN Japan
      • KOR Korea
      • LUX Luxembourg
      • MEX Mexico
      • NLD Netherlands
      • NOR Norway
      • NZE New Zealand
      • POL Poland
      • PRT Portugal
      • SLK Slovak Republic
      • SWE Sweden
      • TUR Turkey
      • USA United States