Industriestatistik, auf Ebene ISIC 3 und 4 (Rev. 3, nat. Währung)

Quelle: UNIDO, Geneva

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ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Afghanistan (Footnote:Sum of available data. / Data Supplier:Central Statistic Organization Kabul. / Type of enumeration:Complete enumeration. / Method of data collection:Direct interview in the field and mail questionnaires. / Related national publications:None reported. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Source:Administrative source. / Scope:All registered establishments. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Deviations from ISIC:None reported.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Albania (Scope:All registered enterprises. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Algeria (Method of data collection:Not reported. / Adjusted for non-response:Not reported. / Type of enumeration:Not reported. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Angola (Related national publications:Folha de Informação Rápida sobre Índice de produção Industrial published by Instituto Nacional de Estatística Luanda. / Scope:All establishments. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Concepts and definitions:No deviations from the standard UN concepts and definitions are reported. / Type of enumeration:Sample survey. / Data Supplier:Instituto Nacional de Estatística Luanda. / Source:Quarterly survey of industry. / Adjusted for non-response:Yes (response rate: approximately 80%). / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Method of data collection:Direct interview in the field and mail questionnaires.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Argentina (Adjusted for non-response:Not reported. / Concepts and definitions:No deviations from the standard UN concepts and definitions are reported. / Data Supplier:Instituto Nacional de Estatística y Censos (INDEC) Buenos Aires. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Type of enumeration:Not reported. / Method of data collection:Not reported.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Armenia (Data Supplier:National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia Yerevan. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https://
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Aruba (Adjusted for non-response:Yes. / Reference Period:Calendar year. / Data Supplier:Central Bureau of Statistics Oranjestad. / Type of enumeration:Not reported. / Method of data collection:Not reported. / Deviations from ISIC:None reported. / Related national publications:Enterprises in Aruba published by Central Bureau of Statistics Oranjestad.)
(Unit: numeric)
ISIC-Code: C Total mining and quarrying / Table: Establishments / Reporting Country: Australia (Reference Period:Fiscal year ending 30 June of the year indicated. / Adjusted for non-response:Yes. / Special note:The majority of countries providing data to UNIDO are currently compiling their industrial statistics in accordance with ISIC Revision 4. The most recent time series data for those countries that are presented at 3-/4-digit levels of ISIC Revision 4 are now made available on UNIDOs product <INDSTAT4 ISIC Rev.4> in https:// / Deviations from ISIC:Data have been compiled on the basis of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC). This classification is not fully compatible with ISIC (Revision 3) especially at a high level of disaggregation. / Related national publications:Mining Operations Australia published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics Canberra.)
(Unit: numeric)