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03 Fish and Crustaceans, Molluscs and Other Aquatic Invertebrates
0305 (01/1988-..) Fish, fit for Human Consumption, Dried, Salted or in Brine, Smoked Fish, fit for Human Consumption, Whether or not Cooked Before or During the Smoking Process, Flours, Meals and Pellets of Fish, fit for Human Consumption
03051000 (01/1988-..) Flours, Meals and Pellets of Fish, fit for Human Consumption
03052000 (01/1988-..) Fish Livers and Roes, Dried, Smoked, Salted or in Brine
03053011 (01/1988-12/2011) Fillets of cod ‘gadus Macrocephalus’, Dried, Salted or in Brine, but not Smoked
03053019 (01/1988-12/2011) Fillets of cod ‘gadus Morhua, Gadus Ogac’ and of Fish of the Species ‘boreogadus Saida’, Dried, Salted or in Brine, but not Smoked
03053030 (01/1988-12/2011) Fillets of Pacific Salmon ‘oncorhynchus Nerka, Oncorhynchus Gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus Keta, Oncorhynchus Tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus Kisutch, Oncorhynchus Masou and Oncorhynchus Rhodurus’, Atlantic Salmon ‘salmo Salar’ and Danube Salmon ‘hucho Hucho, SalteD or in Brine, but not Smoked
03053050 (01/1988-12/2011) Fillets of Lesser or Greenland Halibut ‘reinhardtius Hippoglossoides’, Salted or in Brine, but not Smoked
03053090 (01/1988-12/2011) Fillets of Fish, Dried, Salted or in Brine, but not Smoked (Excl. Cod, and Fish Fillets, Salted or in Brine of Pacific Salmon, Atlantic Salmon, Danube Salmon and Lesser or Greenland Halibut)
03053100 (01/2012-..) Fillets, Dried, Salted or in Brine, but not Smoked, of Tilapia ‘oreochromis Spp.’, Catfish ‘pangasius Spp., Silurus Spp., Clarias Spp., Ictalurus Spp.’, Carp ‘cyprinus Carpio, Carassius Carassius, Ctenopharyngodon Idellus, Hypophthalmichthys Spp., CirrhiNus Spp., Mylopharyngodon Piceus’, Eels ‘anguilla Spp.’, Nile Perch ‘lates Niloticus’ and Snakeheads ‘channa Spp.’
03053211 (01/2012-..) Fillets, Dried, Salted or in Brine, but not Smoked, of cod ‘gadus Macrocephalus’
03053219 (01/2012-..) Fillets, Dried, Salted or in Brine, but not Smoked, of cod ‘gadus Morhua, Gadus Ogac’ and of Fish of the Species Boreogadus Saida
03053290 (01/2012-..) Fillets, Dried, Salted or in Brine, but not Smoked, of Fish of the Families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae (Excl. cod and Boreogadus Saida)
03053910 (01/2012-..) Fillets of Pacific Salmon ‘oncorhynchus Nerka, Oncorhynchus Gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus Keta, Oncorhynchus Tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus Kisutch, Oncorhynchus Masou and Oncorhynchus Rhodurus’, Atlantic Salmon ‘salmo Salar’ and Danube Salmon ‘hucho Hucho, SalteD or in Brine, but not Smoked
03053950 (01/2012-..) Fillets of Lesser or Greenland Halibut ‘reinhardtius Hippoglossoides’, Salted or in Brine, but not Smoked
03053990 (01/2012-..) Fillets of Fish, Dried, Salted or in Brine, but not Smoked (Excl. Tilapia, Catfish, Carp, Eels, Nile Perch, Snakeheads, Fish of the Families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae, ANd Fish Fillets, Salted or in Brine of Pacific Salmon, Atlantic Salmon, Danube Salmon and Lesser or Greenland Halibut)
03054100 (01/2012-..) Smoked Pacific Salmon ‘oncorhynchus Nerka, Oncorhynchus Gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus Keta, Oncorhynchus Tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus Kisutch, Oncorhynchus Masou and Oncorhynchus Rhodurus’, Atlantic Salmon ‘salmo Salar’ and Danube Salmon ‘hucho Hucho’, Incl. FilLets (Excl. Offal)
03054200 (01/2012-..) Smoked Herring ‘clupea Harengus, Clupea Pallasii’, Incl. Fillets (Excl. Offal)
03054300 (01/2012-..) Smoked Trout ‘salmo Trutta, Oncorhynchus Mykiss, Oncorhynchus Clarki, Oncorhynchus Aguabonita, Oncorhynchus Gilae, Oncorhynchus Apache and Oncorhynchus Chrysogaster’, Incl. Fillets (Excl. Offal)
03054410 (01/2012-..) Smoked Eels ‘anguilla Spp.’, Incl. Fillets (Excl. Offal)
03054490 (01/2012-..) Smoked Tilapia ‘oreochromis Spp.’, Catfish ‘pangasius Spp., Silurus Spp., Clarias Spp., Ictalurus Spp.’, Carp ‘cyprinus Carpio, Carassius Carassius, Ctenopharyngodon Idellus, Hypophthalmichthys Spp., Cirrhinus Spp., Mylopharyngodon Piceus’, Nile Perch ‘lAtes Niloticus’ and Snakeheads ‘channa Spp.’, Incl. Fillets (Excl. Offal)
03054910 (01/2012-..) Smoked Lesser or Greenland Halibut ‘reinhardtius Hippoglossoides’, Incl. Fillets (Excl. Offal)
03054920 (01/2012-..) Smoked Atlantic Halibut ‘hippoglossus Hippoglossus’, Incl. Fillets (Excl. Offal)
03054930 (01/2012-..) Smoked Mackerel ‘scomber Scombrus, Scomber Australasicus, Scomber Japonicus’, Incl. Fillets (Excl. Offal)
03054940 (01/1988-12/1995) Trout ‘salmo Trutta, Salmo Gairdneri, Salmo Clarki, Salmo Aguabonita, Salmo Gilae’, Smoked, Incl. Fillets
03054945 (01/1996-12/2011) Trout ‘salmo Trutta, Oncorhynchus Mykiss, Oncorhynchus Clarki, Oncorhynchus Aguabonita, Oncorhynchus Gilae, Oncorhynchus Apache and Oncorhynchus Chrysogaster’, Smoked, Incl. Fillets
03054950 (01/1988-12/2011) Eels ‘anguilla Spp.’, Smoked, Incl. Fillets
03054980 (01/2012-..) Smoked Fish, Incl. Fillets (Excl. Offal, Pacific Salmon, Atlantic Salmon, Danube Salmon, Herring, Lesser or Greenland Halibut, Atlantic Halibut, Mackerel, Trout, Tilapia, Catfish, Carp, Eels, Nile Perch and Snakeheads)
03054990 (01/1988-12/1995) Smoked Fish, Incl. Fillets (Excl. Pacific Salmon, Atlantic Salmon, Danube Salmon, Herrings, Lesser or Greenland Halibut, Atlantic Halibut, Mackerel, Trout and Eels)
03055110 (01/2012-..) Cod ‘gadus Morhua, Gadus Ogac, Gadus Macrocephalus’, Dried, Unsalted, not Smoked Stockfish (Excl. Fillets and Offal)
03055190 (01/2012-..) Cod ‘gadus Morhua, Gadus Ogac, Gadus Macrocephalus’, Dried, Salted, not Smoked Clipfish (Excl. Fillets and Offal)
03055910 (01/2012-..) Fish of the Species Boreogadus Saida, Dried, Even Salted, not Smoked (Excl. Fillets and Offal)
03055911 (01/1988-12/2009) Fish of the Species Boreogadus Saida, Dried, Unsalted, not Smoked Stockfish (Excl. Fillets)
03055919 (01/1988-12/2009) Fish of the Species Boreogadus Saida, Dried and Salted, not Smoked Stockfish (Excl. Fillets)
03055930 (01/2012-..) Herring ‘clupea Harengus, Clupea Pallasii’, Dried, Even Salted, not Smoked (Excl. Fillets and Offal)
03055950 (01/2012-..) Anchovies ‘engraulis Spp.’ Dried, Even Salted, not Smoked (Excl. Fillets and Offal)
03055960 (01/1988-12/2003) Lesser or Greenland Halibut ‘reinhardtius Hippoglossoides’ and Pacific Halibut ‘hippoglossus Stenolepis’, Dried, Whether or not Salted, not Smoked (Excl. Fillets)
03055970 (01/2012-..) Atlantic Halibut ‘hippoglossus Hippoglossus’, Dried, Even Salted, not Smoked (Excl. Fillets and Offal)
03055980 (01/2012-..) Fish, Dried, Even Salted, not Smoked (Excl. Cod, Boreogadus Saida, Herring, Anchovies, Atlantic Halibut and Fillets and Offal)
03055990 (01/1988-12/2003) Fish, Dried, Whether or not Salted, not Smoked (Excl. Cod, Fish of the Species Boreogadus Saida, Herrings, Anchovies, Lesser or Greenland Halibut, Pacific Halibut, Atlantic Halibut and Fillets in General)
03056100 (01/2012-..) Herring (Clupea Harengus, Clupea Pallasii), Only Salted or in Brine (Excl. Fillets and Offal)
03056200 (01/2012-..) Cod ‘gadus Morhua, Gadus Ogac, Gadus Macrocephalus’, Salted or in Brine Only (Excl. Fillets and Offal)
03056300 (01/2012-..) Anchovies ‘engraulis Spp.’, Salted or in Brine Only (Excl. Fillets and Offal)
03056400 (01/2012-..) Tilapia ‘oreochromis Spp.’, Catfish ‘pangasius Spp., Silurus Spp., Clarias Spp., Ictalurus Spp.’, Carp ‘cyprinus Carpio, Carassius Carassius, Ctenopharyngodon Idellus, Hypophthalmichthys Spp., Cirrhinus Spp., Mylopharyngodon Piceus’, Eels ‘anguilla Spp.’, Nile Perch ‘lates Niloticus’ and Snakeheads ‘channa Spp.’, Salted or in Brine Only (Excl. Fillets and Offal)
03056910 (01/2012-..) Fish of the Species Boreogadus Saida, Salted or in Brine Only (Excl. Fillets and Offal)
03056920 (01/1988-12/2003) Lesser or Greenland Halibut ‘reinhardtius Hippoglossoides’ and Pacific Halibut ‘hippoglossus Stenolepis’, Salted or in Brine Only (Excl. Fillets)
03056930 (01/2012-..) Atlantic Halibut ‘hippoglossus Hippoglossus’, Salted or in Brine Only (Excl. Fillets and Offal)
03056950 (01/2012-..) Pacific Salmon ‘oncorhynchus Nerka, Oncorhynchus Gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus Keta, Oncorhynchus Tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus Kisutch, Oncorhynchus Masou and Oncorhynchus Rhodurus’, Atlantic Salmon ‘salmo Salar’ and Danube Salmon ‘hucho Hucho’, Only Salted or IN Brine (Excl. Fillets and Offal)
03056980 (01/2012-..) Fish, Only Salted or in Brine (Excl. Herring, Cod, Anchovies, Tilapia, Catfish, Carp, Eels, Nile Perch, Snakeheads, Boreogadus Saida, Atlantic Halibut, Pacific Salmon, Atlantic Salmon, Danube Salmon and Fillets and Offal)
03056990 (01/1988-12/2003) Fish, Salted or in Brine, but Neither Dried nor Smoked (Excl. Herrings, Cod, Anchovies, Fish of the Species Boreogadus Saida, Lesser or Greenland Halibut, Pacific Halibut, Atlantic Halibut, Pacific Salmon, Atlantic Salmon, Danube Salmon and Fillets in GeNeral)
03057110 (01/2012-..) Shark Fins, Smoked
03057190 (01/2012-..) Shark Fins, Dried, Salted or in Brine (Excl. Smoked)
03057200 (01/2012-..) Fish Heads, Tails and Maws, Smoked, Dried, Salted or in Brine
03057900 (01/2012-..) Fish Fins and Other Edible Fish Offal, Smoked, Dried, Salted or in Brine (Excl. Heads, Tails, Maws and Shark Fins)