The menu has been structured as follows:
- “methods, notes and classification”,
- the “filter series” section,
- the "selection" section and
- the "available time series" section.
At the beginning, there is no active filter, so the time series section lists the entire database. Each series comes with its individual “micro-chart” that allows a preview and supports further selection work.
You can access every series directly by going to its direct link shown there: A(nnual), Q(uarterly) or M(onthly).
For multiple time series selections, click the checkboxes and transfer them to the selection section.
At this stage, AllThatStats “Filter Series” supports your filter work. It allows to filter series by keyword, or by using the database search tree:
The tree’s branches are always determined by the underlying classification plans of the source: In this case “Country”, “Subject” and “Measure”.
As an example, try to extract some Consumer Price Indexes:
For this, expand the “Subject” branch first and find the relevant node
- consumer price index
- all items
- total
Check for “total”…
Now expand the location node and check the countries you are looking for, let’s check France, Brazil and India…
The filter works on the fly and updates the “Time Series” list simultaneously. Finally, check for the “index numbers” to transfer them to the selection section for further action.