methods, notes and classification Annual Exchange rates for ITS data methods, notes and classification

Exchange rates for ITS data

Conversion Factors based on Annual Exchange Rates:

Numbers that are presented in this dataset are those used by the OECD to convert national data:

For countries sending data in national currency, the factor used to convert data is an annual exchange rate, built on an average of IMF monthly exchange rates weighted by the monthly trade value of imports and exports. Therefore exchange rates can differ between members of the Eurozone.

For countries sending data in USD, the conversion factor is 1. They must be used as an indication and not as an exchange rates. The annual rates are also available, but are not calculated using a trade weight.

European Union Currency: The national exchange rates for the euro area countries have been converted into Euro. The option chosen by OECD is to convert exchange rates for periods prior ton entry into European Monetary Union.

It means:

Prior to 1999 for Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherland, Portugal, Spain

Prior to 2001 for Greece

Prior to 2007 for Slovenia

Prior to 2009 for Slovakia

Prior to 2011 for Estonia.

Exchange rates

Please read The Statistics Brief Number 2 February 2002 for information concerning cross country comparisons.

*                                                                              *
* OECD STATISTICS                                                              *
* PARIS                  International Trade by Commodity Statistics (HS96)    *
*                        --------------------------------------------------    *
*                        Exchange rates for ITS data                           *                          *
*                                                                              *
* Internet & DVD:                             DSI   DATA SERVICE & INFORMATION *
*                                             D-47476 Rheinberg  P.O. Box 1127 *
*                                             Phone: +49 2843-3320  Fax: -3230 *




    1   XXX......   Reporting country
    2   ...X.....   Flow
    3   ....XXXXX   Blank

SUB-CODE  1 : Reporting country

          AUS Australia
          AUT Austria
          BEL Belgium
          CAN Canada
          CAR Central African Republic
          CHI Chile
		  COL Colombia
		  CRI Costa Rica
          CZE Czech Republic
          DNK Denmark
          EST Estonia
          XEU EU15-Extra EU
          E27 European Union (27 countries)
          E28 European Union (28 countries)
          FIN Finland
          FRA France
          DEU Germany
          GRC Greece
          HKG Hong Kong, China
          HUN Hungary
          ISL Iceland
          IRL Ireland
          ISR Israel
          ITA Italy
          ITV Italy incl. San Marino & Vatican
          JPN Japan
          KOR Korea
          LVA Latvia
          LTU Lithuania
          LUX Luxembourg
          MEX Mexico
          NLD Netherlands
          NZL New Zealand
          NOR Norway
          POL Poland
          PRT Portugal
          RUS Russia
          SVK Slovak Republic
          SVN Slovenia
          ESP Spain
          SWE Sweden
          CHE Switzerland
          CHL Switzerland incl. Liechtenstein
          TUR Turkey
          GBR United Kingdom
          USA United States

SUB-CODE  2 : Flow
            I Imports
            E Exports


Exchange rates are expressed in USD per National Currency Unit
in the ITCS datasets.
To convert trade data from US dollars into National Currency,
trade data in US dollars should be divided by this exchange
    • I Imports
    • E Exports
    • Reporting Country
      • AUS Australia
      • AUT Austria
      • BEL Belgium
      • CAN Canada
      • CAR Central African Republic
      • CHI Chile
      • COL Colombia
      • CRI Costa Rica
      • CZE Czech Republic
      • DNK Denmark
      • EST Estonia
      • XEU EU15-Extra EU
      • E27 European Union (27 countries)
      • E28 European Union (28 countries)
      • FIN Finland
      • FRA France
      • DEU Germany
      • GRC Greece
      • HKG Hong Kong, China
      • HUN Hungary
      • ISL Iceland
      • IRL Ireland
      • ISR Israel
      • ITA Italy
      • ITV Italy incl. San Marino & Vatican
      • JPN Japan
      • KOR Korea
      • LVA Latvia
      • LTU Lithuania
      • LUX Luxembourg
      • MEX Mexico
      • NLD Netherlands
      • NZL New Zealand
      • NOR Norway
      • POL Poland
      • PRT Portugal
      • RUS Russia
      • SVK Slovak Republic
      • SVN Slovenia
      • ESP Spain
      • SWE Sweden
      • CHE Switzerland
      • CHL Switzerland incl. Liechtenstein
      • TUR Turkey
      • GBR United Kingdom
      • USA United States