methods, notes and classification Agricultural Policies in Emerging and Transition Economies methods, notes and classification

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* PARIS                  Agricultural Policies in Emerging and Transition      *
*                        Economies                                             *
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    1   XXX......   Country
    2   ...XX....   Product / Region
    3   .....X...   Table
    4   ......XXX   Variable

SUB-CODE  1 : Country

          ALB Albania
          ARG Argentina
          BLR Belarus
          BRA Brazil
          BGR Bulgaria
          CHN China
          HRV Croatia
          CZE Czech Republic
          EST Estonia
          HUN Hungary
          IND India
          KAZ Kazakhstan
          LAT Latvia
          LTU Lithuania
          POL Poland
          ROM Romania
          RUS Russia
          SVK Slovak Republic
          SVN Slovenia
          ZAF South Africa
          UKR Ukraine

SUB-CODE  2: Product / Region

           32 Total
           01 Wheat
           04 Oilseeds
           06 Milk
           07 Beef and veal
           08 Pigmeat
           09 Sheep meat
           10 Poultry meat
           12 Eggs
           16 Maize
           20 Refined sugar/Sugar beet
           31 Other grains

           EU European union
           OE OECD
           CE Central and Eastern European Countries
           NI New Independent States
           OT Others
           TO Total

SUB-CODE  3 : Table
            1 1. Macroeconomic indicators
            2 2. Basic agricultural indicators
            3 3. Production and consumption
            4 4. Agricultural and food trade
            5 MPS & Consumer Support Estimate by commodity
            6 Producer Support Estimate by commodity
            7 Total Support Estimate
            8 Agro-food trade by destination
            9 Exchange Rate

SUB-CODE  4 : Variable

      Table 1: 1. Macroeconomic indicators
          001 Population; mid-year estimates (million)
          002 GDP (annual per cent change)
          003 Unemployment rate; end of year (per cent)
          004 Inflation; end year changes in consumer prices (per cent)
          005 Exchange rate; annual average (local currency per USD)
          006 Current account balance (USD million)
          007 Current account balance (as per cent of GDP)
          008 Budget balance ( as per cent of GDP)
          009 Merchandise trade balance (USD million)
          010 Foreign direct investment (USD million)

      Table 2: 2. Basic agricultural indicators
          011 Share of agriculture in GDP (per cent)
          012 Share of agriculture in total employment (per cent)
          013 Share of agriculture and food exports in total exports (per cent)
          014 Share of agriculture and food imports in total imports (per cent)
          015 Average share of household income spent on food (per cent)
          016 Gross agricultural Output; total (per cent change from previous year)
          017 Gross agricultural Output; crops (per cent change from previous year)
          018 Gross agricultural Output; livestock (per cent change from previous year)
          019 Agricultural input price index (previous year = 100)
          020 Agricultural output price index (previous year = 100)
          021 Retail food price index (previous year = 100)

      Table 3: 3. Production and consumption
          022 Total grain production (thousand tonnes)
          023 Wheat production (thousand tonnes)
          024 Coarse grain production (thousand tonnes)
          025 Total meat production (thousand tonnes; carcass weight)
          026 Beef and veal production (thousand tonnes; carcass weight)
          027 Pigmeat production (thousand tonnes; carcass weight)
          028 Milk production (million tonnes)
          029 Annual consumption of meat and meat products (kg per capita)
          030 Annual consumption of milk and dairy products (kg per capita)
          031 Annual consumption of grain and grain products (kg per capita)
          032 Annual consumption of potatoes (kg per capita)
          033 Total area sown; crops (thousand hectares)
          034 Grain sown areas (thousand hectares)
          035 All cattle inventories (thousand heads;1 january)
          036 Pigs inventories (thousand heads; 1 january)
          237 Maize  Production (thousand tonnes)
          274 Rice/ paddy  Production (thousand tonnes)
          311 Cotton seed  Production (thousand tonnes)
          348 Potatoes  Production (thousand tonnes)
          385 Sugar Cane  Production (thousand tonnes)
          422 Soybeans  Production (thousand tonnes)
          459 Fruits  Production (thousand tonnes)
          496 Oranges  Production (thousand tonnes)
          533 Coffee  Production (thousand tonnes)
          570 Tobacco leaves  Production (thousand tonnes)
          607 Tea  Production (thousand tonnes)

      Table 4: 4. Agricultural and food trade
          038 Agricultural and food exports (USD million)
          039 Agricultural and food imports (USD million)
          040 Agricultural and food trade balance (USD million)

      Table 5: MPS & Consumer Support Estimate by commodity
          590  I.   Level of production - 000 tons
          540  II.   Producer price (at farm gate)
          690  III.  Value of production (at farm gate)
          580  IV.  Level of consumption - 000 tons
          070  V.   Consumption price (at farm gate)
          660  VI.  Value of consumption (at farm gate)
          600  VII.  Reference price (at farm gate)
          810  VIII. Market price differential
          110  IX.  Market transfers
          620       IX.1.  Transfers to producers from consumers
          270       IX.2.   Other transfers from consumers
          120       IX.3.   Excess feed cost
          050  X.  Budgetary transfers
          650       X.1.  Transfers to producers from taxpayers
          610       X.2.   Transfers to consumers from taxpayers
          210       X.3.   Price levies (-)
          220  XI.  Market Price Support (MPS)
          820  XII. Producer NPC - %
          080  XIII.  Consumer Support Estimate (CSE)
          100       XIII.1  Unit CSE
          090       XIII.2  Percentage CSE - %
          800  XIV. Consumer NPC - %
          060  XV. Consumer NAC

      Table 6: Producer Support Estimate by commodity
          590  I.  Level of production - 000 tons
          690  II.  Value of production (at farm gate)
          550  III.  Producer Support Estimate (PSE)
          220         A.  Market price support
          230               A.1.  Based on unlimited output
          240               A.2.  Based on limited output
          510         B.  Payments based on output
          520               B.1.  Based on unlimited output
          530               B.2.  Based on limited output
          470         C.  Payments based on area planted/animal numbers
          480               C.1.  Based on unlimited area or animal numbers
          490               C.2.  Based on limited area or animal numbers
          330         D.  Payments based on historical entitlements
          340               D.1.  Based on historical plantings/animal numbers or production
          350               D.2.  Based on historical support programmes
          400         E.  Payments based on input use
          410               E.1.  Based on use of variable inputs
          420               E.  Based on use of on-farm services
          430               E.3.  Based on on-farm investment
          360         F.  Payments based on input constraints
          370               F.1.  Based on constraints on variable inputs
          380               F.2.  Based on constraints on fixed inputs
          390               F.3.  Based on constraints on a set of inputs
          300         G.  Payments based on overall farming income
          310               G.1.  Based on farm income level
          320               G.2.  Based on established minimum income
          440         H.  Miscellaneous payments
          450               H.1.  National payments
          460               H.2.  Sub-national payments
          570  IV.  Unit PSE
          560  V.  Percentage PSE - %
          820  VI. Producer NPC - %
          500  VII. Producer NAC

      Table 7: Total Support Estimate
          690  I.    Total value of production (at farm gate)
          700                  1.  Of which share of MPS commodities - %
          660  II.   Total value of consumption (at farm gate)
          550  III.1  Producer Support Estimate (PSE)
          220            A.  Market price support
          260                  A.1.  Of which MPS commodities
          510            B.  Payments based on output
          520                  B.1.  Based on unlimited output
          530                  B.2.  Based on limited output
          470            C.  Payments based on area planted/animal numbers
          480                  C.1.  Based on unlimited area or animal numbers
          490                  C.2.  Based on limited area or animal numbers
          330            D.  Payments based on historical entitlements
          340                  D.1.  Based on historical plantings/animal numbers or production
          350                  D.2.  Based on historical support programmes
          400            E.  Payments based on input use
          410                  E.1.  Based on use of variable inputs
          420                  E.2.  Based on use of on-farm services
          430                  E.3.  Based on use of fixed inputs
          360            F.  Payments based on input constraints
          370                  F.1.  Based on constraints on variable inputs
          380                  F.2.  Based on constraints on fixed inputs
          390                  F.3.  Based on constraints on a set of inputs
          300            G.  Payments based on overall farming income
          310                  G.1.  Based on farm income level
          320                  G.2.  Based on established minimum income
          440            H.  Miscellaneous payments
          450                  H.1.  National payments
          460                  H.2.  Sub-national payments
          560  III.2  Percentage PSE - %
          820  III.3  Producer NPC - %
          500  III.4  Producer NAC
          130  IV.  General Services Support Estimate (GSSE)
          140            I.  Research and development
          150            J.  Agricultural schools
          160            K.  Inspection services
          170            L.  Infrastructure
          180            M.  Marketing and promotion
          190            N.  Public stockholding
          200            O.  Miscellaneous
          080  V.1  Consumer Support Estimate (CSE)
          620            P.  Transfers to producers from consumers (-)
          630                  P.1.  MPS commodities
          270            Q.  Other transfers from consumers (-)
          280                  Q.1.  MPS commodities
          610            R.  Transfers to consumers from taxpayers
          120            S.  Excess feed cost
          090  V.2  Percentage CSE - %
          800  V.3  Consumer NPC - %
          060  V.4  Consumer NAC
          010  VI.  Total Support Estimate (TSE)
          020            T. Transfers from consumers
          030            U. Transfers from taxpayers
          040            V. Budget revenues (-)

      Table 8: Agro-food trade by destination
          041 Agricultural and food exports by destination (per cent)
          042 Agricultural and food imports by origin (per cent)

    • Table 1: 1. Macroeconomic indicators
      • by variable
        • 1001 Population; mid-year estimates (million)
        • 1002 GDP (annual per cent change)
        • 1003 Unemployment rate; end of year (per cent)
        • 1004 Inflation; end year changes in consumer prices (per cent)
        • 1005 Exchange rate; annual average (local currency per USD)
        • 1006 Current account balance (USD million)
        • 1007 Current account balance (as per cent of GDP)
        • 1008 Budget balance ( as per cent of GDP)
        • 1009 Merchandise trade balance (USD million)
        • 1010 Foreign direct investment (USD million)
    • Table 2: 2. Basic agricultural indicators
      • by variable
        • 2011 Share of agriculture in GDP (per cent)
        • 2012 Share of agriculture in total employment (per cent)
        • 2013 Share of agriculture and food exports in total exports (per cent)
        • 2014 Share of agriculture and food imports in total imports (per cent)
        • 2015 Average share of household income spent on food (per cent)
        • 2016 Gross agricultural Output; total (per cent change from previous year)
        • 2017 Gross agricultural Output; crops (per cent change from previous year)
        • 2018 Gross agricultural Output; livestock (per cent change from previous year)
        • 2019 Agricultural input price index (previous year = 100)
        • 2020 Agricultural output price index (previous year = 100)
        • 2021 Retail food price index (previous year = 100)
    • Table 3: 3. Production and consumption
      • by variable
        • 3022 Total grain production (thousand tonnes)
        • 3023 Wheat production (thousand tonnes)
        • 3024 Coarse grain production (thousand tonnes)
        • 3025 Total meat production (thousand tonnes; carcass weight)
        • 3026 Beef and veal production (thousand tonnes; carcass weight)
        • 3027 Pigmeat production (thousand tonnes; carcass weight)
        • 3028 Milk production (million tonnes)
        • 3029 Annual consumption of meat and meat products (kg per capita)
        • 3030 Annual consumption of milk and dairy products (kg per capita)
        • 3031 Annual consumption of grain and grain products (kg per capita)
        • 3032 Annual consumption of potatoes (kg per capita)
        • 3033 Total area sown; crops (thousand hectares)
        • 3034 Grain sown areas (thousand hectares)
        • 3035 All cattle inventories (thousand heads;1 january)
        • 3036 Pigs inventories (thousand heads; 1 january)
        • 3237 Maize Production (thousand tonnes)
        • 3274 Rice/ paddy Production (thousand tonnes)
        • 3311 Cotton seed Production (thousand tonnes)
        • 3348 Potatoes Production (thousand tonnes)
        • 3385 Sugar Cane Production (thousand tonnes)
        • 3422 Soybeans Production (thousand tonnes)
        • 3459 Fruits Production (thousand tonnes)
        • 3496 Oranges Production (thousand tonnes)
        • 3533 Coffee Production (thousand tonnes)
        • 3570 Tobacco leaves Production (thousand tonnes)
        • 3607 Tea Production (thousand tonnes)
    • Table 4: 4. Agricultural and food trade
      • by variable
        • 4038 Agricultural and food exports (USD million)
        • 4039 Agricultural and food imports (USD million)
        • 4040 Agricultural and food trade balance (USD million)
    • Table 5: MPS & Consumer Support Estimate by commodity
      • by product
        • 015 Wheat
        • 045 Oilseeds
        • 065 Milk
        • 075 Beef and veal
        • 085 Pigmeat
        • 095 Sheep meat
        • 105 Poultry meat
        • 125 Eggs
        • 165 Maize
        • 205 Refined sugar/Sugar beet
        • 315 Other grains
      • by variable
        • 5590 I. Level of production - 000 tons
        • 5540 II. Producer price (at farm gate)
        • 5690 III. Value of production (at farm gate)
        • 5580 IV. Level of consumption - 000 tons
        • 5070 V. Consumption price (at farm gate)
        • 5660 VI. Value of consumption (at farm gate)
        • 5600 VII. Reference price (at farm gate)
        • 5810 VIII. Market price differential
        • 5110 IX. Market transfers
        • 5620 IX.1. Transfers to producers from consumers
        • 5270 IX.2. Other transfers from consumers
        • 5120 IX.3. Excess feed cost
        • 5050 X. Budgetary transfers
        • 5650 X.1. Transfers to producers from taxpayers
        • 5610 X.2. Transfers to consumers from taxpayers
        • 5220 XI. Market Price Support (MPS)
        • 5820 XII. Producer NPC - %
        • 5080 XIII. Consumer Support Estimate (CSE)
        • 5100 XIII.1 Unit CSE
        • 5090 XIII.2 Percentage CSE - %
        • 5800 XIV. Consumer NPC - %
        • 5060 XV. Consumer NAC
    • Table 6: Producer Support Estimate by commodity
      • by product
        • 016 Wheat
        • 046 Oilseeds
        • 066 Milk
        • 076 Beef and veal
        • 086 Pigmeat
        • 096 Sheep meat
        • 106 Poultry meat
        • 126 Eggs
        • 166 Maize
        • 206 Refined sugar/Sugar beet
        • 316 Other grains
      • by variable
        • 6590 I. Level of production - 000 tons
        • 6690 II. Value of production (at farm gate)
        • 6550 III. Producer Support Estimate (PSE)
        • 6220 A. Market price support
        • 6230 A.1. Based on unlimited output
        • 6510 B. Payments based on output
        • 6520 B.1. Based on unlimited output
        • 6530 B.2. Based on limited output
        • 6470 C. Payments based on area planted/animal numbers
        • 6480 C.1. Based on unlimited area or animal numbers
        • 6490 C.2. Based on limited area or animal numbers
        • 6400 E. Payments based on input use
        • 6410 E.1. Based on use of variable inputs
        • 6420 E. Based on use of on-farm services
        • 6430 E.3. Based on on-farm investment
        • 6360 F. Payments based on input constraints
        • 6370 F.1. Based on constraints on variable inputs
        • 6380 F.2. Based on constraints on fixed inputs
        • 6390 F.3. Based on constraints on a set of inputs
        • 6300 G. Payments based on overall farming income
        • 6310 G.1. Based on farm income level
        • 6320 G.2. Based on established minimum income
        • 6440 H. Miscellaneous payments
        • 6450 H.1. National payments
        • 6460 H.2. Sub-national payments
        • 6570 IV. Unit PSE
        • 6560 V. Percentage PSE - %
        • 6820 VI. Producer NPC - %
        • 6500 VII. Producer NAC
    • Table 7: Total Support Estimate
      • by product
        • 327 Total
      • by variable
        • 7690 I. Total value of production (at farm gate)
        • 7700 1. Of which share of MPS commodities - %
        • 7660 II. Total value of consumption (at farm gate)
        • 7550 III.1 Producer Support Estimate (PSE)
        • 7220 A. Market price support
        • 7260 A.1. Of which MPS commodities
        • 7510 B. Payments based on output
        • 7520 B.1. Based on unlimited output
        • 7530 B.2. Based on limited output
        • 7470 C. Payments based on area planted/animal numbers
        • 7480 C.1. Based on unlimited area or animal numbers
        • 7490 C.2. Based on limited area or animal numbers
        • 7400 E. Payments based on input use
        • 7410 E.1. Based on use of variable inputs
        • 7420 E.2. Based on use of on-farm services
        • 7430 E.3. Based on use of fixed inputs
        • 7360 F. Payments based on input constraints
        • 7370 F.1. Based on constraints on variable inputs
        • 7390 F.3. Based on constraints on a set of inputs
        • 7300 G. Payments based on overall farming income
        • 7310 G.1. Based on farm income level
        • 7320 G.2. Based on established minimum income
        • 7440 H. Miscellaneous payments
        • 7450 H.1. National payments
        • 7460 H.2. Sub-national payments
        • 7560 III.2 Percentage PSE - %
        • 7820 III.3 Producer NPC - %
        • 7500 III.4 Producer NAC
        • 7130 IV. General Services Support Estimate (GSSE)
        • 7140 I. Research and development
        • 7150 J. Agricultural schools
        • 7160 K. Inspection services
        • 7170 L. Infrastructure
        • 7180 M. Marketing and promotion
        • 7190 N. Public stockholding
        • 7200 O. Miscellaneous
        • 7080 V.1 Consumer Support Estimate (CSE)
        • 7620 P. Transfers to producers from consumers (-)
        • 7630 P.1. MPS commodities
        • 7270 Q. Other transfers from consumers (-)
        • 7280 Q.1. MPS commodities
        • 7610 R. Transfers to consumers from taxpayers
        • 7120 S. Excess feed cost
        • 7090 V.2 Percentage CSE - %
        • 7800 V.3 Consumer NPC - %
        • 7060 V.4 Consumer NAC
        • 7010 VI. Total Support Estimate (TSE)
        • 7020 T. Transfers from consumers
        • 7030 U. Transfers from taxpayers
        • 7040 V. Budget revenues (-)
    • Table 8: Agro-food trade by destination
      • by region
        • EU8 European union
        • OE8 OECD
        • CE8 Central and Eastern European Countries
        • NI8 New Independent States
        • OT8 Others
      • by variable
        • 8041 Agricultural and food exports by destination (per cent)
        • 8042 Agricultural and food imports by origin (per cent)
    • Exchange Rate
      • 9 per US$
    • Reporting Country
      • ALB Albania
      • ARG Argentina
      • BLR Belarus
      • BRA Brazil
      • BGR Bulgaria
      • CHN China
      • HRV Croatia
      • CZE Czech Republic
      • EST Estonia
      • HUN Hungary
      • IND India
      • KAZ Kazakhstan
      • LAT Latvia
      • LTU Lithuania
      • POL Poland
      • ROM Romania
      • RUS Russia
      • SVK Slovak Republic
      • SVN Slovenia
      • ZAF South Africa
      • UKR Ukraine