methods, notes and classification Selling prices of animal products (absolute prices) - annual price (from 2000 onwards) methods, notes and classification

DATA_DESCR The absolute prices on agricultural products show prices on main agricultural outputs and inputs. Since 2006 only annual prices has been collected. Before the statistics also includes monthly prices. Whilst the purpose of agricultural price indices is to reveal trends in the prices of individual agricultural products or product groups, the purpose of the Statistics of Absolute Agricultural Prices is

CLASS_SYSTEM The Member States provide Eurostat with annual price series. The general structure of the EU output and input absolute prices, i.e. the list of products for which absolute prices should be provided, is shown in Annex 4 of the Handbook for EU Agricultural Price Statistics (see annex of the bottom of the page).

STAT_CONC_DEF The comparability of products and means of production for which price series are recorded depends on a certain number of specific characteristics linked to the product under consideration, the procedure for recording the prices and their statistical processing. All these characteristics could have an influence on the price level of a specific product (or means of production). Hence, strict comparability between Member States would require that they should be the same for all the prices collected in individual countries. In reality however, full harmonisation of all the price-determining characteristics between Member States is not feasible. Nevertheless, general agreement has been achieved on the marketing stage, some of the marketing conditions and on the treatment of taxes, levies and subsidies. As outlined above, absolute agricultural prices are often used for economic analyses and in particular for agricultural income analyses. It is therefore evident that the products for which prices are collected fulfil certain criteria. First of all the selected products should be economically relevant in terms of their share in the value of agricultural production. Here it may be useful to consider also products which have not yet an important market share, but which are gaining more and more importance. In the light of inter-country comparisons it is important that the products selected are comparable. On the basis of the explanations given for the definition of prices a set of target definitions has been established. These target definitions comprise definitions for the most important of the "characteristics determining prices". When recording prices the Member States should as far as possible remain within the terms of reference established by Eurostat in agreement with the Working Group on Agricultural Accounts and Prices. In general the target definitions may be divided in two parts: one part which is more or less product/means of production-specific and another part which is common to at least one group of products or means of production (allowing for possible exceptions). The target definitions are presented in Annexá5 of Handbook for EU Agricultural Price Statistics For more detailed explanations on this subject please see Chapter 3 of the Handbook for EU Agricultural Price Statistics

STAT_UNIT Selling prices should thus be recorded at the first marketing stage ("prices from the producer to the trade") and purchase prices of the means of production at the last marketing stage ("prices from the trade to the producer").

STAT_POP The usage of market prices means that prices should be recorded at points which are as close as possible to those of the transactions which the farmer actually undertakes. For more details see the definitions of Marketing stage, Marketing conditions and Rules for handling taxes, levies and subsidies from the Handbook for EU Agricultural Price Statistics.

REF_AREA The EU Agricultural Price Indices refer to the Member States (national level). They are not calculated on a regional level. á

BASE_PER Not applicable

UNIT_MEASURE Prices (Euro per hectare, National currency (including 'euro fixed' series for euro area countries) per hectare).

    • Animal products
      • 00 Young cattle - prices per 100 kg live weight
      • 01 Young cattle (store) - prices per head
      • 02 Heifers - prices per 100 kg live weight
      • 03 Heifers (store) - prices per head
      • 04 Cows - prices per 100 kg live weight
      • 05 Bullocks - prices per 100 kg live weight
      • 06 Calves - prices per 100 kg live weight
      • 07 Calves (of a few days) - prices per head
      • 08 Calves (of a few weeks) - prices per head
      • 09 Pigs (light) - prices per 100 kg live weight
      • 0a Pigs (carcasses) (grade II) - prices per 100 kg
      • 0b Pigs (carcasses) (grade I) - prices per 100 kg
      • 0c Piglets - prices per 100 kg live weight
      • 0d Horses - prices per 100 kg live weight
      • 0e Sheep - prices per 100 kg live weight
      • 0f Suckling lambs - prices per 100 kg live weight
      • 0g Fattening lambs - prices per 100 kg live weight
      • 0h Goats - prices per 100 kg live weight
      • 0i Kids - prices per 100 kg live weight
      • 0j Chickens (live 1st choice) - prices per 100 kg live weight
      • 0k Broiling fowl (slaughtered) - prices per 100 kg dead weight
      • 0l Ducks (slaughtered) - prices per 100 kg dead weight
      • 0m Turkey (slaughtered) - prices per 100 kg by carcass weight
      • 0n Geese (slaughtered) - prices per 100 kg by carcass weight
      • 0o Rabbits - prices per 100 kg live weight
      • 0p Raw cows' milk 3.7% fat content - prices per 100 kg
      • 0q Raw cows' milk actual fat content - prices per 100 kg
      • 0r Whole cows' milk for human consumption - prices per 100 litres
      • 0s Raw sheep milk - prices per 100 kg
      • 0t Raw goats' milk - prices per 100 kg
      • 0u Fresh eggs (whole country) - prices per 100 items
      • 0v Raw wool - prices per 100 kg
      • 0w Honey - prices per 100 kg
    • Currency
      • 00 Euro
      • 01 National currency
    • Geopolitical entity (reporting)
      • 000 Belgium
      • 001 Bulgaria
      • 002 Czechia
      • 003 Denmark
      • 004 Germany
      • 005 Estonia
      • 006 Ireland
      • 007 Greece
      • 008 Spain
      • 009 France
      • 00a Croatia
      • 00b Italy
      • 00c Cyprus
      • 00d Latvia
      • 00e Lithuania
      • 00f Luxembourg
      • 00g Hungary
      • 00h Malta
      • 00i Netherlands
      • 00j Austria
      • 00k Poland
      • 00l Portugal
      • 00m Romania
      • 00n Slovenia
      • 00o Slovakia
      • 00p Finland
      • 00q Sweden
      • 00r United Kingdom
      • 00s Kosovo*