Weights of producer prices of agricultural products - survey 1995
methods, notes and classification
- Unit of measure
- Item of the output index
- 00 Total (excluding fruit and vegetables)
- 01 Total
- 02 Crop products (excluding fruit and vegetables)
- 03 Crop products
- 04 Cereals and rice
- 05 Soft wheat
- 06 Durum wheat
- 07 Rye
- 08 Malting barley
- 09 Feed barley
- 0a Oats
- 0b Grain-maize
- 0c Other cereals and rice
- 0d Paddy rice
- 0e Pulses
- 0f Root crops
- 0g Potatoes for consumption
- 0h Early potatoes
- 0i Main-crop potatoes
- 0j Sugar beet
- 0k Other root crops
- 0l Oilseeds
- 0m Cotton
- 0n Raw tobacco
- 0o Fresh vegetables
- 0p Cauliflowers
- 0q Cabbages
- 0r Lettuce
- 0s Spinach
- 0t Tomatoes
- 0u Cucumbers
- 0v Pepperplant
- 0w Carrots
- 0x Onions
- 0y Peas (green)
- 0z Beans (green)
- 10 Other fresh vegetables
- 11 Fruit
- 12 Fresh fruit
- 13 Dessert apples
- 14 Dessert pears
- 15 Other fresh fruit
- 16 Cherries
- 17 Plums
- 18 Nuts
- 19 Strawberries
- 1a Citrus fruit
- 1b Oranges
- 1c Mandarins
- 1d Lemons
- 1e Dessert grapes
- 1f Olives and olive oil
- 1g Dried fruit
- 1h Nuts and dried fruit
- 1i Flowers, ornamental plants and tree-nursery products
- 1j Seeds
- 1k Wine must or wine
- 1l Wine must
- 1m Wine
- 1n Table wine
- 1o Quality wine
- 1p Other crop products
- 1q Other 'other crop products'
- 1r Animals and animal products
- 1s Animals (for slaughter and export)
- 1t Calves
- 1u Cattle excluding calves
- 1v Pigs
- 1w Sheep and lambs
- 1x Poultry
- 1y Chickens
- 1z Other poultry
- 20 Other animals for slaughter
- 21 Milk
- 22 Cows' milk
- 23 Other milk
- 24 Eggs
- 25 Other animals and animal products
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- 0 Belgium
- 1 Denmark
- 2 Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG)
- 3 Ireland
- 4 Greece
- 5 Spain
- 6 France
- 7 Italy
- 8 Luxembourg
- 9 Netherlands
- a Austria
- b Portugal
- c Finland
- d Sweden
- e United Kingdom