DATA_DESCR Milk statistics are organised in accordance with a well-defined structure: Milk statistics are covered by the following Tables (by alphabetic order): A) Monthly statistics on the collected of cows' milk and products derived therefrom. B) Annual a production and use of milk (all types) in dairies - availability and use. C) Annual a production and use of milk (all types) in agricultural holdings. D) Breakdown of undertakings according to annual amount of milk collection. E) Breakdown of collection centres according to annual amount of milk collection. F) Breakdown of undertakings according to amount of milk processed. G) Breakdown of undertakings according to amount of annual production of certain groups of milk products: - fresh products, - drinking milk, - powdered milk products, - butter, - cheese. H) Protein content of milk products. I) Regional data on production of cows' milk. - in addition, methodological information by Member State is provided.
CLASS_SYSTEM The classification of milk and milk products complies with a detailed classification introduced with the milk legislation.
STAT_CONC_DEF Milk statistics comprise data on the production, collection and processing of milk and milk products. Monthly, annual and three-yearly surveys are conducted by the various Member States. Input indicators: - quantitative aspect weight of milk (all types) produced on farms, weight of milk (all types) for packaging or processing, weight of cream collected, imports (milk - cream- other). - qualitative aspect amount of fat in milk, amount of protein in milk. Output indicators quantitative aspect Quantities of milk products obtained (each covered by a precise definition): - fresh products (drinking milk, semi-skimmed milk, buttermilk, cream, acidified milk, milk-based drinks, etc), - manufactured products (concentrated milk, milk powder, butter, cheese, casein, whey, etc), - retrocessions, - exports qualitative aspect The indicators used are: - amount of fat in packaged or manufactured products, - amount of protein in packaged or manufactured products, - amount of whole milk or skimmed milk used in manufacture.
STAT_UNIT Surveys are conducted among farms (agricultural holdings) and dairies. Surveys are exhaustive in the case of dairies accounting for at least 95% of the cow's milk collected by the Member State.
STAT_POP The monthly data may be compiled by sampling. In that case, the sampling error must not exceed 1% of total national collection (with a confidence interval of 68%). The annual and three-yearly data are compiled exhaustively.
REF_AREA European Union, Member States, EEA/EFTA countries. The results are compiled at the level of the national territory of the Member States, except for regional data for which the results are compiled at NUTS-2 level.
BASE_PER Data are available since 1960, depending on the data of accession to the EU.
UNIT_MEASURE The units of measure are 1000 tonnes and percentage.