Balance of payments by country - monthly data (BPM6)
methods, notes and classification
- Currency
- 00 Million euro
- 01 Million units of national currency
- BOP_item
- 00 Current account
- 01 Current plus capital account (balance = net lending (+) / net borrowing (-))
- 02 Goods and services
- 03 Goods
- 04 Services
- 05 Primary income
- 06 Primary income: compensation of employees
- 07 Primary income: investment income
- 08 Primary income: investment income; direct investment
- 09 Primary income: direct Investment income attributable to equity and investment fund shareholders
- 0a Primary income: reinvested earnings on foreign direct investment (including investment funds)
- 0b Primary income: direct Investment, debt instruments
- 0c Primary income: investment income; portfolio investment
- 0d Primary income: portfolio Investment income on equity and investment fund shares
- 0e Primary income: portfolio investment, investment fund shares; investment income attributable to collective investment fund shareholders
- 0f Primary income: portfolio investment, investment fund shares; reinvested earnings attributable to collective investment fund shareholders
- 0g Primary income: portfolio Investment, debt securities, interest
- 0h Primary income: investment income; other investment
- 0i Primary income: other investment, interest
- 0j Primary income: investment income; reserve assets
- 0k Primary income: reserve assets, interest
- 0l Primary income: other primary income
- 0m Secondary income
- 0n Capital account
- 0o Financial account
- 0p Financial account; direct investment
- 0q Financial account; direct investment, equity and investment fund shares/units
- 0r Financial account; direct investment; equity
- 0s Financial account; direct investment; debt instruments
- 0t Financial account; portfolio investment
- 0u Financial account; portfolio investment; equity and investment fund shares/units
- 0v Financial account; portfolio investment; equity
- 0w Financial account; portfolio investment; equity; listed shares
- 0x Financial account; portfolio investment; equity; unlisted shares
- 0y Financial account; portfolio investment; investment fund shares/units
- 0z Financial account; portfolio investment; debt securities
- 10 Financial account; portfolio investment; debt securities; short term
- 11 Financial account; portfolio investment; debt securities; currency of denomination Euro
- 12 Financial account; portfolio investment; debt securities; all currencies of denomination except EUR and USD
- 13 Financial account; portfolio investment; debt securities; long term
- 14 Financial account; financial derivatives and employee stock options
- 15 Financial account; other investment
- 16 Financial account; other Investment; currency and deposits
- 17 Financial account; other Investment; currency and deposits in Euro currency
- 18 Financial account; other Investment; currency and deposits; short term
- 19 Financial account; other investment; currency and deposits; long term
- 1a Financial account; other investment; insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes
- 1b Financial account; reserve assets
- 1c Financial account; reserve assets; monetary gold
- 1d Financial account; reserve assets; gold bullion
- 1e Financial account; reserve assets; unallocated gold accounts
- 1f Financial account; reserve assets; SDRs
- 1g Financial account; reserve assets; currency and deposits
- 1h Financial account; reserve assets; reserve position in the IMF
- 1i Financial account; reserve assets; securities (equity, investment fund shares/units and debt securities)
- 1j Financial account; reserve assets; other reserve assets (currency, deposits, securities, financial derivatives and other claims)
- 1k Financial account; reserve assets; other claims
- 1l Financial account; reserve assets; debt securities
- 1m Financial account; reserve assets; debt securities; short term
- 1n Financial account; reserve assets; debt securities; long term
- 1o Financial account; reserve assets; equity and investment fund shares/units
- 1p Financial account; reserve assets; financial derivatives
- 1q Net errors and omissions
- Sector (ESA 2010)
- 0 Total economy
- 1 Central Bank
- 2 Monetary Financial Institutions (MFI) other than central bank
- 3 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank
- 4 Money market funds
- 5 General Government
- 6 Other sectors than MFIs and general government
- 7 Financial corporations other than MFIs
- 8 Non-financial corporations, households and non-profit institutions serving households
- Sector (ESA 2010)
- 0 Total economy
- 1 Central Bank
- 2 Monetary Financial Institutions (MFI) other than central bank
- 3 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank
- 4 Money market funds
- 5 General Government
- 6 Other sectors than MFIs and general government
- 7 Financial corporations other than MFIs
- 8 Non-financial corporations, households and non-profit institutions serving households
- 9 Not sectorised
- a Monetary financial institutions (MFI)
- Stock or flow
- 00 Credit
- 01 Debit
- 02 Net
- 03 Assets
- 04 Liabilities
- 05 Balance
- Geopolitical entity (partner)
- 000 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
- 001 European Union - 28 countries (2013-2020)
- 002 Euro area – 20 countries (from 2023)
- 003 Euro area - 19 countries (2015-2022)
- 004 Extra-EU27 (from 2020)
- 005 Extra-EU28 (2013-2020)
- 006 Extra-euro area - 20 countries (from 2023)
- 007 Extra-euro area - 19 countries (from 2015)
- 008 International Monetary Fund
- 009 Rest of the world
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- 000 Belgium
- 001 Bulgaria
- 002 Czechia
- 003 Denmark
- 004 Germany
- 005 Estonia
- 006 Ireland
- 007 Greece
- 008 Spain
- 009 France
- 00a Croatia
- 00b Italy
- 00c Cyprus
- 00d Latvia
- 00e Lithuania
- 00f Luxembourg
- 00g Hungary
- 00h Malta
- 00i Netherlands
- 00j Austria
- 00k Poland
- 00l Portugal
- 00m Romania
- 00n Slovenia
- 00o Slovakia
- 00p Finland
- 00q Sweden
- 00r United Kingdom
- 00s North Macedonia
- 00t Serbia