Turnover by type of media for advertising services
methods, notes and classification
- Economical indicator for structural business statistics
- 0 Turnover or gross premiums written - million euro
- Classification of economic activities - NACE Rev.1.1
- Media
- 0 Total
- 1 Newspapers, magazines and journals
- 2 Advertising material distributed by post
- 3 Radio
- 4 Television
- 5 Internet
- 6 Outdoor and transport advertising (airplanes, buses, taxis, posters etc.)
- 7 Other media
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- 0 Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG)
- 1 Greece
- 2 Spain
- 3 Latvia
- 4 Lithuania
- 5 Romania
- 6 Slovenia
- 7 Slovakia
- 8 Finland
- 9 Sweden
- a Norway
- b United Kingdom