methods, notes and classification Candidate countries and potential candidates: labour market methods, notes and classification

    • Cooperation statistics indicators
      • 0 Average nominal monthly wages and salaries (National currency)
      • 1 Gender pay gap in unadjusted form (%)
      • 2 Tax rate on low wage earners: Tax wedge on labour cost (%)
      • 3 Economic activity rate (15 - 64) (%)
      • 4 Economic activity rate (15 - 64) - males (%)
      • 5 Economic activity rate (15 - 64) - females (%)
      • 6 Total unemployment rate (%)
      • 7 Unemployment rate - males (%)
      • 8 Unemployment rate - females (%)
      • 9 Unemployment rate: less than 25 years (%)
      • a Unemployment rate: less than 25 years - male (%)
      • b Unemployment rate: less than 25 years - female (%)
      • c Unemployment rate: 25 years and over (%)
      • d Total long-term unemployment rate (%)
      • e Long-term unemployment rate: males (%)
      • f Long-term unemployment rate: females (%)
      • g Employment rate (20 to 64 years), males (%)
      • h Employment rate (20 to 64 years), females (%)
      • i Economic activity rate (20 to 64 years), total (%)
      • j Employment rate (20 to 64 years), total (%)
      • k Economic activity rate (20 to 64 years), males (%)
      • l Economic activity rate (20 to 64 years), females (%)
      • m Total employment: number of persons in employment (Thousand)
      • n Population: people aged between 15 and 64 (in private households)
      • o Population: people aged between 20 and 64 (in private households)
    • Geopolitical entity (reporting)
      • 0 Montenegro
      • 1 North Macedonia
      • 2 Albania
      • 3 Serbia
      • 4 Turkey
      • 5 Bosnia and Herzegovina
      • 6 Kosovo (under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244/99)