Financial Vehicle Corporation Assets and Liabilities
methods, notes and classification
- Area (ref_area)
- 00 Austria
- 01 Belgium
- 02 Cyprus
- 03 Germany
- 04 Spain
- 05 Finland
- 06 France
- 07 Greece
- 08 Ireland
- 09 Italy
- 0a Lithuania
- 0b Luxembourg
- 0c Malta
- 0d Netherlands
- 0e Portugal
- 0f Slovenia
- 0g Slovakia
- 0h Euro area (changing composition)
- Adjustment indicator
- 0 Neither seasonally nor working day adjusted
- Financial vehicle corporation reporting sector
- 0 Total FVCs
- 1 Other FVCs (other than those engaged in traditional, synthetic or insurance-linked securitisation)
- 2 Other FVCs (other than those engaged in traditional or synthetic securitisation)
- 3 FVCs engaged in synthetic securitisation
- 4 FVCs engaged in traditional securitisation
- Financial vehicle corporation item
- 0 Assets - Deposits and loan claims
- 1 Assets - Securitised loans
- 2 Assets - Debt securities held
- 3 Assets - Other securitised assets
- 4 Assets - Equity and investment fund shares/units
- 5 Assets - Other (financial derivatives, non-financial assets and remaining assets)
- 6 Liabilities - Loans and deposits received
- 7 Liabilities - Debt securities issued
- 8 Liabilities - Capital and reserves
- 9 Liabilities - Other (financial derivatives and remaining liabilities)
- a Total assets/liabilities
- Original maturity
- 0 Total
- 1 Up to 1 year
- 2 Over 1 and up to 2 years
- 3 Over 2 years
- 4 Over 1 and up to 5 years
- 5 Over 5 years
- 6 Over 1 year
- 7 Up to two years
- MB type of data, flow & position
- 00 Outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stocks)
- 01 Financial transactions (flows)
- 02 Index of Notional Stocks
- Area (count_area)
- 00 World (all entities)
- 01 Euro area (changing composition)
- 02 Extra Euro area
- 03 Other Euro area member states (all countries except the reference area)
- 04 Domestic (home or reference area)
- Balance sheet counterpart sector
- 00 Unspecified counterpart sector
- 01 Non-resident banks
- 02 Non-resident non-banks
- 03 Monetary financial institutions (MFIs)
- 04 Non-MFIs
- 05 General Government
- 06 Non-MFIs excluding general government
- 07 Financial corporations except MFIs and Insurance corporations and pension funds (ICPFs)
- 08 Insurance corporations and pension funds (S.128 and S.129)
- 09 Non-Financial corporations (S.11)
- 0a Households and non-profit institutions serving households (S.14 and S.15)
- 0b Non-MMF investment funds (S.124)
- 0c Other financial intermediaries & financial auxiliaries & captive financial institutions and money lenders (sum of S.125, S.126, S.127)
- 0d Financial vehicle corporations engaged in securitisation
- Financial vehicle corporation originator sector
- 0 All sectors combined
- 1 Euro area, all sectors
- 2 Euro area MFI
- 3 Euro area General Government
- 4 Euro area OFI, non-MMF investment fund and ICPF
- 5 Euro area NFC
- 6 Non-euro area (all sectors)
- 7 Not applicable
- Currency
- 00 All currencies combined
- Balance sheet suffix
- 00 Annual growth rate
- 01 Euro