Large Insurance Group Statistics
methods, notes and classification
- Area
- 00 EU (changing composition)
- Type of insurance business
- 0 Life business
- 1 Non-life business
- 2 Total business
- Large insurance group related item
- 00 Gross premium written (total)
- 01 Liquid asset ratio
- 02 Total assets
- 03 Investments Government Bonds
- 04 Investments Corporate Bonds - Financials - unsecured
- 05 Investments Corporate Bonds - Financials - secured
- 06 Investments Corporate Bonds - Non-Financials
- 07 Investments Loans & Mortgages
- 08 Investments Loans & Mortgages to individuals
- 09 Investments Equity
- 0a Investments Property
- 0b Cash & Deposits (Short-Term Investments)
- 0c Derivative holdings
- 0d Investments Participations
- 0e Investments excluding unit-linked
- 0f Investments for unit-linked
- 0g Investments collective investment undertakings
- 0h Excess of assets over liabilities
- 0i Net premiums earned
- 0j Credit quality of bond portfolio, step 0
- 0k Credit quality of bond portfolio, step 1
- 0l Credit quality of bond portfolio, step 2
- 0m Credit quality of bond portfolio, step 3
- 0n Credit quality of bond portfolio, step 4
- 0o Credit quality of bond portfolio, step 5
- 0p Credit quality of bond portfolio, step 6
- 0q Credit quality of bond portfolio, not available
- 0r Net claims incurred
- 0s Expenses incurred / NWP
- 0t Expenses incurred / net earned premiums
- 0u After tax profit or loss
- 0v Net combined ratio (Net loss ratio plus net expense ratio)
- 0w Retention ratio
- 0x Return on equity
- 0y Return on assets
- 0z Solvency ratio (Available solvency capital/Required solvency capital)
- 10 Net written premiums (NWP)
- 11 Total expenses
- 12 Combined Ratio (net)
- 13 Total Expenses / GWP
- 14 Net Claims / NWP
- 15 Net Claims / Net earned premiums
- 16 Solvency capital requirement (any method)
- 17 Total eligible own funds
- 18 Own funds eligible, Tier 1 restricted
- 19 Own funds eligible, Tier 1 unrestricted
- 1a Own funds eligible, Tier 2
- 1b Own funds eligible, Tier 3
- 1c Duration of technical provisions, Life excluding unit-linked
- 1d Weighted average modified duration - Assets
- 1e Weighted average macaulay duration - Liabilities
- 1f Duration mismatch (asset duration minus liability duration)
- 1g Lapse rate life
- 1h Lapse (number of contracts) life
- 1i Return to gross premiums, non-life
- Large insurance group data type
- 0 First quartile
- 1 Median
- 2 Share of total bond portfolio
- 3 Share of total own funds eligible
- 4 Total (sum)
- 5 Third quartile
- Denom. of series or special calc.
- 0 Annual growth rate
- 1 Euro
- 2 Percentage
- 3 Quantity
- 4 Years