Payment and Settlement Systems
methods, notes and classification
- Area (ref_area)
- 00 European Central Bank (ECB)
- 01 Austria
- 02 Belgium
- 03 Bulgaria
- 04 Cyprus
- 05 Czech Republic
- 06 EU (changing composition)
- 07 Germany
- 08 Denmark
- 09 Estonia
- 0a Spain
- 0b Finland
- 0c France
- 0d Greece
- 0e Croatia
- 0f Hungary
- 0g Ireland
- 0h Italy
- 0i Lithuania
- 0j Luxembourg
- 0k Latvia
- 0l Malta
- 0m Netherlands
- 0n Poland
- 0o Portugal
- 0p Romania
- 0q Sweden
- 0r Slovenia
- 0s Slovakia
- 0t Euro area (changing composition)
- 0u EU27 (fixed composition) as of 31 January 2020 (brexit)
- 0v Not applicable
- 0w Rest of the World
- Payment & settlement system information type
- 0 Credits to the accounts
- 1 Debits to the accounts
- 2 All transactions
- 3 All cash transactions
- 4 Cash advances
- 5 OTC cash withdrawals
- 6 OTC cash deposits
- 7 All card transactions except e-money transactions
- 8 All transactions except e-money transactions
- 9 E-money payment transactions
- a Number of cards
- b Number of terminals
- c Concentration ratio volume
- d Concentration ratio value
- e Number of participants
- f Number of direct participants
- g Number of indirect participants
- Payment & settlement system instrument
- 00 Simple book entry
- 01 All types of payment services
- 02 All types of payment services sent
- 03 All types of payment services received
- 04 Cards issued by resident PSPs, cards (all)
- 05 Cards issued by resident PSPs, cards with a cash function
- 06 Cards issued by resident PSPs, cards with a debit function
- 07 Cards issued by resident PSPs, cards with a credit function
- 08 Cards issued by resident PSPs, cards with a delayed debit function
- 09 Cards issued by resident PSPs, cards with an e-money function
- 0a Cards issued by resident PSPs, cards with an e-money function, of which cards on which e-money can be stored directly
- 0b Cards issued by resident PSPs, cards with an e-money function, of which cards which give access to e-money stored on e-money accounts
- 0c Cards issued by resident PSPs, cards with an e-money function loaded at least once
- 0d Cards issued by resident PSPs, cards with a combined debit, cash and e-money function
- 0e Cards issued by resident PSPs, all cards except e-money function
- 0f Cards issued by resident PSPs, cards with a debit / delayed debit function
- 0g Cards issued by resident PSPs, cards with a credit / delayed debit function
- 0h Cards issued by non-resident PSPs, cards (all)
- 0i Cards issued by non-resident PSPs, cards with an e-money function
- 0j Payment services (sent), total cashless
- 0k Payment services (sent), credit transfers
- 0l Payment services (sent), credit transfers of which non-SEPA
- 0m Payment services (sent), credit transfers initiated in paper-based form
- 0n Payment services (sent), credit transfers initiated electronically
- 0o Payment services (sent), credit transfers initiated electronically in a file/batch
- 0p Payment services (sent), credit transfers initiated electronically on a single payment basis
- 0q Payment services (sent), credit transfers initiated electronically, of which online banking based e-payments
- 0r Payment services (sent), direct debits
- 0s Payment services (sent), direct debits initiated in a file/batch
- 0t Payment services (sent), direct debits initiated on a single payment basis
- 0u Payment services (sent), direct debits, of which non-SEPA
- 0v Payment services (sent), cheques
- 0w Payment services (sent), other e-money storages
- 0x Payment services (sent), other payment services
- 0y Payment services (sent), ATM transactions
- 0z Payment services (sent), direct debits and credit transfers
- 10 Payment services (received), credit transfers
- 11 Payment services (received), direct debits
- 12 Payment services (received), cheques
- 13 Payment services (received), other payment services
- 14 Payment services (sent), e-money payment transactions with e-money issued by resident PSPs
- 15 Payment services (sent), e-money payment transactions with e-money issued by resident PSPs, with cards on which e-money can be stored directly
- 16 Payment services (sent), e-money payment transactions with e-money issued by resident PSPs, with e-money accounts
- 17 Payment services (sent), e-money payment transactions with e-money issued by resident PSPs, with e-money accounts accessed through a card
- 18 Payment services (received), e-money payment transactions with e-money issued by resident PSPs
- 19 E-money purchase transactions
- 1a OTC instrument
- 1b Money remittance received
- 1c Money remittance sent
- 1d Other services (not included in the Payment Services Directive)
- 1e Transactions received via telecommunication, digital or IT device
- 1f Transactions sent via telecommunication, digital or IT device
- 1g Not applicable
- Payment & settlement system entry point
- 00 Via customer terminals provided by resident PSPs
- 01 Via customer terminals provided by resident PSPs - ATMs
- 02 Via customer terminals provided by resident PSPs - cash deposits
- 03 Via customer terminals provided by resident PSPs - cash withdrawals
- 04 Via customer terminals provided by resident PSPs - ATMs with credit transfer function
- 05 Via customer terminals provided by resident PSPs - POS terminals
- 06 Via customer terminals - EFTPOS terminals
- 07 Via customer terminals provided by resident PSPs - POS terminals - of which e-money card terminals
- 08 Via customer terminals provided by resident PSPs - e-money card terminals
- 09 Via customer terminals provided by resident PSPs - e-money card loading/unloading terminals
- 0a Via customer terminals provided by resident PSPs - e-money card accepting terminals
- 0b Initiated remotely
- 0c Payments processing system - large value - TARGET2/TARGET component
- 0d Payments processing system - large value - EURO1/ STEP1
- 0e Payments processing system - retail - STEP2 XCT Service
- 0f Payments processing system - large value - CLS
- 0g Payments processing system - large value - LVPS (non-TARGET) system 1
- 0h Payments processing system - large value - LVPS (non-TARGET) system 2
- 0i LVPS (non-TARGET) system 3
- 0j Payments processing system - retail - STEP2 ICT Service
- 0k Payments processing system - retail - STEP2 SCT Service
- 0l Payments processing system - retail - STEP2 SDD CORE Service
- 0m Payments processing system - retail - STEP2 SDD B2B Service
- 0n Payments processing system - retail system 1
- 0o Payments processing system - retail system 2
- 0p Payments processing system - retail system 3
- 0q Payments processing system - retail system 4
- 0r Payments processing system - retail system 5
- 0s Payments processing system - retail system 6
- 0t Payments processing system - retail system 7
- 0u Via customer terminals provided by non-resident PSPs
- 0v Via customer terminals provided by non-resident PSPs - ATMs with cash dispensing function
- 0w Via customer terminals provided by non-resident PSPs - cash withdrawals
- 0x Via customer terminals provided by non-resident PSPs - POS terminals
- 0y Via customer terminals provided by non-resident PSPs - e-money card loading/unloading terminals
- 0z Over the counter (OTC)
- 10 Not applicable
- Payment & settlement system data type
- 0 Number per million inhabitants
- 1 Number per card
- 2 Number per terminal
- 3 Number per number of overnight deposit
- 4 Number as share
- 5 Growth rate in number of transactions
- 6 Number
- 7 Number as % share in total EU
- 8 Average value
- 9 Value per million inhabitants
- a Value per card
- b Value per GDP
- c Value per terminal
- d Value per euro in overnight deposit
- e Value as share
- f Real growth rate, i.e. growth rate discounting inflation
- g Value
- h Value - % share in total EU
- Area (count_area)
- 00 Austria
- 01 Belgium
- 02 Bulgaria
- 03 Cyprus
- 04 Czech Republic
- 05 EU (changing composition)
- 06 EU 25 (fixed composition) as of 1 May 2004
- 07 Extra-EU (changing composition)
- 08 Germany
- 09 Denmark
- 0a Estonia
- 0b Spain
- 0c Finland
- 0d France
- 0e Greece
- 0f Croatia
- 0g Hungary
- 0h Ireland
- 0i Italy
- 0j Lithuania
- 0k Luxembourg
- 0l Latvia
- 0m Malta
- 0n Netherlands
- 0o Poland
- 0p Portugal
- 0q Romania
- 0r Sweden
- 0s Slovenia
- 0t Slovakia
- 0u EU excluding the Euro area and reference area
- 0v Euro area (changing composition)
- 0w EU member states not belonging to the Euro area
- 0x Domestic (home or reference area)
- 0y Not applicable
- 0z Rest of the World
- Payment & settlement system receiving/acquiring sector
- 0 Unspecified sector
- 1 Credit Institutions (as defined in Community Law)
- 2 Central bank
- 3 E-money institutions
- 4 Post office giro institutions
- 5 Payment institutions
- 6 Non-MFIs
- 7 Public administration
- 8 Clearing and settlement organisations
- 9 Other financial institutions
- a Public authorities, i.e. i) ECB and NCBs and ii) Members States or local authorities
- b Others
- c System (same system, same component)
- d System (same system, another component)
- Currency
- 00 Danish krone
- 01 Euro
- 02 UK pound sterling
- 03 Hungarian forint
- 04 Swedish krona
- 05 All currencies combined
- 06 All currencies except EUR
- 07 Not applicable
- Denom. of series or special calc.
- 0 Euro
- 1 National currency
- 2 Not applicable