0t EU member states not belonging to the Euro area
Derived data economic concept
00 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank (S.122) (MFIs excluding the ESCB and MMFs), outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stocks)
01 Growth rate of total assets of deposit-taking corporations except the central bank (S.122) (MFIs excluding the ESCB and MMFs)
02 Share of other MFIs credit to domestic general government in total assets, excluding remaining assets
03 Share of other MFI FX loans in total loans (excluding inter-MFI loans)
04 Annual growth rate of MFIs new loans to households and non-financial corporations
05 Share of interbank loans in total loans
06 Growth rate of total assets of insurance corporations and pension funds
07 Total assets of MMF and non-MMF investment funds and other financial institutions (OFIs), outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stocks)
08 Total assets of MMF and non-MMF investment funds and other financial institutions (OFIs), financial transactions (flows)
09 Growth rate of total assets of MMF and non-MMF investment funds and other financial institutions (OFIs)
0a Share of liquid assets in short term liabilities
0b Share of other MFIs loans to domestic households for house purchase in total credit to other domestic residents
0c Leverage ratio
0d Lending margin on new business loans to non-financial corporations and households
0e MFIs lending margins on loans for house purchase
0f MFIs lending margins on loans to non-financial corporations (NFC)
0g Lending margin on outstanding loans to non-financial corporations and households
0h Loans to deposits ratio
0i Maturity mismatch
0j Non-deposit funding
0k Total assets of other financial institutions (OFIs) excluding financial vehicle corporations (FVCs), outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stocks)
0l Total assets of other financial institutions (OFIs) excluding financial vehicle corporations (FVCs), financial transactions (flows)
0m Share of short-term funding in total market funding
0n Share of new loans with a floating rate or an initial rate fixation period of up to one year in total new loans from MFIs to households and non-financial corporations
0o Share of new loans to households for house purchase with a floating rate or an initial rate fixation period of up to one year in total new loans from MFIs to households
0p Share of loans with fixation period or residual maturity or next interest rate reset in the next one year in total loans to households
0q Share of loans with fixation period or residual maturity or next interest rate reset in the next one year in total loans to non-financial corporations