methods, notes and classification Real Time Database (context of Euro Area Business Cycle Network) methods, notes and classification

    • Area
      • 00 Japan
      • 01 Euro area (moving concept in the Real Time database context)
      • 02 United States
    • Adjustment indicator
      • 0 Neither seasonally nor working day adjusted
      • 1 Seasonally adjusted, not working day adjusted
      • 2 Working day adjusted, not seasonally adjusted
      • 3 Working day and seasonally adjusted
    • Real time database item
      • 00 Equity index - Dow Jones Eurostoxx 50 index
      • 01 Equity index - Dow Jones, Euro Stoxx, Economic sector index basic materials
      • 02 Equity index - Dow Jones, Euro Stoxx, Economic sector index cyclical goods
      • 03 Equity index - Dow Jones, Euro Stoxx, Economic sector index energy
      • 04 Equity index - Dow Jones, Euro Stoxx, Economic sector index financial
      • 05 Equity index - Dow Jones, Euro Stoxx, Economic sector index healthcare
      • 06 Equity index - Dow Jones, Euro Stoxx, Economic sector index industrial goods
      • 07 Equity index - Dow Jones, Euro Stoxx, Economic sector index non-cyclical goods
      • 08 Equity index - Dow Jones Euro Stoxx broad stock exchange index
      • 09 Equity index - Dow Jones, Euro Stoxx, Economic sector index telecommunications
      • 0a Equity index - Dow Jones, Euro Stoxx, Economic sector index technology
      • 0b Equity index - Dow Jones, Euro Stoxx, Economic sector index utilities
      • 0c Rate - Eonia rate
      • 0d Rate - 1-month Euribor (Euro interbank offered rate)
      • 0e Rate - 1-year Euribor (Euro interbank offered rate)
      • 0f Rate - 3-month Euribor (Euro interbank offered rate)
      • 0g Rate - 6-month Euribor (Euro interbank offered rate)
      • 0h Rate - 3-month Libor interbank Japanese yen deposit rate
      • 0i Equity index - Nikkei 225
      • 0j Equity index - Standard and Poor 500
      • 0k Rate - 2-year Euro area government benchmark bond yield
      • 0l Rate - 3-year Euro area government benchmark bond yield
      • 0m Rate - 5-year Euro area government benchmark bond yield
      • 0n Rate - 7-year Euro area government benchmark bond yield
      • 0o Rate - 10-year Euro area government benchmark bond yield
      • 0p Rate - 3-month Libor interbank US dolar deposit rate
      • 0q Exchange rate, ECB nominal effective exchange rate, broad group of currencies against euro
      • 0r Exchange rate, ECB nominal effective exchange rate, narrow group of currencies against euro
      • 0s Exchange rate, ECB real effective exchange rate CPI deflated, broad group of currencies against euro
      • 0t Exchange rate, ECB real effective exchange rate CPI deflated, narrow group of currencies against euro
      • 0u Exchange rate, ECB real effective exchange rate producer prices deflated, narrow group of currencies against euro
      • 0v Exchange rate, ECB real effective exchange rate ULC total economy deflated, narrow group of currencies against euro
      • 0w Collective consumption expenditure (P32, ESA 95) - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - General government (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
      • 0x Final consumption expenditure (P.3) - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - General government (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
      • 0y Individual consumption expenditure (P31, ESA 95) - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - General government (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
      • 0z Consumption of fixed capital - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - General government (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
      • 10 Compensation of employees (D.1) - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - General government (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
      • 11 Deficit or surplus - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - Local government (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
      • 12 Deficit or surplus - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - Social security funds (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
      • 13 Deficit or surplus - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - State government (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
      • 14 Intermediate consumption (P.2) - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - General government (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
      • 15 Sales - General government (ESA95)-NCBs - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
      • 16 Social transfers in kind via non-government producers - Households (ESA95)-NCBs - General government (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
      • 17 Deficit/surplus without UMTS proceeds - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - Central government (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
      • 18 Deficit/surplus without UMTS proceeds - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - General government (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
      • 19 Primary deficit/surplus without UMTS proceeds - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - General government (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
      • 1a Changes in inventories and acquisitions less disposals of valuables - Current prices
      • 1b Domestic demand including stocks - Deflator
      • 1c Final consumption of general government - Chain linked volumes
      • 1d Final consumption of general government - Deflator
      • 1e Final consumption of general government - Current prices
      • 1f Final consumption of households and NPISHs (private consumption) - Chain linked volumes
      • 1g Final consumption of households and NPISHs (private consumption) - Deflator
      • 1h Final consumption of households and NPISHs (private consumption) - Current prices
      • 1i Gross domestic product at market price - Chain linked volumes
      • 1j Gross domestic product at market price - Deflator
      • 1k Gross domestic product at market price - Current prices
      • 1l Gross fixed capital formation - Chain linked volumes
      • 1m Gross fixed capital formation - Deflator
      • 1n Gross fixed capital formation - Current prices
      • 1o Gross value added at basic prices - agricultural, hunting, forestry and fishing products - Constant prices
      • 1p Gross value added at basic prices - agricultural, hunting, forestry and fishing products - Current prices
      • 1q Gross value added at basic prices - Arts, entertainment and recreation, repair of household goods and other services (NACE Rev2) - Constant prices
      • 1r Gross value added at basic prices - Arts, entertainment and recreation, repair of household goods and other services (NACE Rev2) - Current prices
      • 1s Gross value added at basic prices - construction - Constant prices
      • 1t Gross value added at basic prices - construction - Current prices
      • 1u Gross value added at basic prices - Public administration and defence; compulsory social security; education; human health and social work activities (NACE Rev2) - Constant prices
      • 1v Gross value added at basic prices - Public administration and defence; compulsory social security; education; human health and social work activities (NACE Rev2) - Current prices
      • 1w Gross value added at basic prices - Financial and insurance activities (NACE Rev2) - Constant prices
      • 1x Gross value added at basic prices - Financial and insurance activities (NACE Rev2) - Current prices
      • 1y Gross value added at basic prices - total industry - Constant prices
      • 1z Gross value added at basic prices - total industry - Current prices
      • 20 Gross value added at basic prices - Information and communication (NACE Rev2) - Constant prices
      • 21 Gross value added at basic prices - Information and communication (NACE Rev2) - Current prices
      • 22 Gross value added at basic prices - Real estate activities (NACE Rev2) - Constant prices
      • 23 Gross value added at basic prices - Real estate activities (NACE Rev2) - Current prices
      • 24 Gross value added at basic prices - Professional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities (NACE Rev2) - Constant prices
      • 25 Gross value added at basic prices - Professional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities (NACE Rev2) - Current prices
      • 26 Gross value added at basic prices - Constant prices
      • 27 Gross value added at basic prices - Current prices
      • 28 Gross value added at basic prices - trade, repairs, hotels, restaurants, transport and communications - Constant prices
      • 29 Gross value added at basic prices - trade, repairs, hotels, restaurants, transport and communications - Current prices
      • 2a Imports of goods and services - Chain linked volumes
      • 2b Imports of goods and services - Deflator
      • 2c Imports of goods and services - Current prices
      • 2d Taxes less subsidies on products - Constant prices
      • 2e Taxes less subsidies on products - Current prices
      • 2f Exports of goods and services - Chain linked volumes
      • 2g Exports of goods and services - Deflator
      • 2h Exports of goods and services - Current prices
      • 2i Industrial Production Index, MIG Capital Goods Industry
      • 2j Industrial Production Index, Consumer goods industry
      • 2k Industrial Production Index, Construction
      • 2l Industrial Production Index, MIG Durable Consumer Goods Industry
      • 2m Industrial Production Index, MIG Energy
      • 2n Industrial Production Index, Total Industry
      • 2o Industrial Production Index, MIG Intermediate Goods Industry
      • 2p Industrial Production Index, Manufacturing
      • 2q Car registration, New passenger car
      • 2r Industrial Production Index, MIG Non-durable Consumer Goods Industry
      • 2s Industrial Production Index, Total Industry excluding construction and MIG Energy
      • 2t Industrial Production Index, Total Industry (excluding construction)
      • 2u Employees - total domestic
      • 2v Standardised unemployment, Total (all ages), Female
      • 2w Standardised unemployment, Age 25 and over, Total (male and female)
      • 2x Standardised unemployment, Age under 25, Total (male and female)
      • 2y Hourly Labour cost index - total, Construction
      • 2z Hourly Labour cost index - total, Services - sectors G to K
      • 30 Hourly Labour cost index - total, Whole economy excluding agriculture, fishing and government sectors
      • 31 Hourly Labour cost index - total, Total Industry (excluding construction)
      • 32 Hourly Labour cost index - costs other than wages and salaries, Whole economy excluding agriculture, fishing and government sectors
      • 33 Hourly Labour cost index - wages and salaries, Whole economy excluding agriculture, fishing and government sectors
      • 34 Standardised unemployment, Total (all ages), Male
      • 35 Self-employed - total
      • 36 Total employment - agricultural hunting forestry and fishing products
      • 37 Total employment - Arts, entertainment and recreation, repair of household goods and other services (NACE Rev2)
      • 38 Total employment - construction
      • 39 Total employment - Public administration and defence; compulsory social security; education; human health and social work activities (NACE Rev2)
      • 3a Total employment - Financial and insurance activities (NACE Rev2)
      • 3b Total employment - total industry
      • 3c Total employment - Information and communication (NACE Rev2)
      • 3d Total employment - Real estate activities (NACE Rev2)
      • 3e Total employment - Professional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities (NACE Rev2)
      • 3f Total employment - total domestic
      • 3g Total employment - trade, repairs, hotels, restaurants, transport and communications
      • 3h Unit Labour Cost - Agriculture, hunting, forestry, and fishing
      • 3i Unit Labour Cost - Arts, entertainment and recreation, repair of household goods and other services (NACE Rev2)
      • 3j Unit Labour Cost - Construction
      • 3k Unit Labour Cost - Public administration and defence; compulsory social security; education; human health and social work activities (NACE Rev2)
      • 3l Unit Labour Cost - Financial and insurance activities (NACE Rev2)
      • 3m Unit Labour Cost - Industry, including energy
      • 3n Unit Labour Cost - Information and communication (NACE Rev2)
      • 3o Unit Labour Cost - Manufacturing
      • 3p Unit Labour Cost - Real estate activities (NACE Rev2)
      • 3q Unit Labour Cost - Professional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities (NACE Rev2)
      • 3r Unit Labour Cost - Total
      • 3s Unit Labour Cost - Trade, repairs, hotels, restaurants, transport and communications
      • 3t Standardised unemployment, Total (all ages), Total (male and female)
      • 3u Loans, total maturity, all currencies combined - Monetary and Financial Institutions (MFIs) reporting sector - Euro area counterpart, Non-MFIs excluding general government sector - outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stocks)
      • 3v Loans and securities (credit), total maturity, all currencies combined - Monetary and Financial Institutions (MFIs) reporting sector - Euro area counterpart, Non-MFIs excluding general government sector - outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stoc
      • 3w Monetary aggregate M1, all currencies combined - MFIs, central government and post office giro institutions reporting sector - Euro area counterpart, Non-MFIs excluding central government sector - outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stocks)
      • 3x Money stock M2
      • 3y Monetary aggregate M2, all currencies combined - MFIs, central government and post office giro institutions reporting sector - Euro area counterpart, Non-MFIs excluding central government sector - outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stocks)
      • 3z Monetary aggregate M3, all currencies combined - MFIs, central government and post office giro institutions reporting sector - Euro area counterpart, Non-MFIs excluding central government sector - outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stocks)
      • 40 Eurosystem reporting sector - Base money - World not allocated (geographically) counterpart
      • 41 Monetary aggregate M3 - Base Money (index of notional stock), all currencies combined - MFIs, central government and post office giro institutions reporting sector - Euro area counterpart, Non-MFIs excluding central government sector - outstanding amounts
      • 42 Total Turnover Index, deflated, Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco
      • 43 Total Turnover Index, deflated, Retail sale of household equipment
      • 44 Total Turnover Index, deflated, Retail sale of non food products
      • 45 Total Turnover Index, deflated, Retail sale of textiles, clothing, footwear and leather goods
      • 46 Total Turnover Index, Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
      • 47 Total Turnover Index, deflated, Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
      • 48 HICP - Communication services
      • 49 HICP - Food including alcohol and tobacco
      • 4a HICP - Processed food including alcohol and tobacco
      • 4b HICP - Unprocessed food
      • 4c HICP - Goods
      • 4d HICP - Housing services
      • 4e HICP - Industrial goods excluding energy
      • 4f HICP - Miscellaneous services
      • 4g HICP - Energy
      • 4h HICP - Overall index
      • 4i HICP - Recreation and personal services
      • 4j HICP - Services
      • 4k HICP - Transport services
      • 4l HICP - All-items excluding energy and unprocessed food
      • 4m Construction output prices, All residential buildings
      • 4n Oil price, brent crude -1 month forward
      • 4o Producer Price Index, domestic sales, MIG Capital Goods Industry
      • 4p Producer Price Index, domestic sales, Consumer goods industry
      • 4q Producer Price Index, domestic sales, MIG Durable Consumer Goods Industry
      • 4r Producer Price Index, domestic sales, MIG Energy
      • 4s Producer Price Index, domestic sales, MIG Intermediate Goods Industry
      • 4t Producer Price Index, domestic sales, Manufacturing
      • 4u Producer Price Index, domestic sales, MIG Non-durable Consumer Goods Industry
      • 4v Producer Price Index, domestic sales, Total Industry excluding construction and MIG Energy
      • 4w Producer Price Index, domestic sales, Total Industry (excluding construction)
      • 4x World market prices of raw materials, Index Total
      • 4y World market prices of raw materials, Index Total excluding energy
      • 4z Trade - Import, Capital goods - Value
      • 50 Trade - Import, Capital goods - Unit value
      • 51 Trade - Import, Capital goods - Volume
      • 52 Trade - Import, Consumption goods (consumer goods and cars and petrol)
      • 53 Trade - Import, Consumption goods (consumer goods and cars and petrol) - Unit value
      • 54 Trade - Import, Consumption goods (consumer goods and cars and petrol) - Volume
      • 55 Trade - Import, Intermediate goods - Value
      • 56 Trade - Import, Intermediate goods - Unit value
      • 57 Trade - Import, Intermediate goods - Volume
      • 58 Trade - Import, Manufactured products - Value
      • 59 Trade - Import, Manufactured products - Unit value
      • 5a Trade - Import, Manufactured products - Volume
      • 5b Trade - Import, Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials - Value
      • 5c Trade - Import, Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials - Unit value
      • 5d Trade - Import, Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials - Volume
      • 5e Trade - Import, Total - Value
      • 5f Trade - Import, Total - Unit value
      • 5g Trade - Import, Total - Volume
      • 5h Trade - Export, Capital goods - Value
      • 5i Trade - Export, Capital goods - Unit value
      • 5j Trade - Export, Capital goods - Volume
      • 5k Trade - Export, Consumption goods (consumer goods and cars and petrol) - Value
      • 5l Trade - Export, Consumption goods (consumer goods and cars and petrol) - Unit value
      • 5m Trade - Export, Consumption goods (consumer goods and cars and petrol) - Volume
      • 5n Trade - Export, Intermediate goods - Value
      • 5o Trade - Export, Intermediate goods - Unit value
      • 5p Trade - Export, Intermediate goods - Volume
      • 5q Trade - Export, Manufactured products - Value
      • 5r Trade - Export, Manufactured products - Unit value
      • 5s Trade - Export, Manufactured products - Volume
      • 5t Trade - Export, Total - Value
      • 5u Trade - Export, Total - Unit value
      • 5v Trade - Export, Total - Volume
      • 5w Balance of payment, capital account - vis-a-vis World (all entities) - Credit transactions
      • 5x Balance of payment, capital account - vis-a-vis World (all entities) - Debit transactions
      • 5y Balance of payment, current account, total - vis-a-vis World (all entities) - Credit transactions
      • 5z Balance of payment, current account, total - vis-a-vis World (all entities) - Debit transactions
      • 60 Balance of payment, current account, total - vis-a-vis World (all entities) - Net transactions
      • 61 Balance of payment, current account, goods - vis-a-vis World (all entities) - Credit transactions
      • 62 Balance of payment, current account, goods - vis-a-vis World (all entities) - Debit transactions
      • 63 Balance of payment, current account, income - vis-a-vis World (all entities) - Credit transactions
      • 64 Balance of payment, current account, income - vis-a-vis World (all entities) - Debit transactions
      • 65 Balance of payment, current account, services - vis-a-vis World (all entities) - Credit transactions
      • 66 Balance of payment, current account, services - vis-a-vis World (all entities) - Debit transactions
      • 67 Balance of payment, current account, current transfers - vis-a-vis World (all entities) - Credit transactions
      • 68 Balance of payment, current account, current transfers - vis-a-vis World (all entities) - Debit transactions
      • 69 Construction Survey - Assessment of order books
      • 6a Construction Survey - Construction Confidence Indicator
      • 6b Construction Survey - Employment expectations for the months ahead
      • 6c Consumer Survey - Consumer Confidence Indicator
      • 6d Consumer Survey - Financial situation over next 12 months
      • 6e Consumer Survey - General economic situation over next 12 months
      • 6f Consumer Survey - Savings over next 12 months
      • 6g Consumer Survey - Unemployment expectations over next 12 months
      • 6h Economic Sentiment Indicator
      • 6i Industry Survey - Assessment of order-book levels
      • 6j Industry Survey - Assessment of stocks of finished products
      • 6k Industry Survey - Industrial Confidence Indicator
      • 6l Industry Survey - Current level of capacity utilization
      • 6m Industry Survey - Production expectations for the months ahead
      • 6n Retail Trade Survey - Assessment of stocks
      • 6o Retail Trade Survey - Expected business situation
      • 6p Retail Trade Survey - Present business situation
      • 6q Retail Trade Survey - Retail Confidence Indicator
      • 6r Service Survey - Assessment of the business climate
      • 6s Service Survey - Evolution of demand expected in the months ahead
      • 6t Service Survey - Evolution of demand in recent months
      • 6u Service Survey - Service Confidence Indicator
    • Real time database series denomination
      • 0 Annual growth rate
      • 1 Euro
      • 2 Percentage
      • 3 Japanese Yen
      • 4 Persons
      • 5 Quantity
      • 6 US dollar
      • 7 Index