0h Rate - 3-month Libor interbank Japanese yen deposit rate
0i Equity index - Nikkei 225
0j Equity index - Standard and Poor 500
0k Rate - 2-year Euro area government benchmark bond yield
0l Rate - 3-year Euro area government benchmark bond yield
0m Rate - 5-year Euro area government benchmark bond yield
0n Rate - 7-year Euro area government benchmark bond yield
0o Rate - 10-year Euro area government benchmark bond yield
0p Rate - 3-month Libor interbank US dolar deposit rate
0q Exchange rate, ECB nominal effective exchange rate, broad group of currencies against euro
0r Exchange rate, ECB nominal effective exchange rate, narrow group of currencies against euro
0s Exchange rate, ECB real effective exchange rate CPI deflated, broad group of currencies against euro
0t Exchange rate, ECB real effective exchange rate CPI deflated, narrow group of currencies against euro
0u Exchange rate, ECB real effective exchange rate producer prices deflated, narrow group of currencies against euro
0v Exchange rate, ECB real effective exchange rate ULC total economy deflated, narrow group of currencies against euro
0w Collective consumption expenditure (P32, ESA 95) - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - General government (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
0x Final consumption expenditure (P.3) - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - General government (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
0y Individual consumption expenditure (P31, ESA 95) - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - General government (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
0z Consumption of fixed capital - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - General government (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
10 Compensation of employees (D.1) - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - General government (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
11 Deficit or surplus - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - Local government (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
12 Deficit or surplus - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - Social security funds (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
13 Deficit or surplus - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - State government (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
14 Intermediate consumption (P.2) - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - General government (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
15 Sales - General government (ESA95)-NCBs - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
16 Social transfers in kind via non-government producers - Households (ESA95)-NCBs - General government (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
17 Deficit/surplus without UMTS proceeds - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - Central government (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
18 Deficit/surplus without UMTS proceeds - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - General government (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
19 Primary deficit/surplus without UMTS proceeds - All sectors/ unspecified/ not applicable (ESA95)-NCBs - General government (ESA95)-NCBs - Non-financial flows current prices
1a Changes in inventories and acquisitions less disposals of valuables - Current prices
1b Domestic demand including stocks - Deflator
1c Final consumption of general government - Chain linked volumes
1d Final consumption of general government - Deflator
1e Final consumption of general government - Current prices
1f Final consumption of households and NPISHs (private consumption) - Chain linked volumes
1g Final consumption of households and NPISHs (private consumption) - Deflator
1h Final consumption of households and NPISHs (private consumption) - Current prices
1j Gross domestic product at market price - Deflator
1k Gross domestic product at market price - Current prices
1l Gross fixed capital formation - Chain linked volumes
1m Gross fixed capital formation - Deflator
1n Gross fixed capital formation - Current prices
1o Gross value added at basic prices - agricultural, hunting, forestry and fishing products - Constant prices
1p Gross value added at basic prices - agricultural, hunting, forestry and fishing products - Current prices
1q Gross value added at basic prices - Arts, entertainment and recreation, repair of household goods and other services (NACE Rev2) - Constant prices
1r Gross value added at basic prices - Arts, entertainment and recreation, repair of household goods and other services (NACE Rev2) - Current prices
1s Gross value added at basic prices - construction - Constant prices
1t Gross value added at basic prices - construction - Current prices
1u Gross value added at basic prices - Public administration and defence; compulsory social security; education; human health and social work activities (NACE Rev2) - Constant prices
1v Gross value added at basic prices - Public administration and defence; compulsory social security; education; human health and social work activities (NACE Rev2) - Current prices
1w Gross value added at basic prices - Financial and insurance activities (NACE Rev2) - Constant prices
1x Gross value added at basic prices - Financial and insurance activities (NACE Rev2) - Current prices
1y Gross value added at basic prices - total industry - Constant prices
1z Gross value added at basic prices - total industry - Current prices
20 Gross value added at basic prices - Information and communication (NACE Rev2) - Constant prices
21 Gross value added at basic prices - Information and communication (NACE Rev2) - Current prices
22 Gross value added at basic prices - Real estate activities (NACE Rev2) - Constant prices
23 Gross value added at basic prices - Real estate activities (NACE Rev2) - Current prices
24 Gross value added at basic prices - Professional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities (NACE Rev2) - Constant prices
25 Gross value added at basic prices - Professional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities (NACE Rev2) - Current prices
26 Gross value added at basic prices - Constant prices
27 Gross value added at basic prices - Current prices
28 Gross value added at basic prices - trade, repairs, hotels, restaurants, transport and communications - Constant prices
29 Gross value added at basic prices - trade, repairs, hotels, restaurants, transport and communications - Current prices
2a Imports of goods and services - Chain linked volumes
2b Imports of goods and services - Deflator
2c Imports of goods and services - Current prices
2d Taxes less subsidies on products - Constant prices
2e Taxes less subsidies on products - Current prices
2f Exports of goods and services - Chain linked volumes
2g Exports of goods and services - Deflator
2h Exports of goods and services - Current prices
2i Industrial Production Index, MIG Capital Goods Industry
2j Industrial Production Index, Consumer goods industry
2k Industrial Production Index, Construction
2l Industrial Production Index, MIG Durable Consumer Goods Industry
2m Industrial Production Index, MIG Energy
2n Industrial Production Index, Total Industry
2o Industrial Production Index, MIG Intermediate Goods Industry
2p Industrial Production Index, Manufacturing
2q Car registration, New passenger car
2r Industrial Production Index, MIG Non-durable Consumer Goods Industry
2s Industrial Production Index, Total Industry excluding construction and MIG Energy
2t Industrial Production Index, Total Industry (excluding construction)
2u Employees - total domestic
2v Standardised unemployment, Total (all ages), Female
2w Standardised unemployment, Age 25 and over, Total (male and female)
2x Standardised unemployment, Age under 25, Total (male and female)
2y Hourly Labour cost index - total, Construction
2z Hourly Labour cost index - total, Services - sectors G to K
30 Hourly Labour cost index - total, Whole economy excluding agriculture, fishing and government sectors
31 Hourly Labour cost index - total, Total Industry (excluding construction)
32 Hourly Labour cost index - costs other than wages and salaries, Whole economy excluding agriculture, fishing and government sectors
33 Hourly Labour cost index - wages and salaries, Whole economy excluding agriculture, fishing and government sectors
34 Standardised unemployment, Total (all ages), Male
35 Self-employed - total
36 Total employment - agricultural hunting forestry and fishing products
37 Total employment - Arts, entertainment and recreation, repair of household goods and other services (NACE Rev2)
38 Total employment - construction
39 Total employment - Public administration and defence; compulsory social security; education; human health and social work activities (NACE Rev2)
3a Total employment - Financial and insurance activities (NACE Rev2)
3b Total employment - total industry
3c Total employment - Information and communication (NACE Rev2)
3d Total employment - Real estate activities (NACE Rev2)
3e Total employment - Professional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities (NACE Rev2)
3f Total employment - total domestic
3g Total employment - trade, repairs, hotels, restaurants, transport and communications
3h Unit Labour Cost - Agriculture, hunting, forestry, and fishing
3i Unit Labour Cost - Arts, entertainment and recreation, repair of household goods and other services (NACE Rev2)
3j Unit Labour Cost - Construction
3k Unit Labour Cost - Public administration and defence; compulsory social security; education; human health and social work activities (NACE Rev2)
3l Unit Labour Cost - Financial and insurance activities (NACE Rev2)
3m Unit Labour Cost - Industry, including energy
3n Unit Labour Cost - Information and communication (NACE Rev2)
3o Unit Labour Cost - Manufacturing
3p Unit Labour Cost - Real estate activities (NACE Rev2)
3q Unit Labour Cost - Professional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities (NACE Rev2)
3r Unit Labour Cost - Total
3s Unit Labour Cost - Trade, repairs, hotels, restaurants, transport and communications
3t Standardised unemployment, Total (all ages), Total (male and female)
3u Loans, total maturity, all currencies combined - Monetary and Financial Institutions (MFIs) reporting sector - Euro area counterpart, Non-MFIs excluding general government sector - outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stocks)
3v Loans and securities (credit), total maturity, all currencies combined - Monetary and Financial Institutions (MFIs) reporting sector - Euro area counterpart, Non-MFIs excluding general government sector - outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stoc
3w Monetary aggregate M1, all currencies combined - MFIs, central government and post office giro institutions reporting sector - Euro area counterpart, Non-MFIs excluding central government sector - outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stocks)
3x Money stock M2
3y Monetary aggregate M2, all currencies combined - MFIs, central government and post office giro institutions reporting sector - Euro area counterpart, Non-MFIs excluding central government sector - outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stocks)
3z Monetary aggregate M3, all currencies combined - MFIs, central government and post office giro institutions reporting sector - Euro area counterpart, Non-MFIs excluding central government sector - outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stocks)
40 Eurosystem reporting sector - Base money - World not allocated (geographically) counterpart
41 Monetary aggregate M3 - Base Money (index of notional stock), all currencies combined - MFIs, central government and post office giro institutions reporting sector - Euro area counterpart, Non-MFIs excluding central government sector - outstanding amounts
42 Total Turnover Index, deflated, Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco
43 Total Turnover Index, deflated, Retail sale of household equipment
44 Total Turnover Index, deflated, Retail sale of non food products
45 Total Turnover Index, deflated, Retail sale of textiles, clothing, footwear and leather goods
46 Total Turnover Index, Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
47 Total Turnover Index, deflated, Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
48 HICP - Communication services
49 HICP - Food including alcohol and tobacco
4a HICP - Processed food including alcohol and tobacco
4b HICP - Unprocessed food
4c HICP - Goods
4d HICP - Housing services
4e HICP - Industrial goods excluding energy
4f HICP - Miscellaneous services
4g HICP - Energy
4h HICP - Overall index
4i HICP - Recreation and personal services
4j HICP - Services
4k HICP - Transport services
4l HICP - All-items excluding energy and unprocessed food
4m Construction output prices, All residential buildings
4n Oil price, brent crude -1 month forward
4o Producer Price Index, domestic sales, MIG Capital Goods Industry
4p Producer Price Index, domestic sales, Consumer goods industry