******************************************************************************** * * * OECD STATISTICS * * PARIS ECONOMIC ACCOUNTS FOR AGRICULTURE * * --------------------------------- * * * * CD-ROM PRODUCTION: DSI DATA SERVICE & INFORMATION * * D-47476 Rheinberg P.O. Box 1127 * * Phone: +49 2843-3368 Fax: -3230 * ******************************************************************************** CLASSIFICATION PLAN: -------------------- STRUCTURE OF THE CODE : XXX / XXX / X / X / X SUB-CODES : 1 XXX...... Country 2 ...XXX... Indicator 3 ......X.. Valuation 4 .......X. Measure 5 ........X Blank SUB-CODE 1 : COUNTRY ----------- E15 European Union (15 countries) AUS Australia AUT Austria BEL Belgium CAN Canada CZE Czech Republic DNK Denmark FIN Finland FRA France DEU Germany GRC Greece HUN Hungary ICE Iceland IRL Ireland ITA Italy JPN Japan KOR Korea LUX Luxembourg MEX Mexico NLD Netherlands NZL New Zealand NOR Norway POL Poland PRT Portugal SVK Slovak Republic ESP Spain SWE Sweden CHE Switzerland TUR Turkey GBR United Kingdom USA United States SUB-CODE 2 : Indicator ----------- 001 TOTAL AGRICULTURAL OUTPUT 002 AGRICULTURAL OUTPUT 003 AGRICULTURAL GOODS OUTPUT 004 CROP OUTPUT 005 Cereals (including rice) 006 Wheat and spelt 007 Rye and meslin 008 Barley 009 Oats and summer cereal mixtures 010 Grain maize 011 Rice 012 Other cereals 013 Industrial crops 014 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits (including seeds) 015 Protein crops (including seeds) 016 Raw tobacco 017 Sugar beet 018 Other industrial crops (including dried pulses) 019 Forage plants 020 Fodder maize 021 Fodder root crops (including forage beet) 022 Other forage plants 023 Vegetables and horticultural products 024 Fresh vegetables 025 Plants and flowers 026 Potatoes (including seeds) 027 Fruits 028 Fresh fruit 029 Citrus fruits 030 Tropical fruit 031 Grapes 032 Olives 033 Wine 034 Table wine 035 Quality wine 036 Olive oil 037 Other crop products 038 Vegetable materials used primarily for plaiting 039 Seeds 040 Other crop products: others 041 Adjustment 042 ANIMAL OUTPUT 043 ANIMALS 044 Cattle 045 Pigs 046 Equines 047 Sheep and goats 048 Poultry 049 Other animals 050 Adjustment 051 ANIMAL PRODUCTS 052 Milk 053 Eggs 054 Other animal products 055 Adjustment 056 AGRICULTURAL SERVICES OUTPUT 057 MISCELLANEOUS 058 Stock variations 059 Forestry 060 Other 061 NON-AGRIC. SECONDARY ACTIVITIES (INSEPARABLE) 062 PROCESSING OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS 063 - cereals 064 - vegetables 065 - fruits 066 - wine 067 - animals 068 - animal products 069 - milk 070 - other animal products 071 - other 072 - adjustment 073 OTHER NON-SEPARABLE SECONDARY ACTIVITIES (GOODS AND SERVICES) 074 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION 075 Farm Origin 076 Seeds and planting stock 077 Animal feedingstuffs 078 Manufactured inputs 079 Fertilisers and soil improvers 080 Plant protection products and pesticides 081 Energy and lubricants 082 Other intermediate consumption 083 Veterinary expenses 084 Maintenance of materials 085 Maintenance of buildings 086 Agricultural services 087 Other goods and services 088 Adjustment 089 GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices) 090 Fixed capital consumption 091 NET VALUE ADDED (at basic prices) 092 Compensation of employees 093 Other taxes on production 094 Other subsidies on production 095 FACTOR INCOME 096 OPERATING SURPLUS / MIXED INCOME 097 Rents and other real estate rental charges to be paid 098 Interest paid 099 Interest received 100 ENTREPRENEURIAL INCOME 101 GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION 102 GFCF in agricultural products 103 GFCF in plantations 104 GFCF in animals 105 GFCF in non-agricultural products 106 GFCF in materials 107 GFCF in machines and other equipment 108 GFCF in transport equipment 109 GFCF in buildings 110 GFCF in farm buildings (non-residential) 111 GFCF in other works except land improvements (other buildings/structures/etc.) 112 Other GFCF 113 GFCF in intangible fixed assets (e.g. computer software) 114 Addition to the value of non-financial non-produced assets 115 GFCF in major land improvements 116 Costs linked to the purchase of land and production rights 117 Adjustment 118 NET FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION 119 CHANGES IN STOCKS 120 CAPITAL TRANSFERS 121 Investment grants 122 Other capital transfers SUB-CODE 3 : Valuation ----------- P Value at producer prices S Subsidies on product T Taxes on product V Value SUB-CODE 4 : Measure ----------- A Current millions USD (converted using PPPs) B Volume millions USD (converted using PPPs) C Current prices (millions of national currency) D Volume (millions of national currency) ECONOMIC ACCOUNTS FOR AGRICULTURE: Further notes 1. Introduction This database is unique in the sense that it is providing harmonized agricultural economic data for all OECD countries, comparable with the EU-15. A particular effort has been undertaken by OECD to assess the implications of the 1993 revision of the System of National Accounts (SNA 1993), together with the subsequent adaptations for Europe (ESA 1995 and EAA 1997). The result can be considered as a fairly solid compromise, reconciling both the needs from an EU perspective with the sometimes different needs and characteristics of other developed economies of the OECD. The International Trade and Structural Economic Statistics Section (TASS), which is responsible for this publication invites comments from users in order to further enhance its usefulness and to improve the coherence of concepts applied and, consequently, the comparability of data. This is the electronic 2003 edition of the statistical publication on Economic Accounts for Agriculture of the OECD. It contains data organised in one publication according to the sequence of accounts adopted for agricultural economic analysis. The CD ROM also contain an explanatory notes file including the presentation and the methodological approach of Economic Accounts for Agriculture, as well as notes and the list of items used to elaborate the accounts 2.1 Presentation and Methodological Approach 2.1.1 Measure The measures are expressed in four different value terms: national currency current and constant 1995 prices, million current and constant 1995 USD converted using PPPs (Purchasing Power Parities). In line with SNA 1993 recommendations, output values are expressed, whenever possible, at basic prices. That is, subsidies on products have been added to and taxes on products (other than VAT) have been subtracted from producer priced-based output. 2.1.2 Output concepts ôTotal Agricultural outputÆÆ is composed of ôAgricultural Outputö and ôNon-Agricultural Secondary Activitiesö. ôAgricultural Outputö is composed of ôAgricultural Goods Outputö and ôAgricultural Service Outputö. In addition, to accommodate specific necessary adjustments (e.g. forestry activities which could not be separately identified) the category ôMiscellaneousö has been added to ôAgricultural Outputö. ôAgricultural Goods Outputö is composed of ôCrop Outputö and ôAnimal Outputö, which in turn are broken down by products according to the standard OECD classification. 2.1.3 Sequence of accounts items As said, the SNA 93 recommendations are followed. The starting point of the Current Transaction Accounts is the Production Account. From the Output values Input values (Intermediate consumption) are subtracted to obtain Gross Value Added (GVA). After the deduction of fixed capital consumption from GVA, Net Value Added (NVA) is obtained. The Generation of Income Account uses the NVA as starting point. After subtraction of ôOther taxes on productionö and addition of ôOther subsidies on productionö, Factor Income is obtained. The result of subtracting ôCompensation of employeesö is the position ôOperating Surplus/Mixed Income (net)ö, which represents the yield from land, capital and unpaid labour. This last position is again the starting point for another current transaction account, the Entrepreneurial Income Account. After balancingö interest paidö and öinterest receivedö and ôrents and other real estate rental chargesö, the Net Entrepreneurial Income, that is the yield from unpaid labour, remuneration from land and capital, is obtained. The Sequence of current transaction accounts is followed by the Capital Account of accumulation accounts. It consists of the Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF), the resident producersÆ acquisitions less disposals of fixed assets during a given period, a broken down by agricultural and nonagricultural products, and other GFCF. After the deduction of fixed capital consumption, Net Fixed Capital Formation (NFCF) is obtained. In addition to GFCF/NFCF, Stock Changes are shown for input stocks (e.g. raw materials and supplies) and for output stocks (e.g. stocks of finished products and work-in-progress). Similarly, Capital Transfers (e.g. investment grants) are part of the new EAA standard tables. 2.2 The countries The countries are the OECD Member countries (i.e. 30 countries). In addition, aggregates covering the European Union (EU-15) and the Euro Zone (EUR-11 until 31/12 2000. From 1/1 2001 EUR-12) are provided. The full list of countries is provided in the Annex. Concerning OECD's newest Member countries (Mexico, the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Korea), a particular effort has been undertaken to include them progressively in the Economic Accounts for Agriculture framework. As can be seen from the table, visible progress has been made, but much still remains to be done. Data are submitted directly to the OECD by most non-EU OECD Member countries and are published without any further changes. For the non-EU OECD Member countries Unites States and Canada, data are transmitted from USDA and Statistic Canada. Data for the fifteen European Union (EU) countries are transmitted to the OECD by Eurostat. 2.3 The Metadata This electronic edition of EAA provides extensive metadata. This includes: a description of the methodology applied, calculation methods, specific notes, etc. The metadata may be viewed via the "Explanatory notes" file.