International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 1997)
0 First and second stage of tertiary education (levels 5 and 6)
1 First stage of tertiary education not leading directly to an advanced research qualification (level 5)
2 First stage of tertiary education, programmes that are theoretically based/research preparatory or giving access to professions with high skills requirements (level 5A)
3 First stage of tertiary education, programmes which are practically oriented and occupationally specific (level 5B)
4 Second stage of tertiary education leading to an advanced research qualification (level 6)
Education indicator
0 Nationals studying abroad in absolute numbers
1 Nationals studying abroad as percentage of students with the same nationality in countries of origin and destination (%)
2 Nationals studying abroad as percentage of student population in the country of origin (%)
Geopolitical entity (partner)
00 European Union - 27 countries (2007-2013)
01 Belgium
02 Bulgaria
03 Czechia
04 Denmark
05 Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG)
06 Estonia
07 Ireland
08 Greece
09 Spain
0a France
0b Croatia
0c Italy
0d Cyprus
0e Latvia
0f Lithuania
0g Luxembourg
0h Hungary
0i Malta
0j Netherlands
0k Austria
0l Poland
0m Portugal
0n Romania
0o Slovenia
0p Slovakia
0q Finland
0r Sweden
0s Iceland
0t Liechtenstein
0u Norway
0v Switzerland
0w United Kingdom
0x North Macedonia
0y Turkey
0z Japan
10 European Higher Education Area (Bologna Process)
Geopolitical entity (reporting)
0 Belgium
1 Bulgaria
2 Czechia
3 Denmark
4 Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG)