Pupils enrolled in vocational upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education by education level, sex and field of education
methods, notes and classification
Unit of measure ISCED Fields of education and training (ISCED-F 2013)00 Total01 Generic programmes and qualifications02 Generic programmes and qualifications not further defined03 Basic programmes and qualifications04 Literacy and numeracy05 Personal skills and development06 Generic programmes and qualifications not elsewhere classified07 Education08 Education09 Education not further defined0a Education science0b Training for pre-school teachers0c Teacher training without subject specialisation0d Teacher training with subject specialisation0e Education not elsewhere classified0f Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving education0g Arts and humanities0h Arts and humanities not further defined0i Arts0j Arts not further defined0k Audio-visual techniques and media production0l Fashion, interior and industrial design0m Fine arts0n Handicrafts0o Music and performing arts0p Arts not elsewhere classified0q Humanities (except languages)0r Humanities (except languages) not further defined0s Religion and theology0t History and archaeology0u Philosophy and ethics0v Humanities (except languages) not elsewhere classified0w Languages0x Languages not further defined0y Language acquisition0z Literature and linguistics10 Languages not elsewhere classified11 Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts and humanities12 Arts and humanities not elsewhere classified13 Social sciences, journalism and information14 Social sciences, journalism and information not further defined15 Social and behavioural sciences16 Social and behavioural sciences not further defined17 Economics18 Political sciences and civics19 Psychology1a Sociology and cultural studies1b Social and behavioural sciences not elsewhere classified1c Journalism and information1d Journalism and information not further defined1e Journalism and reporting1f Library, information and archival studies1g Journalism and information not elsewhere classified1h Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving social sciences, journalism and information1i Social sciences, journalism and information not elsewhere classified1j Business, administration and law1k Business, administration and law not further defined1l Business and administration1m Business and administration not further defined1n Accounting and taxation1o Finance, banking and insurance1p Management and administration1q Marketing and advertising1r Secretarial and office work1s Wholesale and retail sales1t Work skills1u Business and administration not elsewhere classified1v Law1w Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving business, administration and law1x Business, administration and law not elsewhere classified1y Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics1z Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics not further defined20 Biological and related sciences21 Biological and related sciences not further defined22 Biology23 Biochemistry24 Biological and related sciences not elsewhere classified25 Environment26 Environment not further defined27 Environmental sciences28 Natural environments and wildlife29 Environment not elsewhere classified2a Physical sciences2b Physical sciences not further defined2c Chemistry2d Earth sciences2e Physics2f Physical sciences not elsewhere classified2g Mathematics and statistics2h Mathematics and statistics not further defined2i Mathematics2j Statistics2k Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving natural sciences, mathematics and statistics2l Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics not elsewhere classified2m Information and Communication Technologies2n Information and Communication Technologies2o Information and Communication Technologies not further defined2p Computer use2q Database and network design and administration2r Software and applications development and analysis2s Information and Communication Technologies not elsewhere classified2t Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving information and Communication Technologies2u Engineering, manufacturing and construction2v Engineering, manufacturing and construction not further defined2w Engineering and engineering trades2x Engineering and engineering trades not further defined2y Chemical engineering and processes2z Environmental protection technology30 Electricity and energy31 Electronics and automation32 Mechanics and metal trades33 Motor vehicles, ships and aircraft34 Engineering and engineering trades not elsewhere classified35 Manufacturing and processing36 Manufacturing and processing not further defined37 Food processing38 Materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood)39 Textiles (clothes, footwear and leather)3a Mining and extraction3b Manufacturing and processing not elsewhere classified3c Architecture and construction3d Architecture and construction not further defined3e Architecture and town planning3f Building and civil engineering3g Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving engineering, manufacturing and construction3h Engineering, manufacturing and construction not elsewhere classified3i Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary3j Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary not further defined3k Agriculture3l Agriculture not further defined3m Crop and livestock production3n Horticulture3o Agriculture not elsewhere classified3p Forestry3q Fisheries3r Veterinary3s Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary3t Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary not elsewhere classified3u Health and welfare3v Health and welfare not further defined3w Health3x Health not further defined3y Dental studies3z Medicine40 Nursing and midwifery41 Medical diagnostic and treatment technology42 Therapy and rehabilitation43 Pharmacy44 Traditional and complementary medicine and therapy45 Health not elsewhere classified46 Welfare47 Welfare not further defined48 Care of the elderly and of disabled adults49 Child care and youth services4a Social work and counselling4b Welfare not elsewhere classified4c Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving health and welfare4d Health and welfare not elsewhere classified4e Services4f Services not further defined4g Personal services4h Personal services not further defined4i Domestic services4j Hair and beauty services4k Hotel, restaurants and catering4l Sports4m Travel, tourism and leisure4n Personal services not elsewhere classified4o Hygiene and occupational health services4p Hygiene and occupational health services not further defined4q Community sanitation4r Occupational health and safety4s Hygiene and occupational health services not elsewhere classified4t Security services4u Security services not further defined4v Military and defence4w Protection of persons and property4x Security services not elsewhere classified4y Transport services4z Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving services50 Services not elsewhere classified51 Unknown International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 2011)00 Upper secondary education - vocational01 Post-secondary non-tertiary education - vocational Sex Geopolitical entity (reporting)000 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)001 European Union - 28 countries (2013-2020)002 Belgium003 Bulgaria004 Czechia005 Denmark006 Germany007 Estonia008 Ireland009 Greece00a Spain00b France00c Croatia00d Italy00e Cyprus00f Latvia00g Lithuania00h Luxembourg00i Hungary00j Malta00k Netherlands00l Austria00m Poland00n Portugal00o Romania00p Slovenia00q Slovakia00r Finland00s Sweden00t Iceland00u Liechtenstein00v Norway00w Switzerland00x United Kingdom00y Bosnia and Herzegovina00z Montenegro010 North Macedonia011 Albania012 Serbia013 Türkiye