Mobile students from abroad enrolled by education level, sex and field of education
methods, notes and classification
- Unit of measure
- International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 2011)
- 00 Tertiary education (levels 5-8)
- 01 Short-cycle tertiary education
- 02 Bachelor's or equivalent level
- 03 Master's or equivalent level
- 04 Doctoral or equivalent level
- ISCED Fields of education and training (ISCED-F 2013)
- 00 Total
- 01 Generic programmes and qualifications
- 02 Generic programmes and qualifications not further defined
- 03 Generic programmes and qualifications not further defined
- 04 Basic programmes and qualifications
- 05 Basic programmes and qualifications
- 06 Literacy and numeracy
- 07 Literacy and numeracy
- 08 Personal skills and development
- 09 Personal skills and development
- 0a Generic programmes and qualifications not elsewhere classified
- 0b Generic programmes and qualifications not elsewhere classified
- 0c Education
- 0d Education
- 0e Education not further defined
- 0f Education science
- 0g Training for pre-school teachers
- 0h Teacher trainigng without and with subject specialisation
- 0i Teacher training without subject specialisation
- 0j Teacher training with subject specialisation
- 0k Education not elsewhere classified
- 0l Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving education
- 0m Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving education
- 0n Arts and humanities
- 0o Arts and humanities not further defined
- 0p Arts and humanities not further defined
- 0q Arts
- 0r Arts not further defined
- 0s Audio-visual techniques and media production
- 0t Fashion, interior and industrial design
- 0u Fine arts
- 0v Handicrafts
- 0w Music and performing arts
- 0x Arts not elsewhere classified
- 0y Humanities
- 0z Humanities (except languages)
- 10 Humanities (except languages) not further defined
- 11 Religion and theology
- 12 History and archaeology
- 13 Philosophy and ethics
- 14 Humanities (except languages) not elsewhere classified
- 15 Languages
- 16 Languages not further defined
- 17 Language acquisition
- 18 Literature and linguistics
- 19 Languages not elsewhere classified
- 1a Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts and humanities
- 1b Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts and humanities
- 1c Arts and humanities not elsewhere classified
- 1d Arts and humanities not elsewhere classified
- 1e Social sciences, journalism, information, business, administration and law
- 1f Social sciences, journalism and information
- 1g Social sciences, journalism and information not further defined
- 1h Social sciences, journalism and information not further defined
- 1i Social and behavioural sciences
- 1j Social and behavioural sciences not further defined
- 1k Economics
- 1l Political sciences and civics
- 1m Psychology
- 1n Sociology and cultural studies
- 1o Social and behavioural sciences not elsewhere classified
- 1p Journalism and information
- 1q Journalism and information not further defined
- 1r Journalism and reporting
- 1s Library, information and archival studies
- 1t Journalism and information not elsewhere classified
- 1u Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving social sciences, journalism and information
- 1v Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving social sciences, journalism and information
- 1w Social sciences, journalism and information not elsewhere classified
- 1x Social sciences, journalism and information not elsewhere classified
- 1y Business, administration and law
- 1z Business, administration and law not further defined
- 20 Business, administration and law not further defined
- 21 Business and administration
- 22 Business and administration not further defined
- 23 Accounting and taxation
- 24 Finance, banking and insurance
- 25 Management and administration
- 26 Marketing and advertising
- 27 Secretarial and office work
- 28 Wholesale and retail sales
- 29 Work skills
- 2a Business and administration not elsewhere classified
- 2b Law
- 2c Law
- 2d Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving business, administration and law
- 2e Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving business, administration and law
- 2f Business, administration and law not elsewhere classified
- 2g Business, administration and law not elsewhere classified
- 2h Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics
- 2i Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics not further defined
- 2j Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics not further defined
- 2k Biological and related sciences
- 2l Biological and related sciences not further defined
- 2m Biology
- 2n Biochemistry
- 2o Biological and related sciences not elsewhere classified
- 2p Environment
- 2q Environment not further defined
- 2r Environmental sciences
- 2s Natural environments and wildlife
- 2t Environment not elsewhere classified
- 2u Physical sciences
- 2v Physical sciences not further defined
- 2w Chemistry
- 2x Earth sciences
- 2y Physics
- 2z Physical sciences not elsewhere classified
- 30 Mathematics and statistics
- 31 Mathematics and statistics not further defined
- 32 Mathematics
- 33 Statistics
- 34 Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving natural sciences, mathematics and statistics
- 35 Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving natural sciences, mathematics and statistics
- 36 Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics not elsewhere classified
- 37 Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics not elsewhere classified
- 38 Information and Communication Technologies
- 39 Information and Communication Technologies
- 3a Information and Communication Technologies not further defined
- 3b Computer use
- 3c Database and network design and administration, software and applications development and analysis
- 3d Database and network design and administration
- 3e Software and applications development and analysis
- 3f Information and Communication Technologies not elsewhere classified
- 3g Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving information and Communication Technologies
- 3h Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving information and Communication Technologies
- 3i Engineering, manufacturing and construction
- 3j Engineering, manufacturing and construction not further defined
- 3k Engineering, manufacturing and construction not further defined
- 3l Engineering and engineering trades
- 3m Engineering and engineering trades not further defined
- 3n Chemical engineering and processes
- 3o Environmental protection technology
- 3p Electricity and energy
- 3q Electronics and automation
- 3r Mechanics and metal trades
- 3s Motor vehicles, ships and aircraft
- 3t Engineering and engineering trades not elsewhere classified
- 3u Manufacturing and processing
- 3v Manufacturing and processing not further defined
- 3w Food processing
- 3x Materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood)
- 3y Textiles (clothes, footwear and leather)
- 3z Mining and extraction
- 40 Manufacturing and processing not elsewhere classified
- 41 Architecture and construction
- 42 Architecture and construction not further defined
- 43 Architecture and town planning
- 44 Building and civil engineering
- 45 Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving engineering, manufacturing and construction
- 46 Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving engineering, manufacturing and construction
- 47 Engineering, manufacturing and construction not elsewhere classified
- 48 Engineering, manufacturing and construction not elsewhere classified
- 49 Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary
- 4a Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary not further defined
- 4b Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary not further defined
- 4c Agriculture
- 4d Agriculture not further defined
- 4e Crop and livestock production
- 4f Horticulture
- 4g Agriculture not elsewhere classified
- 4h Forestry
- 4i Forestry
- 4j Fisheries
- 4k Fisheries
- 4l Veterinary
- 4m Veterinary
- 4n Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary
- 4o Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary
- 4p Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary not elsewhere classified
- 4q Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary not elsewhere classified
- 4r Health and welfare
- 4s Health and welfare not further defined
- 4t Health and welfare not further defined
- 4u Health
- 4v Health not further defined
- 4w Dental studies
- 4x Medicine, therapy and rehabilitation
- 4y Medicine
- 4z Nursing, midwifery and caringcare of the elderly and of disabled adults
- 50 Nursing and midwifery
- 51 Medical diagnostic and treatment technology
- 52 Therapy and rehabilitation
- 53 Pharmacy
- 54 Traditional and complementary medicine and therapy
- 55 Health not elsewhere classified
- 56 Welfare
- 57 Welfare not further defined
- 58 Care of the elderly and of disabled adults
- 59 Child care and youth services
- 5a Social work and counselling
- 5b Welfare not elsewhere classified
- 5c Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving health and welfare
- 5d Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving health and welfare
- 5e Health and welfare not elsewhere classified
- 5f Health and welfare not elsewhere classified
- 5g Services
- 5h Services not further defined
- 5i Services not further defined
- 5j Personal services
- 5k Personal services not further defined
- 5l Domestic services
- 5m Hair and beauty services
- 5n Hotel, restaurants and catering
- 5o Sports
- 5p Travel, tourism and leisure
- 5q Personal services not elsewhere classified
- 5r Hygiene and occupational health services
- 5s Hygiene and occupational health services not further defined
- 5t Community sanitation
- 5u Occupational health and safety
- 5v Hygiene and occupational health services not elsewhere classified
- 5w Security services
- 5x Security services not further defined
- 5y Military and defence
- 5z Protection of persons and property
- 60 Security services not elsewhere classified
- 61 Transport services
- 62 Transport services
- 63 Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving services
- 64 Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving services
- 65 Services not elsewhere classified
- 66 Services not elsewhere classified
- 67 Unknown
- Sex
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- 000 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
- 001 European Union - 28 countries (2013-2020)
- 002 Belgium
- 003 Bulgaria
- 004 Czechia
- 005 Denmark
- 006 Germany
- 007 Estonia
- 008 Ireland
- 009 Greece
- 00a Spain
- 00b France
- 00c Croatia
- 00d Italy
- 00e Cyprus
- 00f Latvia
- 00g Lithuania
- 00h Luxembourg
- 00i Hungary
- 00j Malta
- 00k Netherlands
- 00l Austria
- 00m Poland
- 00n Portugal
- 00o Romania
- 00p Slovenia
- 00q Slovakia
- 00r Finland
- 00s Sweden
- 00t Iceland
- 00u Liechtenstein
- 00v Norway
- 00w Switzerland
- 00x United Kingdom
- 00y Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 00z North Macedonia
- 010 Albania
- 011 Serbia
- 012 Türkiye