methods, notes and classification Potatoes: number of farms and area by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and size of potato area methods, notes and classification

DATA_DESCR The domain EUROFARM (ef)ácontains information (statistical tables) on structure of agricultural holdings collected through agricultural structure surveys. The data of the domain have been organised into two collections: Results of the farm structure surveys contains data from 1990 onwards Standard Gross Margin (SGM) and Standard Output (SO)ácoefficients. Farm Structure Survey data are used to collect information on agricultural holdings in the Member States at different geographic levels (Member States, regions, districts) and over periods (follow up the changes in agricultural sector), thus provide a base for decision making in the Common Agricultural Policy. Two kinds of Farm Structure Survey (FSS) are carried out by Member States: a basic survey (full scope Agricultural Census - AC) every 10 years, several sample based intermediate surveys between them. However for certain characteristics the Member States may use sample base for every survey. The calendar for the surveys to be held in all Member States is agreed by the Agricultural Statistics Committee of the European Commission. For a given survey year, Member States have to conduct their surveys within the agreed time-frame, thus all the data are as comparable as possible. The FSS are organised in all Member States on a harmonised base. Whereas the characteristics are based on community legislation, the same data are available for all countries in case of each survey. The variables are arranged into four groups: one general overview with the key variables, and three specialized ones containing detailed data on land use livestock special interest topics: farm labour force, rural development issues as well as management and practices. The scope of the survey is agriculture, while the survey unit is the agricultural holding. The data on individual agricultural holdings are collected by all Member States and sent to Eurostat. The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. Data for basic surveys are available in a three-level geographical breakdown of the whole country, the regions and the district; while data for intermediate surveys are only available upon the two-levels of country and regions. Since FSS 1999/2000 information about local farm location is collected in most countries, so that the data can also be disseminated by NUTS and are robust regarding the changes in the NUTS definition. The FSS 2009/2010 information is inline with the NUTS 2010 classification: Regulation (EU) No 31/2001 amending the NUTS classification from January 2012. The Eurofarm domain does not cover the whole territory. So the land use data without link with other farm characteristics should be downloaded by the user from the relevant domain. Specific national data about rearing structure or agricultural labour force can be found in other domains, without link between the various productions at farm level. For a comprehensive description of the domain, please consult detailed structure (See annex at the bottom of the page).

CLASS_SYSTEM Detailed information on the typology system can be found in legislations: Commission Decision (EEC) No 377/85 of 7 June 1985 establishing a Community typology for agricultural holdings Commission Decision of 19 April 1988 fixing the agro-economic trend coefficient to be used for defining the European size unit in connection with the Community typology for agricultural holdings (88/284/EEC) Commission Decision of 13 June 1996 amending Decision No 85/377/EEC establishing a Community typology for agricultural holdings (96/393/EC) Commission Decision of 22 October 1999 amending Decision 85/377/EEC establishing a Community typology for agricultural holdings (1999/725/EC) Commission Decision of 16 May 2003 amending Decision 85/377/EEC establishing a Community typology for agricultural holdings (2003/369/EC) Commission Regulation of 8 December 2008 establishing a community typology for agricultural Holdings (2008/1242/EC) In the FSS 2010 and onward the typology classification will be done using Standard Output (SO) replacing Standard Gross Margin (SGM). The principles of botháconcepts are the same; it is the way they are calculated that differs. The main differences between SO and SGMá are: SO excludes direct payments; The fodder requirement in the case of some livestock characteristics is included in the calculation of the SO; The unit used to measureáis the euro and not the European Size Unit (ESU = 1200 euro) as the SGM classification.á see

STAT_CONC_DEF The main aim of the Community Farm Structure Surveys (FSS) is to provide a common list of characteristics observed using common rules (See annex at the bottom of the page) and procedures, thus ensuring the possibility of comparison of holding all over the European Union. As a result a complex statistical data set is established. Both the full censuses and the intermediate sample surveys areáaimed at producing a varietyáof information on specific CAP targets, as well as providing a basis for extrapolating Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) data. This tool is enough flexible for following the policy changes in agriculture. A set of characteristics (1166/2008)áand definitions (1200/2009)áare defined in legislationáof the EU (some exceptions are nevertheless recorded - See annex at the bottom of the page). The Community typology (See annex at the bottom of the page) means a uniform classification of the holdings in the EU based on their type of farming and their economic size. Both are determined on the basis of the standard gross margin (until 2007) or Standard output (from 2010 onward). For each crop or animal production, a standard gross margin (the difference between the standard value of the production and the standard amount of certain specific costs) or standard output (the average monetary value of the agricultural output at farm-gate price, in euro per hectare or per head of livestock) is calculated. The farm type is determined by the relative contribution of the different productions to the total standard gross margin/standard outputáof the holding. See also: á

STAT_UNIT The statistical unit observed is the agricultural holding (a single unit, both technically and economically, which has a single management and which produces agricultural products), which has: an utilised agricultural area of 1 ha or more (before 2010) andá5 ha or more (from 2010 onwards), an utilised agricultural area less than 1 ha if it market produce on a certain scale or if its production units exceed certain natural thresholds. See: Article 5 and 6 of Regulation (EEC) No 571/88 and Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No (1166/2008). Information regarding the following characteristics-groups is available for each unit. General information: location of the holding and farming system (organic farming, owner- or tenant farmed agricultural area). Management and farm labour force (See annex at the bottom of the page): all persons responsible for the holding and/or working on the holding. Land area and its utilisation: size and distribution of the land area of the holding, in particular the utilised agricultural area (arable land, kitchen gardens, permanent crops and meadows and pastures), as well as crops produced. Livestock: animals kept on the holding (cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry, equidae and other animals). Machinery and equipments necessary to cultivate the land or manage the holding activity. Secondary activities (activities directly related to the holding using the resources and/or products of the holding) and agro-environmental aspects.

STAT_POP Target population is the universe of the agricultural holdings, however, Member States which use a different survey threshold commit themselves to fixing this threshold at a level excluding until FSS 2007: only the smallest holdings which together contribute 1 % or less to the total standard gross margin (SGM), within the meaning of Decision 85/377/EEC, for the Member State concerned (Article 6 ofáRegulation (EEC) No 571/88). from 2010 onwards: Member States which use a survey threshold above one hectare shall fix thisá threshold at a level that excludes only the smallest agricultural holdings which together contribute 2 %or less to the total utilised agricultural area excluding common land and 2 % or less to the total number of farm livestock units. In case of the basic surveys usually all holdings are observed, but there is a possibility to carry out the census on a sample base for certain characteristics. The intermediate surveys are conducted on a random sample base. In FSS 2009/2010 in some member states there was a change in the thresholds defining the minimumáUtilized Agricultural Area of the holding: Germany - threshold for minimum UAA changed from 2 to 5 ha. Czech Republic - threshold for minimum UAA changed fromá1 to 5 ha. United Kingdom - threshold for minimum UAA of 5 ha introduced for the first time.

REF_AREA European Union, Norway, Switzerland, Croatia.

BASE_PER The FSS data have been processed with SGM/SO coefficients from the following reference years (3-year average in the case of SGM and 5 year average in the case of SO). FSS SGM/SO 1989/90 1986 1993 1990 1995 1992 1997 1994 1999/2000 1996 2003 2000 2005 2002 2007 2004 2009/2010 2007

UNIT_MEASURE Two kinds of units are generally used: the units of measureáfor the characteristics (area in ha, livestock in heads or LSU, labour force in persons or AWU, etc.) and the number of agricultural holdings having this characteristic.

    • Agricultural area
      • 0 Total
      • 1 Zero ha
      • 2 Less than 2 ha
      • 3 From 2 to 4.9 ha
      • 4 From 5 to 9.9 ha
      • 5 From 10 to 19.9 ha
      • 6 From 20 to 29.9 ha
      • 7 From 30 to 49.9 ha
      • 8 From 50 to 99.9 ha
      • 9 100 ha or over
    • Area under corresponding crop
      • 0 Total
      • 1 Zero ha
      • 2 Less than 0.25 ha
      • 3 From 0.25 to 0.49 ha
      • 4 From 0.50 to 0.99 ha
      • 5 From 1 to 1.9 ha
      • 6 From 2 to 4.9 ha
      • 7 From 5 to 9.9 ha
      • 8 From 10 to 19.9 ha
      • 9 20 ha or over
    • Eurofarm indicators
      • 0 hold: Total number of holdings
      • 1 ha: Utilised agricultural area
      • 2 ha: Arable land
      • 3 hold: Arable land
      • 4 ha: Potatoes
      • 5 hold: Potatoes
    • Geopolitical entity (reporting)
      • 0 Belgium
      • 1 Bulgaria
      • 2 Czechia
      • 3 Denmark
      • 4 Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG)
      • 5 Estonia
      • 6 Ireland
      • 7 Greece
      • 8 Spain
      • 9 France
      • a Croatia
      • b Italy
      • c Cyprus
      • d Latvia
      • e Lithuania
      • f Luxembourg
      • g Hungary
      • h Malta
      • i Netherlands
      • j Austria
      • k Poland
      • l Portugal
      • m Romania
      • n Slovenia
      • o Slovakia
      • p Finland
      • q Sweden
      • r Iceland
      • s Norway
      • t Switzerland
      • u United Kingdom
      • v Montenegro