DATA_DESCR The domainá (land cover and land use and landscape) contains statistical tables on land cover and land use in general. In addition there are tables on landscape features. The data have been collected throug the LUCAS survey in spring-autums 2009. The statistics are presented at NUTS0, NUTS1 and NUTS2 levels (classification NUTS 2006). LUCAS Survey 2009 - áInformative content LUCAS is the acronim of Land Use and Cover Area frame Survey. áIn the LUCAS surveyá 235 000 points were visited by 500 field surveyors on the spot. Those spots were selected from a standard 2 km grid with in total around 1 million points all over the EU. The land cover and the visible land use were classified according to the harmonized LUCAS land cover and land use nomenclatures. Theáaim of the LUCAS survey is to gather harmonised information on land use/cover and their changes over time. In addition the survey provides territorial information facilitating the analysis of the interactions between agriculture, environment and countryside (such as irrigation, land management ect.).
CLASS_SYSTEM The LUCASáclassification is characterised by: clear separation for land cover and land use full hierarchy á comparability with other existing land cover/use systems. Separation for land cover and land use While reading the results and comparing them with other sources it is important to have in mind that the LUCAS survey clearly distinguishes between land cover and land use. Most of the existing information on land cover and land use is based on mixed nomenclatures of land cover and land use (i.e. the CORINE Land Cover classification). When data from the two different dimensions need to be matched, compared and/or combined this distinction is particularly worthwhile. For example, land cover 'grassland' relates to the actual coverage of the soil (basically spontaneous vegetation) while its use can vary from private gardens to public parks to agriculture and others. Grassland with agricultural use is an important component of the Utilized Agricultural Area and can be derived combining land cover and use. Comparability with other sources 'Woodland ' has been defined in a way that allows to provide estimates ácompatible áwith FAO ones. In particular the comparability with FAO forest classification has been strengthened with the inclusioná of new variables (area size, height of trees, width of features, percentage of land cover). The heading "Total woodland" in LUCAS classificationáincludes: 'Forest' and 'other wooded area' as defined according to FAO standards and other areas covered by trees not respecting FAO definition. The European legislation adopted the FAO forest classification: Reg (EC) No 2152/2003 of 17/11/2003 concerning monitoring of forests and environmental interactions in the Community - Forest Focus. According to the Regulation the following definitions apply: 'Forest' means land with tree crown cover of more than 10% and area of more than 0,5ha. The trees should be able to reach a minimum height of 5 am at maturity in situ; 'other wooded land' means land either with a tree crown cover of 5 to 10% of trees able to reach a height of 5 m at maturity in situ, or a crown cover of more than 10% of trees not able to reach a height of 5 m at maturity in situ and shrub or bush cover. Forest types have been introduced for forestry areas, in line with the EUNIS classification on forests (, thus receiving more information on forest biotopes. The land cover classification contains 8 main land cover categories: artificial land, cropland, woodland, shrubland, grassland, bare land,á water and wetland. In total there areá 77 classes for land cover. Land use classification contains 15 main classes and 34 classes in total.á For more details, please consult Annex 1.á
STAT_CONC_DEF The main statistical variables collected in the LUCAS survey are: Land Cover, Land Use and Landscape indicators. Figures relate to total official area of the country, which includes land area and land under inland water. The áLand cover is the physical cover of the earth's surface and the land use is theá socio-economic function of the land. Land Cover and Land Use are defined in the the Eurostat "Manual of Concepts on Land Cover and Land Use Information Systems". The two concepts (land cover and land use) are clearly distinguished in the nomenclature of the LUCAS survey. This distinction is particularly worthwhile and allows also the analysis of the interactions between the two (cover and use). For example, land cover 'grassland' relates to the actual coverage of the soil while its use can vary from private gardens to public parks to agriculture and others. Grassland with agricultural use is an important component of the Utilized Agricultural Area and can be derived combining the two attribute (land cover and use) referring to the same point. As far as the land use is concerned, it is worthwhile to specify that the figures refer specifically to the use of the land for which any sign is visible in the ground.á Therefore data reported in any table referring to the use has to be interpreted as the 'visible use'. As an example if a piece of land is regularly used for leisure purposes but no signs are visible on the spot, such a use will not be recorded by the surveyor and will not appear in the figures unless auxiliary data have been used for supporting data collection. Compatibility of the adopted definitions with the main international concepts and definitions is guaranteed. Additional parameters (as height of trees, area size, wide of features) have been introduced where needed to allow the match while keeping a certain level of independency and flexibility in the main item classification. This is the reason why the heading "Total woodland" in LUCAS classificationáincludes: 'Forest' and 'other wooded area' as defined according to FAO standards and other areas covered by trees not respecting FAO definition. Landscape indicators have been computed on the basis of the information collected along the 250m transect (presence of land cover and of linear elements). Published Landscape indicators consist of the following: 1) Richness; 2) Shannon Diversity; 3) Shannon Evenness; 4) Structure index 5) Dissection indexes. Please refer to Annex 8 - LUCAS 2009 Landscape indicators.
STAT_UNIT The statistical unit is a portion of land of circular shape and a conventional dimension of 1.5 meter radius (extended to 20 meters in specific cases). Please refer to Annex 6 - Instructions for surveyors, for more detailed information.
STAT_POP The "reference population" is the EU territory (area).
REF_AREA The reference area is the total area of the EU countries included in the survey with the exception of the following territories (islands) : Canary andá Balearic - 7400 km2 +5000 km2á (ES) Azoresáand Madeira - 2333 km2 +828 km2á (PT) Western+Orkney+Shetland - 3071 km2 +990 km2 +1466 km2 á(UK) The area of this territories sum up around 5/000 of the total area of EU. Due to the difficulties to reach points located in very remote areas, points to be visited in the field were selected among those: belonging to mainland (small islands not connected to mainland by bridges were excluded); located in areas with elevation below 1000 meters. As a consequence: in the 23 Countries covered by 2009 round, 6 out of 248 NUTS2 regions were not surveyedand no estimates are available for them; types of land cover that mainly appear at a high altitude or in inlands could be underestimated (lakes, permanent snow). The list of the missing NUTS2 includes Balearic Islands (ES53), Ceuta (ES63) and Melilla (ES64) in Spain ,á ┼land (FI20) in Finland, Voreio Aigaio (GR41) and Notio Aigaio (GR42) in Greece for a total of 15,412 km2. Those NUTS2 area correspond respectively to 8%, 0.03% 100% and 52% of the total area of NUTS1 they belong to (Este, Sur, ┼land, Nisia Aigaiou and Kriti).
BASE_PER Not applicable for this kind of data
UNIT_MEASURE Land Cover and Land Use are expressed in Km2 , while for landscape indicators relative % frequency are given.