ENP countries: annual national accounts -breakdown of final consumption expenditure
methods, notes and classification
- Cooperation statistics indicators
- 0 Total household expenditure (National currency, million)
- 1 Food and non-alcoholic beverages: share of household expenditure (COICOP 01) (%)
- 2 Alcoholic beverages, tobacco: share of household expenditure (COICOP 02) (%)
- 3 Clothing and footwear: share of household expenditure (COICOP 03) (%)
- 4 Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels: share of household expenditure (COICOP 04) (%)
- 5 Furnishings, household equipment and routine maintenance of the house: share of household expenditure (COICOP 05) (%)
- 6 Health: share of household expenditure (COICOP 06) (%)
- 7 Transport: share of household expenditure (COICOP 07) (%)
- 8 Communication: share of household expenditure (COICOP 08) (%)
- 9 Recreation and culture: share of household expenditure (COICOP 09) (%)
- a Education: share of household expenditure (COICOP 10) (%)
- b Restaurants and hotels: share of household expenditure (COICOP 11) (%)
- c Personal care: share of household expenditure (COICOP 12.1) (%)
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- 0 Belarus
- 1 Moldova
- 2 Ukraine
- 3 Armenia
- 4 Azerbaijan
- 5 Georgia