Material flow accounts
methods, notes and classification
- Environment indicator
- 00 Domestic extraction
- 01 Imports
- 02 Exports
- 03 Domestic material consumption
- 04 Direct material inputs
- 05 Physical trade balance
- Materials
- 00 Total
- 01 Biomass
- 02 Crops (excluding fodder crops)
- 03 Cereals
- 04 Roots, tubers
- 05 Sugar crops
- 06 Pulses
- 07 Nuts
- 08 Oil-bearing crops
- 09 Vegetables
- 0a Fruits
- 0b Fibres
- 0c Other crops (excluding fodder crops) n.e.c.
- 0d Crop residues (used), fodder crops and grazed biomass
- 0e Crop residues (used)
- 0f Straw
- 0g Other crop residues (sugar and fodder beet leaves, etc.)
- 0h Fodder crops and grazed biomass
- 0i Fodder crops (including biomass harvest from grassland)
- 0j Grazed biomass
- 0k Wood
- 0l Timber (industrial roundwood)
- 0m Wood fuel and other extraction
- 0n Wild fish catch, aquatic plants and animals, hunting and gathering
- 0o Wild fish catch
- 0p All other aquatic animals and plants
- 0q Hunting and gathering
- 0r Live animals and animal products (excluding wild fish, aquatic plants and animals, hunted and gathered animals)
- 0s Live animals (excluding wild fish, aquatic plants and animals, hunted and gathered animals)
- 0t Meat and meat preparations
- 0u Dairy products, birds' eggs, and honey
- 0v Other products from animals (animal fibres, skins, furs, leather, etc.)
- 0w Products mainly from biomass
- 0x Metal ores (gross ores)
- 0y Iron
- 0z Non-ferrous metal
- 10 Copper
- 11 Nickel
- 12 Lead
- 13 Zinc
- 14 Tin
- 15 Gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals
- 16 Bauxite and other aluminium
- 17 Uranium and thorium
- 18 Other non-ferrous metals
- 19 Products mainly from metals
- 1a Non-metallic minerals
- 1b Marble, granite, sandstone, porphyry, basalt, other ornamental or building stone (excluding slate)
- 1c Chalk and dolomite
- 1d Slate
- 1e Chemical and fertiliser minerals
- 1f Salt
- 1g Limestone and gypsum
- 1h Clays and kaolin
- 1i Sand and gravel
- 1j Other non-metallic minerals n.e.c.
- 1k Products mainly from non metallic minerals
- 1l Fossil energy materials/carriers
- 1m Coal and other solid energy materials/carriers
- 1n Lignite (brown coal)
- 1o Hard coal
- 1p Oil shale and tar sands
- 1q Peat
- 1r Liquid and gaseous energy materials/carriers
- 1s Crude oil, condensate and natural gas liquids (NGL)
- 1t Natural gas
- 1u Fuels bunkered (Imports: by resident units abroad); (Exports: by non-resident units domestically)
- 1v Fuel for land transport
- 1w Fuel for water transport
- 1x Fuel for air transport
- 1y Products mainly from fossil energy products
- 1z Other products
- 20 Waste for final treatment and disposal
- 21 Stage of Manufacturing - finished products
- 22 Stage of Manufacturing - semi-finished products
- 23 Stage of Manufacturing - raw products
- Unit of measure
- 00 Thousand tonnes
- 01 Tonnes per capita
- 02 Index, 2000=100
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- 000 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
- 001 Belgium
- 002 Bulgaria
- 003 Czechia
- 004 Denmark
- 005 Germany
- 006 Estonia
- 007 Ireland
- 008 Greece
- 009 Spain
- 00a France
- 00b Croatia
- 00c Italy
- 00d Cyprus
- 00e Latvia
- 00f Lithuania
- 00g Luxembourg
- 00h Hungary
- 00i Malta
- 00j Netherlands
- 00k Austria
- 00l Poland
- 00m Portugal
- 00n Romania
- 00o Slovenia
- 00p Slovakia
- 00q Finland
- 00r Sweden
- 00s Iceland
- 00t Norway
- 00u Switzerland
- 00v Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 00w North Macedonia
- 00x Albania
- 00y Serbia
- 00z Türkiye