Material flow accounts - domestic processed output
methods, notes and classification
- Materials
- 00 Total
- 01 Emissions to air
- 02 Carbon dioxide (CO2)
- 03 Carbon dioxide (CO2) from biomass combustion
- 04 Carbon dioxide (CO2) excluding biomass combustion
- 05 Methane (CH4)
- 06 Dinitrogen oxide (N2O)
- 07 Nitrous oxides (NOx)
- 08 Hydroflourcarbons (HFCs)
- 09 Perflourocarbons (PFCs)
- 0a Sulfur hexaflouride
- 0b Carbon monoxide (CO)
- 0c Non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC)
- 0d Sulfur dioxide (SO2)
- 0e Ammonia (NH3)
- 0f Heavy metals
- 0g Persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
- 0h Particles (e.g. PM10, Dust)
- 0i Other emissions to air
- 0j Waste disposal to the environment
- 0k Waste disposal to controlled landfills (memo item)
- 0l Emissions to water
- 0m Nitrogen (N)
- 0n Phosphorus (P)
- 0o Heavy metals
- 0p Other substances and (organic) materials
- 0q Dumping of materials at sea
- 0r Dissipative use of products
- 0s Organic fertiliser (manure)
- 0t Mineral fertiliser
- 0u Sewage sludge
- 0v Compost
- 0w Pesticides
- 0x Seeds
- 0y Salt and other thawing materials spread on roads (including grit)
- 0z Solvents, laughing gas and other
- 10 Dissipative losses
- Unit of measure
- 00 Thousand tonnes
- 01 Tonnes per capita
- 02 Index, 2000=100
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- 000 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
- 001 Belgium
- 002 Bulgaria
- 003 Czechia
- 004 Denmark
- 005 Germany
- 006 Estonia
- 007 Ireland
- 008 Greece
- 009 Spain
- 00a France
- 00b Croatia
- 00c Italy
- 00d Cyprus
- 00e Latvia
- 00f Lithuania
- 00g Luxembourg
- 00h Hungary
- 00i Malta
- 00j Netherlands
- 00k Austria
- 00l Poland
- 00m Portugal
- 00n Romania
- 00o Slovenia
- 00p Slovakia
- 00q Finland
- 00r Sweden
- 00s Iceland
- 00t Switzerland
- 00u Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 00v Serbia
- 00w Türkiye