Nitrogen dioxide concentrations in European capital cities - monthly averages (source: EEA), experimental statistics
methods, notes and classification
- Air pollutants and greenhouse gases
- Unit of measure
- 00 Micrograms per cubic metre
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- 000 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
- 001 Bruxelles/Brussel
- 002 Sofia
- 003 Praha
- 004 København
- 005 Berlin
- 006 Tallinn
- 007 Dublin
- 008 Athina
- 009 Madrid
- 00a Paris
- 00b Zagreb
- 00c Roma
- 00d Lefkosia
- 00e Riga
- 00f Vilnius
- 00g Luxembourg
- 00h Budapest
- 00i Valletta
- 00j Amsterdam
- 00k Wien
- 00l Warszawa
- 00m Lisboa
- 00n Bucuresti
- 00o Ljubljana
- 00p Bratislava
- 00q Helsinki
- 00r Stockholm
- 00s Reykjavik
- 00t Oslo
- 00u Bern (Berne)