Water use by river basin district (RBD)
methods, notes and classification
- Unit of measure
- Water process
- 00 Public water supply and self and other supply
- Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE Rev. 2)
- 000 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
- 001 Industry and construction
- 002 Services
- 003 Households
- 004 All NACE activities plus households
- River basin districts (RBD) and sub-units (SU)
- 00 Belgium
- 01 RBD Scheldt (BE-Brussels)
- 02 Scheldt/Escaut - RBD (BE-Brussels)
- 03 RBD Meuse (BE-Flemish region)
- 04 Maas/Meuse - RBD (BE-Flemish region)
- 05 RBD Scheldt (BE-Flemish region)
- 06 Schelde/Escaut - RBD (BE-Flemish region)
- 07 Bulgaria
- 08 RBD Black Sea (BG)
- 09 RBD Danube (BG)
- 0a Danube - RBD (BG)
- 0b RBD East Aegean (BG)
- 0c East Aegean - RBD (BG)
- 0d RBD West Aegean (BG)
- 0e West Aegean - RBD (BG)
- 0f Czechia
- 0g RBD Danube (CZ)
- 0h SU Dyje/Thaya (CZ)
- 0i SU Morava and tributaries of the Váh (CZ)
- 0j SU Other tributaries of the Danube (CZ)
- 0k RBD Elbe (CZ)
- 0l SU Berounka (CZ)
- 0m SU Upper and Middle Elbe (CZ)
- 0n SU Ohře, Lower Elbe and other tributaries of the Elbe (CZ)
- 0o SU Lower Vltava (CZ)
- 0p Lower Vltava / Moldau
- 0q SU Upper Vltava (CZ)
- 0r Upper Vltava / Moldau
- 0s RBD Oder (CZ)
- 0t SU Lusatian Neisse and other tributaries of the Oder (CZ)
- 0u SU Upper Oder (CZ)
- 0v Denmark
- 0w Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG)
- 0x RBD Danube (DE)
- 0y RBD Eider (DE)
- 0z RBD Elbe (DE)
- 10 SU Middle Elbe/Elde (DE)
- 11 SU Havel (DE)
- 12 SU Mulde-Elbe-Schwarze Elster (DE)
- 13 SU Saale, Upper Vltava, Berounka, Ohře and Lower Elbe (DE)
- 14 SU Tide-Elbe (DE)
- 15 RBD Ems (DE)
- 16 SU Leda-Jümme, lower Ems, Ems estuary (DE)
- 17 SU Upper Ems, Ems/Nordradde, Hase (DE)
- 18 RBD Meuse (DE)
- 19 RBD Oder (DE)
- 1a RBD Rhine (DE)
- 1b SU Main (DE)
- 1c SU Moselle/Saar (DE)
- 1d SU Neckar (DE)
- 1e SU Alpine Rhine/Lake Constance (DE)
- 1f SU High Rhine (DE)
- 1g SU Lower Rhine (DE)
- 1h SU Middle Rhine (DE)
- 1i SU Rhine delta (DE)
- 1j SU Upper Rhine (DE)
- 1k RBD Schlei/Trave (DE)
- 1l RBD Warnow/Peene (DE)
- 1m RBD Weser (DE)
- 1n SU Aller (DE)
- 1o SU Fulda (DE)
- 1p SU Leine (DE)
- 1q SU Tide-Weser (DE)
- 1r SU Werra (DE)
- 1s SU Weser (DE)
- 1t Estonia
- 1u RBD East Estonia (EE)
- 1v RBD West Estonia (EE)
- 1w RBD Koiva (EE)
- 1x Ireland
- 1y Greece
- 1z RBD Aegean Islands (EL)
- 20 RBD Attica (EL)
- 21 RBD Crete (EL)
- 22 RBD Epirus (EL)
- 23 RBD Eastern Central Greece (EL)
- 24 Eastern Central Greece - RBD
- 25 RBD Western Central Greece (EL)
- 26 Western Central Greece - RBD
- 27 RBD Eastern Peloponnese (EL)
- 28 RBD Northern Peloponnese (EL)
- 29 RBD Western Peloponnese (EL)
- 2a RBD Eastern Macedonia (EL)
- 2b RBD Central Macedonia (EL)
- 2c RBD Western Macedonia (EL)
- 2d RBD Thessaly (EL)
- 2e RBD Thrace (EL)
- 2f Spain
- 2g RBD Andalusian Mediterranean Basins (ES)
- 2h RBD Balearic islands (ES)
- 2i RBD Eastern Cantabrian (ES)
- 2j RBD Western Cantabrian (ES)
- 2k RBD Ceuta (ES)
- 2l RBD Douro (ES)
- 2m RBD Duero (ES)
- 2n RBD Ebro (ES)
- 2o RBD Galician Coast (ES)
- 2p RBD Gran Canaria (ES)
- 2q RBD Guadalete and Barbate (ES)
- 2r RBD Guadalquivir (ES)
- 2s RBD Guadiana (ES)
- 2t RBD Internal basins of Catalonia (ES)
- 2u RBD Júcar (ES)
- 2v RBD Minho (ES)
- 2w RBD Segura (ES)
- 2x RBD Tagus (ES)
- 2y RBD Tinto, Odiel and Piedras (ES)
- 2z Croatia
- 30 RBD Adriatic (HR)
- 31 RBD Danube (HR)
- 32 SU Drava and Danube (HR)
- 33 Drava and Danube - sub-basin
- 34 SU Sava (HR)
- 35 Sava - sub-basin
- 36 Italy
- 37 RBD Eastern Alps (IT)
- 38 RBD Central Apennines (IT)
- 39 RBD Middle Apennines (IT)
- 3a RBD Northern Apennines (IT)
- 3b RBD Northern Appenines (IT)
- 3c RBD Southern Apennines (IT)
- 3d RBD Southern Appenines (IT)
- 3e RBD Po river (IT)
- 3f RBD Sardinia (IT)
- 3g RBD Sicily (IT)
- 3h Cyprus
- 3i RBD Cyprus (CY)
- 3j Latvia
- 3k RBD Daugava (LV)
- 3l RBD Gauja (LV)
- 3m RBD Lielupe (LV)
- 3n RBD Venta (LV)
- 3o Venta - RBD (LV)
- 3p Lithuania
- 3q RBD Daugava (LT)
- 3r RBD Lielupe (LT)
- 3s RBD Nemunas (LT)
- 3t RBD Venta (LT)
- 3u Luxembourg
- 3v RBD Meuse (LU)
- 3w Meuse / Maas - RBD (LU)
- 3x RBD Rhine (LU)
- 3y Hungary
- 3z RBD Danube (HU)
- 40 SU Balaton (HU)
- 41 SU Danube (HU)
- 42 Danube (HU)
- 43 SU Drava (HU)
- 44 SU Tisza (HU)
- 45 Malta
- 46 RBD Malta (MT)
- 47 Netherlands
- 48 Austria
- 49 RBD Danube (AT)
- 4a RBD Elbe (AT)
- 4b RBD Rhine (AT)
- 4c Poland
- 4d RBD Danube (PL)
- 4e RBD Dniester (PL)
- 4f RBD Jarft (PL)
- 4g RBD Elbe (PL)
- 4h RBD Nemunas (PL)
- 4i RBD Oder (PL)
- 4j RBD Pregolya (PL)
- 4k Pregolya / Prieglius - RBD (PL)
- 4l RBD Swieza (PL)
- 4m RBD Ücker (PL)
- 4n RBD Vistula (PL)
- 4o Portugal
- 4p RBD Algarve rivers (PT)
- 4q RBD Azores (PT)
- 4r RBD Cavado, Ave and Leça (PT)
- 4s RBD Douro (PT)
- 4t RBD Guadiana (PT)
- 4u Tejo and Ribeiras do Oeste - sub-basin
- 4v RBD Madeira (PT)
- 4w RBD Minho and Lima (PT)
- 4x RBD Sado and Mira (PT)
- 4y RBD Tagus and West rivers (PT)
- 4z RBD Vouga, Mondego and Lis (PT)
- 50 Vouga, Mondego and Lis - sub-basin
- 51 Romania
- 52 Slovenia
- 53 RBD Adriatic (SI)
- 54 North Adriatic - RBD
- 55 RBD Danube (SI)
- 56 Slovakia
- 57 Sweden
- 58 RBD North Baltic sea (SE)
- 59 RBD South Baltic sea (SE)
- 5a RBD Bothnian Bay (SE)
- 5b RBD Bothnian sea (SE)
- 5c RBD Skagerrak and Kattegat (SE)
- 5d Norway
- 5e Switzerland
- 5f RBD Danube (CH)
- 5g RBD Po (CH)
- 5h RBD Rhine (CH)
- 5i RBD Rhône (CH)
- 5j United Kingdom
- 5k Serbia
- 5l RBD Danube (RS)
- 5m RBD Morava (RS)
- 5n RBD Sava (RS)