******************************************************************************** * * * OECD STATISTICS * * PARIS EXTERNAL DEBT STATISTICS * * ------------------------ * * * * CD-ROM PRODUCTION: DSI DATA SERVICE & INFORMATION * * D-47476 Rheinberg P.O. Box 1127 * * Phone: +49 2843-3368 Fax: -3230 * ******************************************************************************** CLASSIFICATION PLAN: -------------------- Structure of the code : XXX / X / XXX / X / X Sub-Codes : 1 XXX...... Debtor country 2 ...X..... Fixed part of the code: _ 3 ....XXXX. Type of credit 4 ........X Type of series Sub-Code 1 : Debtor country ----------- AFG Afghanistan ALB Albania DZA Algeria AGO Angola AIA Anguilla ATG Antigua And Barbuda ARG Argentina ARM Armenia ABW Aruba AZE Azerbaijan BHS Bahamas BHR Bahrain BGD Bangladesh BRB Barbados BLR Belarus BLZ Belize BEN Benin BMU Bermuda BTN Bhutan BOL Bolivia BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina BWA Botswana BRA Brazil BRN Brunei BGR Bulgaria BFA Burkina Faso BDI Burundi KHM Cambodia CMR Cameroon CPV Cape Verde CYM Cayman Islands CAF Central African Rep. TCD Chad CHL Chile CHN China TWN Chinese Taipei COL Colombia COM Comoros COG Congo COG Congo Rep. ZAR Congo, Dem. Rep. COK Cook Islands CRI Costa Rica CIV Côte d'Ivoire HRV Croatia CUB Cuba CYP Cyprus CZE Czech Republic DJI Djibouti DMA Dominica DOM Dominican Republic ECU Ecuador EGY Egypt SLV El Salvador GNQ Equatorial Guinea ERI Eritrea EST Estonia ETH Ethiopia FLK Falkland Islands FJI Fiji PYF French Polynesia MKD FYROM GAB Gabon GMB Gambia GEO Georgia GHA Ghana GIB Gibraltar GRD Grenada GTM Guatemala GIN Guinea GNB Guinea-Bissau GUY Guyana HTI Haiti HND Honduras HKG Hong Kong HKG Hong Kong, China HUN Hungary IND India IDN Indonesia IRN Iran IRQ Iraq ISR Israel JAM Jamaica JOR Jordan KAZ Kazakstan KEN Kenya KIR Kiribati KOR Korea PRK Korea, Dem. Rep. KWT Kuwait KGZ Kyrgyz Republic LAO Laos LVA Latvia LBN Lebanon LSO Lesotho LBR Liberia LBY Libya LTU Lithuania MAC Macao MKD Macedonia (former Yugoslav Republic) MDG Madagascar MWI Malawi MYS Malaysia MDV Maldives MLI Mali MLT Malta MHL Marshall Islands MRT Mauritania MUS Mauritius MYT Mayotte MEX Mexico FSM Micronesia, Federated States MDA Moldova MNG Mongolia MSR Monserrat MAR Morocco MOZ Mozambique MMR Myanmar NAM Namibia NRU Nauru NPL Nepal ANT Netherlands Antilles NCL New Caledonia NIC Nicaragua NER Niger NGA Nigeria NIU Niue MNP Northern Marianas Ils. OMN Oman PAK Pakistan XPA Palestinian Adm. Areas PLW Palau Islands PAN Panama PNG Papua New Guinea PRY Paraguay PER Peru PHL Philippines POL Poland QAT Qatar ROM Romania RUS Russia RUS Russia / former Soviet Union RWA Rwanda STP Sao Tome & Principe SAU Saudi Arabia SEN Senegal FYR Serbia and Montenegro SYC Seychelles SLE Sierra Leone SGP Singapore SVK Slovak Republic SVN Slovenia SLB Solomon Islands SOM Somalia ZAF South Africa LKA Sri Lanka SHN St. Helena KNA St. Kitts-Nevis LCA St. Lucia VCT St. Vincent And Gr. YUG States of Ex-Yugoslavia SDN Sudan SUR Suriname SWZ Swaziland SYR Syria TJK Tajikistan TZA Tanzania THA Thailand TGO Togo TON Tonga TTO Trinidad & Tobago TUN Tunisia TUR Turkey TKM Turkmenistan TCA Turks & Caicos Islands TUV Tuvalu UGA Uganda UKR Ukraine ARE United Arab Emirates URY Uruguay UZB Uzbekistan VUT Vanuatu VEN Venezuela VNM Viet Nam VIR Virgin Islands WFL Wallis and Futuna WSM Western Samoa YEM Yemen ZMB Zambia ZWE Zimbabwe 902 SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA 902 SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA 903 NORTH AFRICA & MIDDLE EAST 904 LATIN AMERICA & CARIBBEAN 905 ASIA & OCEANIA 906 EUROPE 907 LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES 908 OTHER LOW-INCOME COUNTRIES 909 LOWER-MIDDLE INCOME COUNTRIES 910 UPPER-MIDDLE INCOME COUNTRIES 911 CEECS/NIS IN TRANSITION 912 OTHER HIGH INCOME COUNTRIES 913 HEAVILY INDEBTED POOR COUNTRIES 501 TOTAL, NORTH AFRICA/MIDDLE EAST 600 TOTAL, SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA 400 TOTAL, EUROPE 700 TOTAL, LATIN AMERICA 801 TOTAL, ASIA AND OCEANIA 100 ALL AID RECIPIENTS 300 LICs 200 LLDCs Sub-Code 3 : Type of credit ----------- New data set, 1998-2002 Official and officially guaranteed credits 1067 Official credits, Total (mln USD) 1010 Official, Multilateral, Total (mln USD) 1020 Official, Multilateral, concessional (mln USD) 1022 Official, Multilateral, non-concessional (mln USD) 1030 Official, Bilateral, Total (excluding export credits) (mln USD) 1040 Official, Bilateral, ODA/OA (mln USD) 1042 Official, Bilateral, Other (mln USD) 1065 Official, Export Credits, Total (mln USD) 1050 Official, Export Credits, Non-bank (mln USD) 1060 Official, Export Credits, Bank (mln USD) Financial Markets Bank loans and deposits 1087 Financial Markets, Total (mln USD) 1088 Financial Markets excluding offshore facilities (mln USD) 1070 Bank loans and deposits (mln USD) 1075 Bank loans and deposits excluding offshore facilities (mln USD) Debt securities 1080 Debt securities (mln USD) 1085 Debt Securities excluding offshore facilities (mln USD) Other identified credits 1090 Other identified credits, Total (mln USD) 1091 Other, Official loans and export credits (mln USD) 1092 Other, Non-bank external claims on banks (mln USD) 1093 Other, Inter-company loans from external affiliates (mln USD) 1100 TOTAL IDENTIFIED EXTERNAL DEBT (mln USD) 1105 TOTAL IDENTIFIED EXTERNAL DEBT excluding offshore facilities (mln USD) 1167 Debt due within a year, Official credits, Total (mln USD) 1110 Debt due within a year, Official credits, Multilateral (mln USD) 1130 Debt due within a year, Official credits, Bilateral (mln USD) 1165 Debt due within a year, Official credits, Export credits (mln USD) 1187 Debt due within a year, Financial markets, Total (mln USD) 1188 Debt due within a year, Financial markets excluding offshore facilities (mln USD) 1170 Debt due within a year, Financial markets, Bank loans and deposits (mln USD) 1175 Debt due within a year, Financial markets, Bank loans and deposits excluding offshore facilities (mln USD) 1180 Debt due within a year, Financial markets, Debt securities (mln USD) 1185 Debt due within a year, Financial markets, Debt Securities excluding offshore facilities (mln USD) 1190 Debt due within a year, Other (mln USD) 2100 TOTAL DUE WITHIN A YEAR (mln USD) 2105 TOTAL DUE WITHIN A YEAR excluding offshore facilities (mln USD) Memorandum items 2006 Memorandum items, Short-term export credits (mln USD) 2007 Memorandum items, Total identified external debt/GDP (%) 2008 Memorandum items, Total identified external debt/Population (USD) Old data sets, 1975-1982 and 1982-1998 Debt Stocks, Long-term 010 OECD Countries and capital markets 020 ODA/OA 030 Official/Off.supported 040 Official export credits 050 Guaranted supplier credits 060 Guaranted bank credits 070 Banks 073 Financial markets 110 Bonds 131 Multilateral 141 Multilateral, Concessional 151 Non-concessional 155 Memo: IMF total 160 Non-OECD creditors and other 170 CEECs/NIS creditors 185 Other 201 Sub-total 211 Sub-total, of which concessional 221 Sub-total, of which non-concessional Debt Stocks, Short-term 230 Banks 240 Export credits 250 Sub-total 270 Non-bank deposits in banks Debt Stocks, Total 285 Total debt Debt Service 290 OECD countries and capital markets 300 ODA/OA 310 Official/Off.supported 323 Financial markets 341 Multilateral 351 Multilateral, Concessional 355 Memo: IMF 360 Non-OECD creditor countries 371 Sub-total, Long-term 381 of which concessional 401 Amortization, Long-term debt 411 Interest, Long-term debt 420 Interest, Short-term debt 430 Total 499 Debt Service, Future amortization of long-term debt Sub-Code 4 : Type of series ----------- 1 period: 1975-1982 2 period: 1982-1998 3 period: 1998-2002 Units: ------ All data are expressed in millions of US Dollars, using the exchange rates prevailing during the year to which figures refer (annual average rate for debt service and year-end rate for debt). For further notes on this publication, please see also menu entry "Explanatory Notes".