methods, notes and classification Tax autonomy methods, notes and classification

Fiscal decentralisation

  • Tax autonomy

Data source(s) used

Data are based on a questionnaire from March 2008

The term "tax autonomy" captures the freedom sub-central governments (SCG) have over their own taxes. Tax autonomy is classified into 11 categories and sub-categories and ranges from full taxing power to no taxing power at all. The classification is shown below :

a The recipient SCG can set the tax rate and any tax reliefs.

a.1 The recipient SCG can set the rate and any reliefs without needing to consult a higher level government.

a.2 The recipient SCG can set the rate and any reliefs after consulting a higher level government.

b The recipient SCG can set the tax rate.

b.1 The recipient SCG can set the tax rate, and a higher level government does not set upper or lower limits on the rate chosen.

b.2 The recipient SCG can set the tax rate, and a higher level government does set upper and/or lower limits on the rate chosen.

c The recipient SCG can set some tax reliefs (tax allowances and/or tax credits) but not tax rates.

d.1 There is a tax-sharing arrangement in which the SCGs determine the revenue split.

d.2 There is a tax-sharing arrangement in which the revenue split can be changed only with the consent of SCGs.

d.3 There is a tax-sharing arrangement in which the revenue split can be changed unilaterally by a higher level government, but less frequently than once a year.

d.4 There is a tax-sharing arrangement in which the revenue split is determined annually by a higher level government.

e Other cases in which the central government sets the rate and base of the SCG tax.

f None of the above categories a, b, c, d or e applies.

D Total (sum tax auto)

*                                                                              *
* OECD STATISTICS                                                              *
* PARIS                        Fiscal decentralisation                         *
*                              - Tax autonomy                                  *
*                              -----------------------                         *
*                                                                              *
* Internet & DVD:                             DSI  DATA SERVICE & INFORMATION  *
*                                             D-47476 Rheinberg  P.O. Box 1127 *
*                                             Phone: +49 2843-3368  Fax: -3230 *




    1   XXX......   Country/Region
    2   ...X.....   fixed: 3
    3   ....XX...   Tax
    4   ......X..   Government
    5   .......X.   Tax autonomy
    6   ........X   Measure

SUB-CODE  1 : Country/Region
       OECD Member Economies and Groups
          AUS Australia
          AUT Austria
          BEL Belgium
          CAN Canada
          CHL Chile
          CZE Czech Republic
          DNK Denmark
          EST Estonia
          FIN Finland
          FRA France
          DEU Germany
          GRC Greece
          HUN Hungary
          ISL Iceland
          IRL Ireland
          ISR Israel
          ITA Italy
          JPN Japan
          KOR Korea
          LUX Luxembourg
          MEX Mexico
          NLD Netherlands
          NZL New Zealand
          NOR Norway
          POL Poland
          PRT Portugal
          SVK Slovak Republic
          SVN Slovenia
          ESP Spain
          SWE Sweden
          CHE Switzerland
          TUR Turkey
          GBR United Kingdom
          USA United States

SUB-Code  3 : Tax
           01 1000 Taxes on income, profits and capital gains
           02 .1100 Of individuals
           03 ..1110 On income and profits
           04 ..1120 On capital gains
           05 .1200 Corporate
           06 ..1210 On profits
           07 ..1220 On capital gains
           08 .1300 Unallocable between 1100 and 1200
           09 2000 Social security contributions
           10 .2100 Employees
           11 ..2110 On a payroll basis
           13 .2200 Employers
           14 ..2210 On a payroll basis
           22 3000 Taxes on payroll and workforce
           23 4000 Taxes on property
           24 .4100 Recurrent taxes on immovable property
           25 ..4110 Households
           26 ..4120 Others
           27 .4200 Recurrent taxes on net wealth
           28 ..4210 Individual
           29 ..4220 Corporate
           30 .4300 Estate, inheritance and gift taxes
           31 ..4310 Estate and inheritance taxes
           32 ..4320 Gift taxes
           33 .4400 Taxes on financial and capital transactions
           34 .4500 Non-recurrent taxes
           35 ..4510 On net wealth
           36 ..4520 Other non-recurrent taxes
           38 5000 Taxes on goods and services
           39 .5100 Taxes on production, sale, transfer, etc
           40 ..5110 General taxes
           41 ...5111 Value added taxes
           42 ...5112 Sales tax
           43 ...5113 Other
           44 ..5120 Taxes on specific goods and services
           45 ...5121 Excises
           46 ...5122 Profits of fiscal monopolies
           47 ...5123 Customs and import duties
           48 ...5124 Taxes on exports
           50 ...5126 Taxes on specific services
           52 ...5128 Other taxes
           54 .5200 Taxes on use of goods and perform activities
           55 ..5210 Recurrent taxes
           56 ...5211 Paid by households: motor vehicles
           57 ...5212 Paid by others: motor vehicles
           58 ...5213 Paid in respect of other goods
           59 ..5220 Non-recurrent taxes
           60 .5300 Unallocable between 5100 and 5200
           61 6000 Other taxes
           62 .6100 Paid solely by business
           63 .6200 Other

SUB-Code  4 : Government
            2 State/Regional
            3 Local government

SUB-Code  5 : Tax autonomy
            0 a
              The recipient SCG can set the tax rate and any tax

            1 a1
              a.1 The recipient SCG can set the rate and any
              reliefs without needing to consult a higher level

            2 a2
              a.2 The recipient SCG can set the rate and any
              reliefs after consulting a higher level

            3 b
              The recipient SCG can set the tax rate.

            4 b1
              b.1 The recipient SCG can set the tax rate, and a
              higher level government does not set upper or lower
              limits on the rate chosen.

            5 b2
              b.2 The recipient SCG can set the tax rate, and a
              higher level government does set upper and/or
              lower limits on the rate chosen.

            6 c
              The recipient SCG can set some tax reliefs
              (tax allowances and/or tax credits) but not
              tax rates.

            7 d1
              d.1 There is a tax-sharing arrangement in
              which the SCGs determine the revenue split.

            8 d2
              d.2 There is a tax-sharing arrangement in which
              the revenue split can be changed only with the
              consent of SCGs.

            9 d3
              d.3 There is a tax-sharing arrangement in which
              the revenue split can be changed unilaterally
              by a higher level government, but less frequently
              than once a year.

            A d4
              d.4 There is a tax-sharing arrangement in which the
              revenue split is determined annually by a higher
              level government.

            B e
              Other cases in which the central government sets
              the rate and base of the SCG tax.

            C f
              None of the above categories a, b, c, d or e

            D Total (sum tax auto)

SUB-Code  6 : Measure
            0 Value
              Unit : Millions of national currency except
              for Japan and Korea (billions)
            1 Ratio
    • Tax
      • 01 1000 Taxes on income, profits and capital gains
      • 02 .1100 Of individuals
      • 03 ..1110 On income and profits
      • 04 ..1120 On capital gains
      • 05 .1200 Corporate
      • 06 ..1210 On profits
      • 07 ..1220 On capital gains
      • 08 .1300 Unallocable between 1100 and 1200
      • 09 2000 Social security contributions
      • 10 .2100 Employees
      • 11 ..2110 On a payroll basis
      • 13 .2200 Employers
      • 14 ..2210 On a payroll basis
      • 22 3000 Taxes on payroll and workforce
      • 23 4000 Taxes on property
      • 24 .4100 Recurrent taxes on immovable property
      • 25 ..4110 Households
      • 26 ..4120 Others
      • 27 .4200 Recurrent taxes on net wealth
      • 28 ..4210 Individual
      • 29 ..4220 Corporate
      • 30 .4300 Estate, inheritance and gift taxes
      • 31 ..4310 Estate and inheritance taxes
      • 32 ..4320 Gift taxes
      • 33 .4400 Taxes on financial and capital transactions
      • 34 .4500 Non-recurrent taxes
      • 35 ..4510 On net wealth
      • 36 ..4520 Other non-recurrent taxes
      • 38 5000 Taxes on goods and services
      • 39 .5100 Taxes on production, sale, transfer, etc
      • 40 ..5110 General taxes
      • 41 ...5111 Value added taxes
      • 42 ...5112 Sales tax
      • 43 ...5113 Other
      • 44 ..5120 Taxes on specific goods and services
      • 45 ...5121 Excises
      • 46 ...5122 Profits of fiscal monopolies
      • 47 ...5123 Customs and import duties
      • 48 ...5124 Taxes on exports
      • 50 ...5126 Taxes on specific services
      • 52 ...5128 Other taxes
      • 54 .5200 Taxes on use of goods and perform activities
      • 55 ..5210 Recurrent taxes
      • 56 ...5211 Paid by households: motor vehicles
      • 57 ...5212 Paid by others: motor vehicles
      • 58 ...5213 Paid in respect of other goods
      • 59 ..5220 Non-recurrent taxes
      • 60 .5300 Unallocable between 5100 and 5200
      • 61 6000 Other taxes
      • 62 .6100 Paid solely by business
      • 63 .6200 Other
      • 65 Total
    • Government
      • 2 State/Regional
      • 3 Local government
    • Tax autonomy
      • 0 a
      • 1 a1
      • 2 a2
      • 3 b
      • 4 b1
      • 5 b2
      • 6 c
      • 7 d1
      • 8 d2
      • 9 d3
      • A d4
      • B e
      • C f
      • D Total (sum tax auto)
    • Measure
      • 0 Value
      • 1 Ratio
    • Reporting Country
      • OECD Member Economies and Groups
        • AUS Australia
        • AUT Austria
        • BEL Belgium
        • CAN Canada
        • CHL Chile
        • CZE Czech Republic
        • DNK Denmark
        • EST Estonia
        • FIN Finland
        • FRA France
        • DEU Germany
        • GRC Greece
        • HUN Hungary
        • ISL Iceland
        • IRL Ireland
        • ISR Israel
        • ITA Italy
        • JPN Japan
        • KOR Korea
        • LUX Luxembourg
        • MEX Mexico
        • NLD Netherlands
        • NZL New Zealand
        • NOR Norway
        • POL Poland
        • PRT Portugal
        • SVK Slovak Republic
        • SVN Slovenia
        • ESP Spain
        • SWE Sweden
        • CHE Switzerland
        • TUR Turkey
        • GBR United Kingdom
        • USA United States