Catches - north-west Atlantic (from 2000 onwards)
methods, notes and classification
- Species
- 000 Total fishery products
- 001 Total aquatic animals
- 002 Total freshwater and diadromous fish
- 003 Total shellfish
- 004 Total finfish
- 005 Total finfish and shellfish
- 006 Diadromous fishes
- 007 Salmons, trouts, smelts
- 008 Shads
- 009 Marine fishes
- 00a Flounders, halibuts, soles
- 00b Cods, hakes, haddocks
- 00c Miscellaneous coastal fishes
- 00d Miscellaneous demersal fishes
- 00e Herrings, sardines, anchovies
- 00f Tunas, bonitos, billfishes
- 00g Miscellaneous pelagic fishes
- 00h Sharks, rays, chimaeras
- 00i Marine fishes not identified
- 00j Crustaceans
- 00k Crabs, sea-spiders
- 00l Lobsters, spiny-rock lobsters
- 00m Shrimps, prawns
- 00n Molluscs
- 00o Mussels
- 00p Scallops, pectens
- 00q Clams, cockles, arkshells
- 00r Squids, cuttlefishes, octopuses
- 00s Miscellaneous marine molluscs
- 00t Miscellaneous aquatic animals
- 00u Sea-urchins and other echinoderms
- 00v Pandalus montagui (Aesop shrimp)
- 00w Thunnus alalunga (Albacore)
- 00x Alepocephalus bairdii (Baird's slickhead)
- 00y Alosa pseudoharengus (Alewife)
- 00z Beryx spp (Alfonsinos nei)
- 010 Alopias vulpinus (Thresher)
- 011 Seriola dumerili (Greater amberjack)
- 012 Anchoa mitchilli (Bay anchovy)
- 013 Lophiidae (Anglerfishes nei)
- 014 Lophius americanus (American angler)
- 015 Antimora rostrata (Blue antimora)
- 016 Argentina spp (Argentines)
- 017 Aulohalaelurus labiosus (Australian blackspot catshark)
- 018 Sphyraenidae (Barracudas, etc. nei)
- 019 Alosa aestivalis (Blueback shad)
- 01a Thunnus obesus (Bigeye tuna)
- 01b Thunnus thynnus (Atlantic bluefin tuna)
- 01c Istiophoridae (Marlins,sailfishes,etc. nei)
- 01d Molva dypterygia (Blue ling)
- 01e Istiompax indica (Black marlin)
- 01f Pomatomus saltatrix (Bluefish)
- 01g Sarda sarda (Atlantic bonito)
- 01h Orcynopsis unicolor (Plain bonito)
- 01i Carcharhinus brachyurus (Copper shark)
- 01j Aphanopus carbo (Black scabbardfish)
- 01k Prionace glauca (Blue shark)
- 01l Cetorhinus maximus (Basking shark)
- 01m Alopias superciliosus (Bigeye thresher)
- 01n Makaira nigricans (Blue marlin)
- 01o Peprilus triacanthus (Atlantic butterfish)
- 01p Beryx splendens (Splendid alfonsino)
- 01q Anarhichas lupus (Atlantic wolffish)
- 01r Anarhichas denticulatus (Northern wolffish)
- 01s Mallotus villosus (Capelin)
- 01t Chondrichthyes (Cartilaginous fishes nei)
- 01u Anarhichas minor (Spotted wolffish)
- 01v Anarhichas spp (Wolffishes(=Catfishes) nei)
- 01w Serranus cabrilla (Comber)
- 01x Centroscyllium fabricii (Black dogfish)
- 01y Salvelinus spp (Chars nei)
- 01z Arctica islandica (Ocean quahog)
- 020 Spisula polynyma (Stimpson's surf clam)
- 021 Bivalvia (Clams, etc. nei)
- 022 Chimaera monstrosa (Rabbit fish)
- 023 Conger oceanicus (American conger)
- 024 Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)
- 025 Conger conger (European conger)
- 026 Brachyura (Marine crabs nei)
- 027 Cancer irroratus (Atlantic rock crab)
- 028 Chionoecetes opilio (Queen crab)
- 029 Holothuroidea (Sea cucumbers nei)
- 02a Centroscymnus coelolepis (Portuguese dogfish)
- 02b Squalus acanthias (Picked dogfish)
- 02c Squalidae (Dogfish sharks nei)
- 02d Coryphaena hippurus (Common dolphinfish)
- 02e Lycodes spp (Eelpouts)
- 02f Epigonus telescopus (Black cardinal fish)
- 02g Etmopterus spinax (Velvet belly)
- 02h Actinopterygii (Finfishes nei)
- 02i Paralichthys dentatus (Summer flounder)
- 02j Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Winter flounder)
- 02k Pleuronectiformes (Flatfishes nei)
- 02l Phycis phycis (Forkbeard)
- 02m Phycis spp (Forkbeards nei)
- 02n Gaidropsarus ensis (Threadfin rockling)
- 02o Gaidropsarus argentatus (Arctic rockling)
- 02p Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (Greenland halibut)
- 02q Phycis chesteri (Longfin hake)
- 02r Gadus ogac (Greenland cod)
- 02s Actinopterygii (Groundfishes nei)
- 02t Macrourus spp (Grenadiers nei)
- 02u Somniosus microcephalus (Greenland shark)
- 02v Centrophorus granulosus (Gulper shark)
- 02w Triglidae (Gurnards, searobins nei)
- 02x Melanogrammus aeglefinus (Haddock)
- 02y Hippoglossus hippoglossus (Atlantic halibut)
- 02z Clupea harengus (Atlantic herring)
- 030 Merluccius polli (Benguela hake)
- 031 Merluccius merluccius (European hake)
- 032 Urophycis chuss (Red hake)
- 033 Merluccius bilinearis (Silver hake)
- 034 Urophycis tenuis (White hake)
- 035 Hoplostethus mediterraneus (Mediterranean slimehead)
- 036 Heteropriacanthus cruentatus (Glasseye)
- 037 Illex spp (Shortfin squids nei)
- 038 Chlamys islandica (Iceland scallop)
- 039 Calappa granulata (Shamefaced crab)
- 03a Lampris guttatus (Opah)
- 03b Homarus americanus (American lobster)
- 03c Lepidocybium flavobrunneum (Escolar)
- 03d Microstomus kitt (Lemon sole)
- 03e Lepidorhombus spp (Megrims nei)
- 03f Molva molva (Ling)
- 03g Isurus paucus (Longfin mako)
- 03h Molva spp (Lings nei)
- 03i Scomber scombrus (Atlantic mackerel)
- 03j Isurus spp (Mako sharks)
- 03k Brevoortia tyrannus (Atlantic menhaden)
- 03l Kajikia audax (Striped marlin)
- 03m Mollusca (Marine molluscs nei)
- 03n Lophius piscatorius (Angler(=Monk))
- 03o Lamnidae (Mackerel sharks,porbeagles nei)
- 03p Mytilus galloprovincialis (Mediterranean mussel)
- 03q Muraenidae (Morays eels, etc. nei)
- 03r Mugilidae (Mullets nei)
- 03s Actinopterygii (Marine fishes nei)
- 03t Eledone spp (Horned and musky octopuses)
- 03u Ruvettus pretiosus (Oilfish)
- 03v Zoarces americanus (Ocean pout)
- 03w Hoplostethus atlanticus (Orange roughy)
- 03x Oxynotus centrina (Angular roughshark)
- 03y Pandalus spp (Pandalus shrimps nei)
- 03z Patagonotothen ramsayi (Longtail Southern cod)
- 040 Actinopterygii (Pelagic fishes nei)
- 041 Hippoglossoides platessoides (Amer. plaice(=Long rough dab))
- 042 Pollachius virens (Saithe(=Pollock))
- 043 Lamna nasus (Porbeagle)
- 044 Pandalus borealis (Northern prawn)
- 045 Sphoeroides maculatus (Northern puffer)
- 046 Rajidae (Rays and skates nei)
- 047 Hydrolagus colliei (Spotted ratfish)
- 048 Sebastes mentella (Beaked redfish)
- 049 Sebastes spp (Atlantic redfishes nei)
- 04a Sebastes norvegicus (Golden redfish)
- 04b Argyrosomus thorpei (Squaretail kob)
- 04c Macrourus berglax (Roughhead grenadier)
- 04d Rhizoprionodon terraenovae (Atlantic sharpnose shark)
- 04e Dipturus batis (Blue skate)
- 04f Coryphaenoides rupestris (Roundnose grenadier)
- 04g Pagrus pagrus (Red porgy)
- 04h Trachurus lathami (Rough scad)
- 04i Carcharhinidae (Requiem sharks nei)
- 04j Istiophorus albicans (Atlantic sailfish)
- 04k Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon)
- 04l Ammodytes spp (Sandeels(=Sandlances) nei)
- 04m Scomberesox saurus (Atlantic saury)
- 04n Thunnus maccoyii (Southern bluefin tuna)
- 04o Hexanchus griseus (Bluntnose sixgill shark)
- 04p Dalatias licha (Kitefin shark)
- 04q Stenotomus chrysops (Scup)
- 04r Myoxocephalus spp (Sculpins)
- 04s Istiophorus platypterus (Indo-Pacific sailfish)
- 04t Alosa sapidissima (American shad)
- 04u Squaliformes (Dogfish sharks, etc. nei)
- 04v Raja spp (Raja rays nei)
- 04w Selachimorpha (Pleurotremata) (Various sharks nei)
- 04x Elasmobranchii (Sharks, rays, skates, etc. nei)
- 04y Isurus oxyrinchus (Shortfin mako)
- 04z Osmerus eperlanus (European smelt)
- 050 Tetrapturus pfluegeri (Longbill spearfish)
- 051 Sphyrna spp (Hammerhead sharks nei)
- 052 Sphyrna zygaena (Smooth hammerhead)
- 053 Loligo spp (Common squids nei)
- 054 Illex illecebrosus (Northern shortfin squid)
- 055 Doryteuthis (Amerigo) pealeii (Longfin squid)
- 056 Loliginidae, Ommastrephidae (Various squids nei)
- 057 Prionotus spp (Atlantic searobins)
- 058 Rajiformes (Rays, stingrays, mantas nei)
- 059 Tetrapturus angustirostris (Shortbill spearfish)
- 05a Diplodus sargus (White seabream)
- 05b Xiphias gladius (Swordfish)
- 05c Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps (Great Northern tilefish)
- 05d Trachyrincus scabrus (Roughsnout grenadier)
- 05e Thunnini (Tunas nei)
- 05f Scophthalmus maximus (Turbot)
- 05g Brosme brosme (Tusk(=Cusk))
- 05h Acanthocybium solandri (Wahoo)
- 05i Micromesistius poutassou (Blue whiting(=Poutassou))
- 05j Merlangius merlangus (Whiting)
- 05k Kajikia albida (Atlantic white marlin)
- 05l Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (Witch flounder)
- 05m Polyprion americanus (Wreckfish)
- 05n Limanda ferruginea (Yellowtail flounder)
- 05o Thunnus albacares (Yellowfin tuna)
- 05p Pachypops trifilis
- 05q Seriola lalandi (Yellowtail amberjack)
- Fishing regions
- 00 Atlantic, Northwest
- 01 Atlantic, Northwest / 21.0
- 02 Atlantic, Northwest / 21.0.A
- 03 Atlantic, Northwest / 21.0.B
- 04 Atlantic, Northwest / 21.0 (not specified)
- 05 Atlantic, Northwest / 21.1
- 06 Atlantic, Northwest / 21.1.A
- 07 Atlantic, Northwest / 21.1.B
- 08 Atlantic, Northwest / 21.1.C
- 09 Atlantic, Northwest / 21.1.D
- 0a Atlantic, Northwest / 21.1.E
- 0b Atlantic, Northwest / 21.1.F
- 0c Atlantic, Northwest / 21.1 (not specified)
- 0d Atlantic, Northwest / 21.2
- 0e Atlantic, Northwest / 21.2.G
- 0f Atlantic, Northwest / 21.2.H
- 0g Atlantic, Northwest / 21.2.J
- 0h Atlantic, Northwest / 21.2 (not specified)
- 0i Atlantic, Northwest / 21.3
- 0j Atlantic, Northwest / 21.3.K
- 0k Atlantic, Northwest / 21.3.L
- 0l Atlantic, Northwest / 21.3.M
- 0m Atlantic, Northwest / 21.3.N
- 0n Atlantic, Northwest / 21.3.O
- 0o Atlantic, Northwest / 21.3.P
- 0p Atlantic, Northwest / 21.3.P.n
- 0q Atlantic, Northwest / 21.3.P.s
- 0r Atlantic, Northwest / 21.3.P (not specified)
- 0s Atlantic, Northwest / 21.3 (not specified)
- 0t Atlantic, Northwest / 21.4
- 0u Atlantic, Northwest / 21.4.R
- 0v Atlantic, Northwest / 21.4.S
- 0w Atlantic, Northwest / 21.4.T
- 0x Atlantic, Northwest / 21.4.V
- 0y Atlantic, Northwest / 21.4.V.n
- 0z Atlantic, Northwest / 21.4.V.s
- 10 Atlantic, Northwest / 21.4.V (not specified)
- 11 Atlantic, Northwest / 21.4.W
- 12 Atlantic, Northwest / 21.4.X
- 13 Atlantic, Northwest / 21.4 (not specified)
- 14 Atlantic, Northwest / 21.5
- 15 Atlantic, Northwest / 21.5.Y
- 16 Atlantic, Northwest / 21.5.Z
- 17 Atlantic, Northwest / 21.5.Z.u
- 18 Atlantic, Northwest / 21.5.Z.w
- 19 Atlantic, Northwest / 21.5.Z (not specified)
- 1a Atlantic, Northwest / 21.5 (not specified)
- 1b Atlantic, Northwest / 21.6
- 1c Atlantic, Northwest / 21.6.A
- 1d Atlantic, Northwest / 21.6.B
- 1e Atlantic, Northwest / 21.6.C
- 1f Atlantic, Northwest / 21.6.D
- 1g Atlantic, Northwest / 21.6.E
- 1h Atlantic, Northwest / 21.6.F
- 1i Atlantic, Northwest / 21.6.G
- 1j Atlantic, Northwest / 21.6.H
- 1k Atlantic, Northwest / 21.6 (not specified)
- 1l Atlantic, Northwest (not specified)
- Unit of measure
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- 000 European Union (EU6-1958, EU9-1973, EU10-1981, EU12-1986, EU15-1995, EU25-2004, EU27-2007, EU28-2013, EU27-2020)
- 001 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
- 002 European Union - 28 countries (2013-2020)
- 003 Bulgaria
- 004 Denmark
- 005 Germany
- 006 Estonia
- 007 Ireland
- 008 Spain
- 009 France
- 00a Italy
- 00b Latvia
- 00c Lithuania
- 00d Netherlands
- 00e Poland
- 00f Portugal
- 00g Romania
- 00h Iceland
- 00i Norway
- 00j United Kingdom