Landings of fishery products in Belgium
methods, notes and classification
- Species
- 06 Freshwater fishes
- 07 Miscellaneous freshwater fishes
- 08 Diadromous fishes
- 09 River eels
- 0a Marine fishes
- 0b Flounders, halibuts, soles
- 0c Cods, hakes, haddocks
- 0d Miscellaneous coastal fishes
- 0e Miscellaneous demersal fishes
- 0f Herrings, sardines, anchovies
- 0g Miscellaneous pelagic fishes
- 0h Sharks, rays, chimaeras
- 0i Marine fishes not identified
- 0j Crustaceans
- 0k Crabs, sea-spiders
- 0l Lobsters, spiny-rock lobsters
- 0m Shrimps, prawns
- 0n Miscellaneous marine crustaceans
- 0o Molluscs
- 0p Abalones, winkles, conchs
- 0q Scallops, pectens
- 0r Clams, cockles, arkshells
- 0s Squids, cuttlefishes, octopuses
- 0t Miscellaneous marine molluscs
- 0u Engraulis encrasicolus (European anchovy)
- 0v Lophiidae (Anglerfishes nei)
- 0w Trisopterus luscus (Pouting(=Bib))
- 0x Scophthalmus rhombus (Brill)
- 0y Spondyliosoma cantharus (Black seabream)
- 0z Dicentrarchus labrax (European seabass)
- 10 Anarhichas lupus (Atlantic wolffish)
- 11 Gadus spp (Northern cods nei)
- 12 Conger spp (Conger eels nei)
- 13 Heterocarpus reedi (Chilean nylon shrimp)
- 14 Bivalvia (Clams, etc. nei)
- 15 Crangon spp (Crangon shrimps nei)
- 16 Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)
- 17 Conger conger (European conger)
- 18 Palaemon serratus (Common prawn)
- 19 Cancer pagurus (Edible crab)
- 1a Crustacea (Marine crustaceans nei)
- 1b Crangon crangon (Common shrimp)
- 1c Sepia officinalis (Common cuttlefish)
- 1d Sepiidae, Sepiolidae (Cuttlefish, bobtail squids nei)
- 1e Limanda limanda (Common dab)
- 1f Squalus acanthias (Picked dogfish)
- 1g Squalus spp (Dogfishes nei)
- 1h Perciformes (Demersal percomorphs nei)
- 1i Anguilla anguilla (European eel)
- 1j Actinopterygii (Finfishes nei)
- 1k Platichthys flesus (European flounder)
- 1l Sander lucioperca (Pike-perch)
- 1m Eutrigla gurnardus (Grey gurnard)
- 1n Chelidonichthys cuculus (Red gurnard)
- 1o Chelidonichthys lucerna (Tub gurnard)
- 1p Triglidae (Gurnards, searobins nei)
- 1q Melanogrammus aeglefinus (Haddock)
- 1r Hippoglossus hippoglossus (Atlantic halibut)
- 1s Clupea harengus (Atlantic herring)
- 1t Merluccius merluccius (European hake)
- 1u Trachurus spp (Jack and horse mackerels nei)
- 1v Zeus faber (John dory)
- 1w Homarus gammarus (European lobster)
- 1x Microstomus kitt (Lemon sole)
- 1y Lepidorhombus spp (Megrims nei)
- 1z Molva molva (Ling)
- 20 Molva spp (Lings nei)
- 21 Scomber scombrus (Atlantic mackerel)
- 22 Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis (Megrim)
- 23 Chelon ramada (Thinlip grey mullet)
- 24 Lophius spp (Monkfishes nei)
- 25 Mollusca (Marine molluscs nei)
- 26 Mullus surmuletus (Surmullet)
- 27 Nephrops norvegicus (Norway lobster)
- 28 Octopus vulgaris (Common octopus)
- 29 Octopodidae (Octopuses, etc. nei)
- 2a Octopus spp (Octopuses nei)
- 2b Sardina pilchardus (European pilchard(=Sardine))
- 2c Pleuronectes platessa (European plaice)
- 2d Pollachius virens (Saithe(=Pollock))
- 2e Pollachius pollachius (Pollack)
- 2f Perciformes (Pelagic percomorphs nei)
- 2g Sebastes spp (Atlantic redfishes nei)
- 2h Dipturus batis (Blue skate)
- 2i Raja clavata (Thornback ray)
- 2j Raja brachyura (Blonde ray)
- 2k Leucoraja circularis (Sandy ray)
- 2l Rajella lintea (Sailray)
- 2m Raja montagui (Spotted ray)
- 2n Leucoraja naevus (Cuckoo ray)
- 2o Amblyraja radiata (Starry ray)
- 2p Raja undulata (Undulate ray)
- 2q Pecten maximus (Great Atlantic scallop)
- 2r Scyliorhinus spp (Catsharks, nursehounds nei)
- 2s Maja squinado (Spinous spider crab)
- 2t Raja spp (Raja rays nei)
- 2u Selachimorpha (Pleurotremata) (Various sharks nei)
- 2v Palinurus elephas (Common spiny lobster)
- 2w Solea solea (Common sole)
- 2x Pegusa lascaris (Sand sole)
- 2y Sprattus sprattus (European sprat)
- 2z Loligo spp (Common squids nei)
- 30 Rajiformes (Rays, stingrays, mantas nei)
- 31 Scyliorhinus canicula (Small-spotted catshark)
- 32 Scyliorhinus stellaris (Nursehound)
- 33 Scophthalmus maximus (Turbot)
- 34 Brosme brosme (Tusk(=Cusk))
- 35 Trachinus draco (Greater weever)
- 36 Buccinum undatum (Whelk)
- 37 Merlangius merlangus (Whiting)
- 38 Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (Witch flounder)
- 39 Labridae (Wrasses, hogfishes, etc. nei)
- Presentation form
- 0 All presentation forms
- 1 Fresh
- 2 Fresh, whole
- 3 Fresh, gutted
- 4 Fresh, gutted and headed
- 5 Fresh, tails
- 6 Fresh, other
- 7 Cooked
- 8 Claws
- 9 Roes
- a Presentation unknown
- Fish destination and use
- 0 Total
- 1 Human consumption
- 2 Industrial uses
- 3 Withdrawn from the market
- 4 Waste
- Unit of measure
- 0 Euro
- 1 Euro per tonne
- 2 Tonnes product weight
- Nationality of registration of vessel
- 0 Total
- 1 European Union (EU6-1958, EU9-1973, EU10-1981, EU12-1986, EU15-1995, EU25-2004, EU27-2007, EU28-2013, EU27-2020)
- 2 Belgium
- 3 Denmark
- 4 Germany
- 5 Ireland
- 6 France
- 7 Netherlands
- 8 European Free Trade Association (IS, LI, NO, CH)
- 9 Iceland
- a United Kingdom
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)