Landings of fishery products in Ireland
methods, notes and classification
- Species
- 000 Total fishery products
- 001 Total aquatic animals
- 002 Total freshwater and diadromous fish
- 003 Total shellfish
- 004 Total finfish
- 005 Total finfish and shellfish
- 006 Freshwater fishes
- 007 Carps, barbels and other cyprinids
- 008 Diadromous fishes
- 009 River eels
- 00a Salmons, trouts, smelts
- 00b Marine fishes
- 00c Flounders, halibuts, soles
- 00d Cods, hakes, haddocks
- 00e Miscellaneous coastal fishes
- 00f Miscellaneous demersal fishes
- 00g Herrings, sardines, anchovies
- 00h Tunas, bonitos, billfishes
- 00i Miscellaneous pelagic fishes
- 00j Sharks, rays, chimaeras
- 00k Marine fishes not identified
- 00l Crustaceans
- 00m Crabs, sea-spiders
- 00n Lobsters, spiny-rock lobsters
- 00o King crabs, squat-lobsters
- 00p Shrimps, prawns
- 00q Miscellaneous marine crustaceans
- 00r Molluscs
- 00s Abalones, winkles, conchs
- 00t Oysters
- 00u Mussels
- 00v Scallops, pectens
- 00w Clams, cockles, arkshells
- 00x Squids, cuttlefishes, octopuses
- 00y Miscellaneous marine molluscs
- 00z Miscellaneous aquatic animals
- 010 Sea-urchins and other echinoderms
- 011 Miscellaneous aquatic invertebrates
- 012 Haliotis spp (Abalones nei)
- 013 Thunnus alalunga (Albacore)
- 014 Beryx spp (Alfonsinos nei)
- 015 Alopias vulpinus (Thresher)
- 016 Engraulis encrasicolus (European anchovy)
- 017 Lophiidae (Anglerfishes nei)
- 018 Lophius budegassa (Blackbellied angler)
- 019 Antimora rostrata (Blue antimora)
- 01a Engraulidae (Anchovies, etc. nei)
- 01b Apogonidae (Cardinalfishes, etc. nei)
- 01c Argentina spp (Argentines)
- 01d Aristaeomorpha foliacea (Giant red shrimp)
- 01e Argentina silus (Greater argentine)
- 01f Sphyraena spp (Barracudas nei)
- 01g Scorpaena porcus (Black scorpionfish)
- 01h Thunnus obesus (Bigeye tuna)
- 01i Thunnus thynnus (Atlantic bluefin tuna)
- 01j Trisopterus luscus (Pouting(=Bib))
- 01k Molva dypterygia (Blue ling)
- 01l Scophthalmus rhombus (Brill)
- 01m Capros aper (Boarfish)
- 01n Caproidae (Boarfishes nei)
- 01o Brama spp
- 01p Spondyliosoma cantharus (Black seabream)
- 01q Helicolenus dactylopterus (Blackbelly rosefish)
- 01r Brama australis (Southern rays bream)
- 01s Bramidae (Pomfrets, ocean breams nei)
- 01t Spaniblennius riodourensis
- 01u Aphanopus carbo (Black scabbardfish)
- 01v Prionace glauca (Blue shark)
- 01w Dicentrarchus labrax (European seabass)
- 01x Peprilus triacanthus (Atlantic butterfish)
- 01y Beryx decadactylus (Alfonsino)
- 01z Beryx splendens (Splendid alfonsino)
- 020 Anarhichas lupus (Atlantic wolffish)
- 021 Anarhichas denticulatus (Northern wolffish)
- 022 Mallotus villosus (Capelin)
- 023 Anarhichas minor (Spotted wolffish)
- 024 Anarhichas spp (Wolffishes(=Catfishes) nei)
- 025 Sciaena umbra (Brown meagre)
- 026 Gadus spp (Northern cods nei)
- 027 Centrolophus niger (Rudderfish)
- 028 Cephalopoda (Cephalopods nei)
- 029 Dicologlossa cuneata (Wedge sole)
- 02a Conger spp (Conger eels nei)
- 02b Mya arenaria (Sand gaper)
- 02c Bivalvia (Clams, etc. nei)
- 02d Chimaera monstrosa (Rabbit fish)
- 02e Crangon spp (Crangon shrimps nei)
- 02f Conger oceanicus (American conger)
- 02g Cerastoderma edule (Common edible cockle)
- 02h Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)
- 02i Conger conger (European conger)
- 02j Congridae (Conger eels, etc. nei)
- 02k Cardiidae (Cockles nei)
- 02l Brachyura (Marine crabs nei)
- 02m Cancer pagurus (Edible crab)
- 02n Carcinus maenas (Green crab)
- 02o Chaceon quinquedens (Red crab)
- 02p Portunus spp (Portunus swimcrabs nei)
- 02q Crustacea (Marine crustaceans nei)
- 02r Pennahia argentata (Silver croaker)
- 02s Palinurus spp (Palinurid spiny lobsters nei)
- 02t Crangon crangon (Common shrimp)
- 02u Sepia officinalis (Common cuttlefish)
- 02v Ruditapes decussatus (Grooved carpet shell)
- 02w Sepiidae, Sepiolidae (Cuttlefish, bobtail squids nei)
- 02x Chelidonichthys lastoviza (Streaked gurnard)
- 02y Trichiuridae (Hairtails, scabbardfishes nei)
- 02z Holothuroidea (Sea cucumbers nei)
- 030 Caranx hippos (Crevalle jack)
- 031 Centroberyx affinis (Redfish)
- 032 Centroscymnus coelolepis (Portuguese dogfish)
- 033 Limanda limanda (Common dab)
- 034 Dentex macrophthalmus (Large-eye dentex)
- 035 Squalidae, Scyliorhinidae (Dogfishes and hounds nei)
- 036 Squalus acanthias (Picked dogfish)
- 037 Squalidae (Dogfish sharks nei)
- 038 Squalus spp (Dogfishes nei)
- 039 Maculabatis gerrardi (Sharpnose stingray)
- 03a Perciformes (Demersal percomorphs nei)
- 03b Engyprosopon grandisquama (Largescale flounder)
- 03c Anguilla anguilla (European eel)
- 03d Engraulis spp (Anchovies nei)
- 03e Centrolabrus exoletus (Rock cook)
- 03f Eledone cirrhosa (Horned octopus)
- 03g Epigonus telescopus (Black cardinal fish)
- 03h Ensis ensis (Pod razor shell)
- 03i Ensis siliqua (Sword razor shell)
- 03j Etmopterus spinax (Velvet belly)
- 03k Pasiphaea multidentata (Pink glass shrimp)
- 03l Actinopterygii (Finfishes nei)
- 03m Scophthalmus aquosus (Windowpane flounder)
- 03n Platichthys flesus (European flounder)
- 03o Pleuronectiformes (Flatfishes nei)
- 03p Phycis phycis (Forkbeard)
- 03q Gadiformes (Gadiformes nei)
- 03r Galeorhinus galeus (Tope shark)
- 03s Galeus spp (Crest-tail catsharks nei)
- 03t Plectorhinchus mediterraneus (Rubberlip grunt)
- 03u Genicanthus bellus (Ornate angelfish)
- 03v Phycis blennoides (Greater forkbeard)
- 03w Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (Greenland halibut)
- 03x Epinephelus marginatus (Dusky grouper)
- 03y Actinopterygii (Groundfishes nei)
- 03z Haemulidae (=Pomadasyidae) (Grunts, sweetlips nei)
- 040 Eutrigla gurnardus (Grey gurnard)
- 041 Trigla lyra (Piper gurnard)
- 042 Centrophorus squamosus (Leafscale gulper shark)
- 043 Chelidonichthys cuculus (Red gurnard)
- 044 Chelidonichthys lucerna (Tub gurnard)
- 045 Triglidae (Gurnards, searobins nei)
- 046 Trigla spp (Gurnards nei)
- 047 Melanogrammus aeglefinus (Haddock)
- 048 Hippoglossus hippoglossus (Atlantic halibut)
- 049 Schedophilus ovalis (Imperial blackfish)
- 04a Clupea harengus (Atlantic herring)
- 04b Merluccius merluccius (European hake)
- 04c Urophycis tenuis (White hake)
- 04d Merluccius spp (Hakes nei)
- 04e Haliotis tuberculata (Tuberculate abalone)
- 04f Trachurus mediterraneus (Mediterranean horse mackerel)
- 04g Caranx rhonchus (False scad)
- 04h Brachirus nigra (Black sole)
- 04i Chimaeriformes (Chimaeras, etc. nei)
- 04j Trachurus trachurus (Atlantic horse mackerel)
- 04k Hydrolagus spp (Ratfishes nei)
- 04l Illex spp (Shortfin squids nei)
- 04m Invertebrata (Aquatic invertebrates nei)
- 04n Dipturus nidarosiensis (Norwegian skate)
- 04o Trachurus spp (Jack and horse mackerels nei)
- 04p Johnius belangerii (Belanger's croaker)
- 04q Zeus faber (John dory)
- 04r Paralithodes brevipes (Brown king crab)
- 04s Chaceon affinis (Deep-sea red crab)
- 04t Homarus gammarus (European lobster)
- 04u Lepidorhombus boscii (Four-spot megrim)
- 04v Lepidotrigla microptera
- 04w Lepidotrigla cavillone (Large-scaled gurnard)
- 04x Microstomus kitt (Lemon sole)
- 04y Lepidorhombus spp (Megrims nei)
- 04z Trichiurus lepturus (Largehead hairtail)
- 050 Molva molva (Ling)
- 051 Necora puber (Velvet swimcrab)
- 052 Laemonema longipes (Longfin codling)
- 053 Molva spp (Lings nei)
- 054 Galatheidae (Craylets, squat lobsters nei)
- 055 Cyclopterus lumpus (Lumpfish(=Lumpsucker))
- 056 Scomber scombrus (Atlantic mackerel)
- 057 Scomber japonicus (Pacific chub mackerel)
- 058 Scombridae (Mackerels nei)
- 059 Scomber spp (Scomber mackerels nei)
- 05a Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis (Megrim)
- 05b Lophius spp (Monkfishes nei)
- 05c Mollusca (Marine molluscs nei)
- 05d Lophius piscatorius (Angler(=Monk))
- 05e Moridae (Moras nei)
- 05f Mola mola (Ocean sunfish)
- 05g Mugil cephalus (Flathead grey mullet)
- 05h Mugilidae (Mullets nei)
- 05i Mullidae (Goatfishes, red mullets nei)
- 05j Mulinia spp (Taquilla clams)
- 05k Mullus surmuletus (Surmullet)
- 05l Mytilus edulis (Blue mussel)
- 05m Mullus barbatus (Red mullet)
- 05n Mullus spp (Surmullets(=Red mullets) nei)
- 05o Actinopterygii (Marine fishes nei)
- 05p Paphia spp (Short neck clams nei)
- 05q Nephrops norvegicus (Norway lobster)
- 05r Trisopterus esmarkii (Norway pout)
- 05s Octopus vulgaris (Common octopus)
- 05t Eledone spp (Horned and musky octopuses)
- 05u Octopodidae (Octopuses, etc. nei)
- 05v Octopus spp (Octopuses nei)
- 05w Ommastrephes spp (Flying squids nei)
- 05x Ommastrephidae (Ommastrephidae squids nei)
- 05y Hoplostethus atlanticus (Orange roughy)
- 05z Spectrunculus grandis (Pudgy cuskeel)
- 060 Alloteuthis subulata (European common squid)
- 061 Ostrea edulis (European flat oyster)
- 062 Magallana gigas (Pacific cupped oyster)
- 063 Ostrea spp (Flat oysters nei)
- 064 Pagellus erythrinus (Common pandora)
- 065 Palaemonidae (Palaemonid shrimps nei)
- 066 Pandalus spp (Pandalus shrimps nei)
- 067 Chionoecetes spp (Tanner crabs nei)
- 068 Pandalidae (Pandalid shrimps nei)
- 069 Littorina littorea (Common periwinkle)
- 06a Penaeus spp (Penaeus shrimps nei)
- 06b Littorina spp (Periwinkles nei)
- 06c Sardina pilchardus (European pilchard(=Sardine))
- 06d Hippoglossoides platessoides (Amer. plaice(=Long rough dab))
- 06e Pleuronectes platessa (European plaice)
- 06f Brama brama (Atlantic pomfret)
- 06g Pontinus kuhlii (Offshore rockfish)
- 06h Pollachius virens (Saithe(=Pollock))
- 06i Pollachius pollachius (Pollack)
- 06j Lamna nasus (Porbeagle)
- 06k Bluefishes nei - Pomatomidae
- 06l Trachinotus spp (Pompanos nei)
- 06m Pandalus borealis (Northern prawn)
- 06n Palinurus mauritanicus (Pink spiny lobster)
- 06o Barbus barbus (Barbel)
- 06p Aequipecten opercularis (Queen scallop)
- 06q Rastrelliger kanagurta (Indian mackerel)
- 06r Rajidae (Rays and skates nei)
- 06s Hydrolagus colliei (Spotted ratfish)
- 06t Solen spp (Solen razor clams nei)
- 06u Sebastes mentella (Beaked redfish)
- 06v Sebastes spp (Atlantic redfishes nei)
- 06w Sebastes norvegicus (Golden redfish)
- 06x Macrourus berglax (Roughhead grenadier)
- 06y Mora moro (Common mora)
- 06z Rostroraja alba (White skate)
- 070 Dipturus batis (Blue skate)
- 071 Raja clavata (Thornback ray)
- 072 Raja microocellata (Small-eyed ray)
- 073 Leucoraja fullonica (Shagreen ray)
- 074 Amblyraja hyperborea (Arctic skate)
- 075 Raja brachyura (Blonde ray)
- 076 Leucoraja circularis (Sandy ray)
- 077 Rajella lintea (Sailray)
- 078 Raja montagui (Spotted ray)
- 079 Leucoraja naevus (Cuckoo ray)
- 07a Dipturus oxyrinchus (Longnosed skate)
- 07b Amblyraja radiata (Starry ray)
- 07c Raja undulata (Undulate ray)
- 07d Rajella fyllae (Round ray)
- 07e Coryphaenoides rupestris (Roundnose grenadier)
- 07f Gaidropsarus spp (Rocklings nei)
- 07g Scorpaena scrofa (Red scorpionfish)
- 07h Macrouridae (Grenadiers, rattails nei)
- 07i Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon)
- 07j Ammodytes spp (Sandeels(=Sandlances) nei)
- 07k Pagellus acarne (Axillary seabream)
- 07l Sparus aurata (Gilthead seabream)
- 07m Pagellus bogaraveo (Blackspot seabream)
- 07n Sparidae (Porgies, seabreams nei)
- 07o Pecten maximus (Great Atlantic scallop)
- 07p Scyliorhinus spp (Catsharks, nursehounds nei)
- 07q Scorpaenidae (Scorpionfishes, redfishes nei)
- 07r Maja squinado (Spinous spider crab)
- 07s Scorpaena spp (Scorpionfishes, rockfishes nei)
- 07t Pectinidae (Scallops nei)
- 07u Mustelus asterias (Starry smooth-hound)
- 07v Mustelus spp (Smooth-hounds nei)
- 07w Lepidopus caudatus (Silver scabbardfish)
- 07x Diplodus puntazzo (Sharpsnout seabream)
- 07y Sergestidae (Sergestid shrimps nei)
- 07z Squaliformes (Dogfish sharks, etc. nei)
- 080 Sio nordenskjoeldii
- 081 Raja spp (Raja rays nei)
- 082 Selachimorpha (Pleurotremata) (Various sharks nei)
- 083 Katsuwonus pelamis (Skipjack tuna)
- 084 Elasmobranchii (Sharks, rays, skates, etc. nei)
- 085 Panulirus argus (Caribbean spiny lobster)
- 086 Molva macrophthalma (Spanish ling)
- 087 Palinurus elephas (Common spiny lobster)
- 088 Isurus oxyrinchus (Shortfin mako)
- 089 Mustelus mustelus (Smooth-hound)
- 08a Symbolophorus barnardi
- 08b Austroglossus pectoralis (Mud sole)
- 08c Solenidae (Razor clams, knife clams nei)
- 08d Solea solea (Common sole)
- 08e Pegusa lascaris (Sand sole)
- 08f Soleidae (Soles nei)
- 08g Siganus spp (Spinefeet(=Rabbitfishes) nei)
- 08h Sprattus sprattus (European sprat)
- 08i Dicentrarchus punctatus (Spotted seabass)
- 08j Illex argentinus (Argentine shortfin squid)
- 08k Loligo spp (Common squids nei)
- 08l Todarodes sagittatus (European flying squid)
- 08m Illex illecebrosus (Northern shortfin squid)
- 08n Doryteuthis (Amerigo) pealeii (Longfin squid)
- 08o Illex coindetii (Broadtail shortfin squid)
- 08p Loligo vulgaris (European squid)
- 08q Martialia hyadesi (Sevenstar flying squid)
- 08r Loliginidae, Ommastrephidae (Various squids nei)
- 08s Loliginidae (Inshore squids nei)
- 08t Rajiformes (Rays, stingrays, mantas nei)
- 08u Spisula spp (Surf clams nei)
- 08v Scomberomorus maculatus (Atlantic Spanish mackerel)
- 08w Portunidae (Swimming crabs, etc. nei)
- 08x Xiphias gladius (Swordfish)
- 08y Scyliorhinus canicula (Small-spotted catshark)
- 08z Scyliorhinus stellaris (Nursehound)
- 090 Scyliorhinidae (Catsharks, etc. nei)
- 091 Ctenolabrus rupestris (Goldsinny-wrasse)
- 092 Trachyscorpia cristulata (Atlantic thornyhead)
- 093 Trachinidae (Weeverfishes nei)
- 094 Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout)
- 095 Thunnini (Tunas nei)
- 096 Scophthalmus maximus (Turbot)
- 097 Thunnus spp (True tunas nei)
- 098 Scombroidei (Tuna-like fishes nei)
- 099 Spisula solida (Solid surf clam)
- 09a Unclassified
- 09b Echinus esculentus (European edible sea urchin)
- 09c Echinoidea (Sea urchins, etc. nei)
- 09d Labrus bergylta (Ballan wrasse)
- 09e Labrus mixtus (Cuckoo wrasse)
- 09f Brosme brosme (Tusk(=Cusk))
- 09g Palinuridae (Spiny lobsters nei)
- 09h Scomber colias (Atlantic chub mackerel)
- 09i Trachinus draco (Greater weever)
- 09j Micromesistius poutassou (Blue whiting(=Poutassou))
- 09k Buccinum undatum (Whelk)
- 09l Merlangius merlangus (Whiting)
- 09m Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (Witch flounder)
- 09n Labridae (Wrasses, hogfishes, etc. nei)
- 09o Polyprion americanus (Wreckfish)
- 09p Symphodus melops (Corkwing wrasse)
- 09q Thunnus albacares (Yellowfin tuna)
- 09r Sphyraena sphyraena (European barracuda)
- 09s Zeidae (Dories nei)
- Presentation form
- 00 All presentation forms
- 01 Fresh
- 02 Fresh, whole
- 03 Fresh, gutted
- 04 Fresh, gutted and headed
- 05 Fresh, tails
- 06 Fresh, filleted
- 07 Fresh, alive
- 08 Fresh, other
- 09 Fresh, not specified
- 0a Frozen
- 0b Frozen, whole
- 0c Frozen, gutted
- 0d Frozen, gutted and headed
- 0e Frozen, tails
- 0f Frozen, filleted
- 0g Frozen, other
- 0h Frozen, not specified
- 0i Salted
- 0j Salted, whole
- 0k Salted, gutted
- 0l Salted, gutted and headed
- 0m Claws
- 0n Roes
- 0o Presentation unknown
- Fish destination and use
- 0 Total
- 1 Human consumption
- 2 Industrial uses
- 3 Withdrawn from the market
- 4 Bait
- 5 Animal feed
- 6 Waste
- 7 Unknown
- Unit of measure
- 00 Euro
- 01 Euro per tonne
- 02 Tonnes product weight
- Nationality of registration of vessel
- 00 Total
- 01 European Union (EU6-1958, EU9-1973, EU10-1981, EU12-1986, EU15-1995, EU25-2004, EU27-2007, EU28-2013, EU27-2020)
- 02 Belgium
- 03 Denmark
- 04 Germany
- 05 Ireland
- 06 Spain
- 07 France
- 08 Netherlands
- 09 Poland
- 0a Portugal
- 0b Sweden
- 0c European Free Trade Association (IS, LI, NO, CH)
- 0d Iceland
- 0e Norway
- 0f United Kingdom
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)