Landings of fishery products in Poland
methods, notes and classification
- Species
- 000 Total fishery products
- 001 Total aquatic animals
- 002 Total freshwater and diadromous fish
- 003 Total finfish
- 004 Total finfish and shellfish
- 005 Freshwater fishes
- 006 Carps, barbels and other cyprinids
- 007 Miscellaneous freshwater fishes
- 008 Diadromous fishes
- 009 Sturgeons, paddlefishes
- 00a River eels
- 00b Salmons, trouts, smelts
- 00c Miscellaneous diadromous fishes
- 00d Marine fishes
- 00e Flounders, halibuts, soles
- 00f Cods, hakes, haddocks
- 00g Miscellaneous coastal fishes
- 00h Miscellaneous demersal fishes
- 00i Herrings, sardines, anchovies
- 00j Miscellaneous pelagic fishes
- 00k Marine fishes not identified
- 00l Blicca bjoerkna (White bream)
- 00m Ammodytes tobianus (Small sandeel)
- 00n Gymnocephalus cernua (Ruffe)
- 00o Acipenser baerii (Siberian sturgeon)
- 00p Aspius aspius (Asp)
- 00q Centropristis striata (Black seabass)
- 00r Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)
- 00s Limanda limanda (Common dab)
- 00t Anguilla anguilla (European eel)
- 00u Zoarces viviparus (Eelpout)
- 00v Abramis brama (Freshwater bream)
- 00w Abramis spp (Freshwater breams nei)
- 00x Lota lota (Burbot)
- 00y Carassius carassius (Crucian carp)
- 00z Ctenopharyngodon idella (Grass carp(=White amur))
- 010 Cyprinus carpio (Common carp)
- 011 Actinopterygii (Finfishes nei)
- 012 Platichthys flesus (European flounder)
- 013 Perca fluviatilis (European perch)
- 014 Esox lucius (Northern pike)
- 015 Sander lucioperca (Pike-perch)
- 016 Actinopterygii (Freshwater fishes nei)
- 017 Rutilus rutilus (Roach)
- 018 Pelecus cultratus (Sichel)
- 019 Tinca tinca (Tench)
- 01a Belone belone (Garfish)
- 01b Gobiidae (Gobies nei)
- 01c Actinopterygii (Groundfishes nei)
- 01d Gasterosteus aculeatus (Three-spined stickleback)
- 01e Melanogrammus aeglefinus (Haddock)
- 01f Hippoglossus hippoglossus (Atlantic halibut)
- 01g Clupea harengus (Atlantic herring)
- 01h Lampetra fluviatilis (River lamprey)
- 01i Microstomus kitt (Lemon sole)
- 01j Cyclopterus lumpus (Lumpfish(=Lumpsucker))
- 01k Scomber scombrus (Atlantic mackerel)
- 01l Actinopterygii (Marine fishes nei)
- 01m Pleuronectes platessa (European plaice)
- 01n Coregonus lavaretus (European whitefish)
- 01o Pollachius virens (Saithe(=Pollock))
- 01p Pollachius pollachius (Pollack)
- 01q Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon)
- 01r Ammodytes spp (Sandeels(=Sandlances) nei)
- 01s Osmerus eperlanus (European smelt)
- 01t Silurus glanis (Wels(=Som) catfish)
- 01u Sprattus sprattus (European sprat)
- 01v Prionotus spp (Atlantic searobins)
- 01w Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Silver carp)
- 01x Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout)
- 01y Salmo trutta (Sea trout)
- 01z Scophthalmus maximus (Turbot)
- 020 Vimba vimba (Vimba bream)
- 021 Merlangius merlangus (Whiting)
- 022 Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (Witch flounder)
- 023 Hyperoplus lanceolatus (Great sandeel)
- Presentation form
- 00 All presentation forms
- 01 Fresh
- 02 Fresh, whole
- 03 Fresh, gutted
- 04 Fresh, gutted and headed
- 05 Fresh, filleted
- 06 Fresh, other
- 07 Fresh, not specified
- 08 Salted
- 09 Salted, whole
- Fish destination and use
- 0 Total
- 1 Human consumption
- 2 Industrial uses
- 3 Withdrawn from the market
- 4 Bait
- 5 Animal feed
- 6 Waste
- 7 Unknown
- Unit of measure
- 00 Euro
- 01 Euro per tonne
- 02 Tonnes product weight
- Nationality of registration of vessel
- 00 Total
- 01 European Union (EU6-1958, EU9-1973, EU10-1981, EU12-1986, EU15-1995, EU25-2004, EU27-2007, EU28-2013, EU27-2020)
- 02 Denmark
- 03 Germany
- 04 Estonia
- 05 Latvia
- 06 Lithuania
- 07 Poland
- 08 Finland
- 09 Sweden
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)