Classification of economic activities - NACE Rev.1.1
0 Industry and services (except management activities of holding companies; public administration and community services; activities of households and extra-territorial organizations)
1 Industry (except construction)
2 Construction
3 Services (except management activities of holding companies; public administration and community services; activities of households and extra-territorial organizations)
4 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods
5 Hotels and restaurants
6 Transport, storage and communication
7 Financial intermediation
8 Real estate (except management activities of holding companies)
Indicator on factors of business success
00 Number of employees in the year of enterprise birth
01 Number of units having survived from 2002 to 2005
02 Start-up type - new enterprise
03 Start-up type - reactivation after more than 2 years
04 Start-up type - Total
05 Start-up motivation - desire for new challenges
06 Start-up motivation - desire to be one's own boss
07 Start-up motivation - desire to make a living from a hobby activity
08 Start-up motivation - tradition for self-employment in the family
09 Start-up motivation - combining work and private life
0a Start-up motivation - children are big enough
0b Start-up motivation - prospect of making more money
0c Start-up motivation - realising an idea for an new product or service
0d Start-up motivation - reaching an international market
0e Start-up motivation - avoiding unemployment
0f Start-up motivation - getting away from unsatisfactory work situation
0g Start-up motivation - working as sub-contractor exclusively for former employer
0h Start-up motivation - only possibility to carry out profession
0i Start-up motivation - Total
0j Start-up financing - own funds or savings
0k Start-up financing - financial assistance from family or friends
0l Start-up financing - bank loan without collateral
0m Start-up financing - bank loan with collateral
0n Start-up financing - capital contribution from other enterprises
0o Start-up financing - venture capital
0p Start-up financing - financial support from public authorities
0q Start-up financing - Total
0r Start-up difficulties - to get financing
0s Start-up difficulties - to establish contacts with customers
0t Start-up difficulties - to obtain payment for outstanding invoices
0u Start-up difficulties - to price goods or services
0v Start-up difficulties - to find suitable premises
0w Start-up difficulties - to find suppliers
0x Start-up difficulties - to get suitable personnel
0y Start-up difficulties - to use information technology effectively
0z Start-up difficulties - to deal with legal / governmental / administrative matters
10 Start-up difficulties - to be alone as an entrepreneur
11 Start-up difficulties - to get backing from spouse or family
12 Start-up difficulties - Total
13 Previous occupation - employee
14 Previous occupation - running another enterprise
15 Previous occupation - student
16 Previous occupation - unemployed and available to labour market
17 Previous occupation - no gainful activity and not available to labour market
18 Previous occupation - Total
19 Previous branch experience - yes
1a Previous branch experience - no
1b Previous branch experience - total
1c Previous experience running an enterprise - no
1d Previous experience running an enterprise - once
1e Previous experience running an enterprise - more than once
1f Previous experience running an enterprise - Total
1g Training received to help start-up - yes, on own initiative
1h Training received to help start-up - yes, upon request of public authorities
1i Training received to help start-up - none
1j Training received to help start-up - Total
1k Sources of advice - family and friends
1l Sources of advice - training course for entrepreneurs
1m Sources of advice - professional acquaintances
1n Sources of advice - professional consultants
1o Sources of advice - unemployment administration
1p Sources of advice - organisations specialising in business start-ups
1q Sources of advice - financial institution
1r Sources of advice - no access to any relevant advice
1s Sources of advice - no advice needed
1t Sources of advice - Total
1u Other current gainful activity - yes
1v Other current gainful activity - no
1w Other current gainful activity - Total
1x Educational background - ISCED 1 or 2
1y Educational background - ISCED 3
1z Educational background - ISCED 4
20 Educational background - ISCED 5 or 6
21 Educational background - Total
22 Current management - alone
23 Current management - with someone else
24 Current management - paid managers only
25 Current management - Total
26 Persons employed - unpaid or self-employed
27 Persons employed - paid employees
28 Turnover in 2004
29 Turnover in 2005
2a Origin of turnover - 1 customer
2b Origin of turnover - 2 to 4 customers
2c Origin of turnover - 5 or more customers
2d Origin of turnover - Total
2e Sales markets - local/regional
2f Sales markets - national
2g Sales markets - within EU
2h Sales markets - outside EU
2i Sales markets - Total
2j Judgement of profitability - very good
2k Judgement of profitability - good
2l Judgement of profitability - barely sufficient
2m Judgement of profitability - poor
2n Judgement of profitability - Total
2o Cooperation with other enterprises - in a network
2p Cooperation with other enterprises - as subcontractor
2q Cooperation with other enterprises - as a franchisee or licensee
2r Cooperation with other enterprises - in a joint venture
2s Cooperation with other enterprises - none / not relevant
2t Cooperation with other enterprises - Total
2u Innovation in the enterprise - product innovation
2v Innovation in the enterprise - process innovation
2w Innovation in the enterprise - organisational innovation
2x Innovation in the enterprise - marketing innovation
2y Innovation in the enterprise - Total
2z Impediments to selling products or services - competition too vigorous
30 Impediments to selling products or services - too little demand
31 Impediments to selling products or services - difficult pricing
32 Impediments to selling products or services - lack of marketing skills
33 Impediments to selling products or services - Total
34 Impediments to developing the business activity - profitability
35 Impediments to developing the business activity - availability of bank loans
36 Impediments to developing the business activity - availability of risk capital
37 Impediments to developing the business activity - availability of short term credit
38 Impediments to developing the business activity - availability of qualified personnel
39 Impediments to developing the business activity - staff costs
3a Impediments to developing the business activity - regulatory and administrative burden
3b Impediments to developing the business activity - adapting to new technical standards
3c Impediments to developing the business activity - availability of managerial competences
3d Impediments to developing the business activity - combining family and work
3e Impediments to developing the business activity - finding partners
3f Impediments to developing the business activity - non or late paying customers
3g Impediments to developing the business activity - Total
3h Strategic plans - continuing the enterprise
3i Strategic plans - affiliation
3j Strategic plans - close and start new enterprise in the same activity
3k Strategic plans - close and start new enterprise in another activity
3l Strategic plans - close without starting new enterprise
3m Strategic plans - Total
3n Expected development of business activity - increase of turnover
3o Expected development of business activity - increase of number of employees
3p Expected development of business activity - increase of variety of goods and services for sale
3q Expected development of business activity - increase of profitability
3r Expected development of business activity - Total
3s Highest priority if earnings increase - hire more employees
3t Highest priority if earnings increase - increase remuneration of employees
3u Highest priority if earnings increase - invest in the activity of the enterprise
3v Highest priority if earnings increase - pay off loans or credits
3w Highest priority if earnings increase - increase own salary from the enterprise
3x Highest priority if earnings increase - reduce own working time
3y Highest priority if earnings increase - none / not relevant
3z Highest priority if earnings increase - Total
Geopolitical entity (reporting)
0 European Union (aggregate changing according to the context)