Ever-working women who have experienced sexual harassment at work, by age group
methods, notes and classification
- Age class
- 00 From 18 to 29 years
- 01 From 18 to 74 years
- 02 From 30 to 44 years
- 03 From 45 to 64 years
- 04 From 65 to 74 years
- Unit of measure
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- 000 Belgium
- 001 Bulgaria
- 002 Denmark
- 003 Estonia
- 004 Greece
- 005 Spain
- 006 France
- 007 Croatia
- 008 Italy
- 009 Latvia
- 00a Lithuania
- 00b Malta
- 00c Netherlands
- 00d Austria
- 00e Poland
- 00f Portugal
- 00g Slovenia
- 00h Slovakia
- 00i Finland
- 00j Montenegro
- 00k Serbia
- 00l Kosovo*