Deaths related to infectious diseases
methods, notes and classification
- Unit of measure
- Sex
- International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10 2010)
- 00 Certain infectious diseases (A00-A40, A42-B99)
- 01 Other sepsis
- 02 Other infectious diseases (G00, G03-G04, G06, G08-G09, H00-H01, H10, H16, H20, H30, H46, H60, H65-H66, H68, H70, I00-I02, I30, I33, I38, I40, I80, J00-J16, J20-J22, J31-J32, J36-J37, J40-J42, J85-J86, K04-K05, K20, K29, K35-K37, K61, K65, K73, K75, K81, K85, L00-L08, M00, M02, N10-N12, N15, N30, N34, N39, N41, N45, N49, N61, N70-N73, N75-N76, O23, O85-O86, O91, O98, P35-P39, R50)
- 03 Pneumonia, organism unspecified
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- 000 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
- 001 European Union - 28 countries (2013-2020)
- 002 Belgium
- 003 Bulgaria
- 004 Czechia
- 005 Denmark
- 006 Germany
- 007 Estonia
- 008 Ireland
- 009 Greece
- 00a Spain
- 00b France
- 00c Metropolitan France
- 00d Croatia
- 00e Italy
- 00f Cyprus
- 00g Latvia
- 00h Lithuania
- 00i Luxembourg
- 00j Hungary
- 00k Malta
- 00l Netherlands
- 00m Austria
- 00n Poland
- 00o Portugal
- 00p Romania
- 00q Slovenia
- 00r Slovakia
- 00s Finland
- 00t Sweden
- 00u Iceland
- 00v Liechtenstein
- 00w Norway
- 00x Switzerland
- 00y United Kingdom
- 00z Serbia
- 010 Türkiye