Medical technologies - examinations by medical imaging techniques (CT, MRI and PET)
methods, notes and classification
- Health care providers SHA
- 00 Hospitals and providers of ambulatory health care
- 01 Hospitals
- 02 Providers of ambulatory health care
- Health facility
- 0 Computed Tomography Scanners
- 1 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Units
- 2 PET scanners
- Unit of measure
- 00 Number
- 01 Per hundred thousand inhabitants
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- 000 Belgium
- 001 Bulgaria
- 002 Czechia
- 003 Denmark
- 004 Germany
- 005 Estonia
- 006 Greece
- 007 Spain
- 008 France
- 009 Croatia
- 00a Italy
- 00b Cyprus
- 00c Latvia
- 00d Lithuania
- 00e Luxembourg
- 00f Hungary
- 00g Malta
- 00h Netherlands
- 00i Austria
- 00j Poland
- 00k Portugal
- 00l Romania
- 00m Slovenia
- 00n Slovakia
- 00o Finland
- 00p Iceland
- 00q Liechtenstein
- 00r Norway
- 00s Switzerland
- 00t United Kingdom
- 00u North Macedonia
- 00v Serbia
- 00w Türkiye