Number of work-related health problems by diagnosis group, sex and number of complaints per victim
methods, notes and classification
- Unit of measure
- Sex
- Number of health problems
- 0 Total
- 1 1 problem
- 2 2 problems
- 3 3 problems
- 4 4 problems
- 5 5 problems or more
- Diagnosis
- 0 Cardiovascular disorders
- 1 Hearing disorders
- 2 Pulmonary disorders
- 3 Musculo-skeletal disorders
- 4 Infectious diseases
- 5 Stress, depression, anxiety
- 6 Skin problems
- 7 Headaches, eyestrains, migraines
- 8 Other not elsewhere mentioned
- 9 Unspecified
- a Total
- Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- 0 European Union (aggregate changing according to the context)