Relative standardised incidence rate of accidental injuries at work by permanency of the job, length of service in the enterprise and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity (mean rate for each Member State = 100)
methods, notes and classification
Unit of measure Type of employment contract0 Total1 Unlimited duration2 Limited duration3 Training or probationary period4 Employers, self-employed and family workers Length of service0 Total1 Less than 1 year2 From 1 to 2 years3 From 2 to 5 years4 5 years or over Classification of economic activities - NACE Rev.1.10 Total - all NACE activities1 Agriculture, hunting and forestry2 Fishing3 Mining and quarrying4 Manufacturing5 Electricity, gas and water supply6 Construction7 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods8 Hotels and restaurants9 Transport, storage and communicationa Financial intermediationb Real estate, renting and business activitiesc Public administration and defence; compulsory social securityd Educatione Health and social workf Other community, social and personal service activitiesg Activities of householdsh Extra-territorial organizations and bodies Geopolitical entity (reporting)0 European Union (aggregate changing according to the context)1 Denmark2 Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG)3 Ireland4 Greece5 Spain6 Italy7 Luxembourg8 Hungary9 Portugala Finlandb Swedenc United Kingdom