Disposable income of households (with expenditure greater than zero) spent on essential goods and services by household composition - experimental statistics
methods, notes and classification
Household composition00 Total01 One adult02 One adult with dependent children03 Two adults04 Two adults with dependent children05 Three or more adults06 Three or more adults with dependent children Classification of individual consumption by purpose (COICOP)00 All items HICP excluding imputed rentals for housing01 All-items HICP02 Food and non-alcoholic beverages03 Food04 Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics05 Clothing and footwear06 Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels except imputed rentals for housing07 Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels08 Actual rentals for housing09 Actual rentals paid by tenants0a Imputed rentals for housing0b Imputed rentals of owner-occupiers0c Water supply and miscellaneous services except other services relating to the dwelling n.e.c. (water and sanitation)0d Water supply and miscellaneous services relating to the dwelling0e Water supply0f Refuse collection0g Sewerage collection0h Other services relating to the dwelling n.e.c.0i Electricity, gas and other fuels0j Electricity0k Gas0l Liquid fuels0m Solid fuels0n Heat energy0o Furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance0p Health0q Transport0r Operation of personal transport equipment0s Fuels and lubricants for personal transport equipment0t Maintenance and repair of personal transport equipment0u Transport services except passenger transport by air, sea and inland waterway0v Transport services0w Communications0x Telephone and telefax services0y Recreation and culture0z Education10 Restaurants and hotels11 Miscellaneous goods and services12 Essential services (excluding financial services) Unit of measure00 Percentage of disposable income Geopolitical entity (reporting)000 European Union (EU6-1958, EU9-1973, EU10-1981, EU12-1986, EU15-1995, EU25-2004, EU27-2007, EU28-2013, EU27-2020)001 European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)002 Euro area (EA11-1999, EA12-2001, EA13-2007, EA15-2008, EA16-2009, EA17-2011, EA18-2014, EA19-2015, EA20-2023)003 Euro area – 20 countries (from 2023)004 Belgium005 Bulgaria006 Czechia007 Denmark008 Germany009 Estonia00a Ireland00b Greece00c Spain00d France00e Croatia00f Cyprus00g Latvia00h Lithuania00i Luxembourg00j Hungary00k Malta00l Netherlands00m Austria00n Poland00o Portugal00p Romania00q Slovenia00r Slovakia00s Finland00t Sweden00u United Kingdom