Statistical Content
The data contained in this database are the selected interest rates on the international and domestic markets that appear in the OECD publication Financial Statistics Monthly. Section 2 - Domestic Markets. Interest Rates, issued by the Directorate for Financial, Fiscal and Enterprise Affairs.
These series are the most representative interest rates in each country: rates used as reference for establishing other rates, rates applying to the most important borrowing or lending instruments, rates revealing the state of tension or ease in a part of the capital market.
The international market interest rates are those of 3-month deposits in most Eurocurrencies, of 6- and 12-month deposits in Eurodollars, and the secondary market yield of international bonds denominated in dollars, Deutsche marks, guilders, French francs and ECU.
The domestic rates are grouped as follows:
i. Money Market:
1 . Official discount rates
2. Day-to-day money rates
3. Short-term bills rates
ii. Security Market:
1 . Bond yield (on primary and secondary markets)
2. Share yield
3. Price/earnings ratio
iii. Other Markets:
1 . Rates charged to borrowers
2. Rates paid to lenders.
******************************************************************************** * * * OECD STATISTICS * * PARIS INTEREST RATES ON INTERNATIONAL * * AND DOMESTIC MARKETS * * ------------------------------- * * * * CD-ROM PRODUCTION: DSI DATA SERVICE & INFORMATION * * D-47476 Rheinberg P.O. Box 1127 * * Phone: +49 2843-3368 Fax: -3230 * ******************************************************************************** CLASSIFICATION PLAN: -------------------- STRUCTURE OF THE CODE : XX / X / XXXXXX SUB-CODES : 1 XX....... COUNTRY/AREA 2 ..X...... MARKET CODE 3 ...XXXXXX ALPHANUMERIC CODE SUB-CODE 1 : COUNTRY ----------- 00 International Market 12 Federal Republic of Germany 14 France 16 Italy 18 Netherlands 22 Belgium 26 United Kingdom 30 Denmark 32 Spain 42 United States of America 44 Canada 46 Japan 54 Australia 58 Norway 60 Sweden 64 Finland 68 Switzerland 70 Austria SUB-CODE 2 : MARKET CODE ----------- M Money Market S Security Market O Other Markets E Eurocurrency Markets B International Bond Markets SUB-CODE 3 : ALPHANUMERIC CODE ----------- EXPLANATORY NOTE: The market code and the alphanumeric code form the so-called concept code which is identical to the numbering system used in the printed publication. The first character in the concept code refers to the groups of interest rates in each market. For example: The series indicative for "OFFICIAL DISCOUNT RATE" for Germany is 12M1A. To distinguish between series which are currently updated and the discontinued series, the series indicatives for the discontinued series end with a point (.), Z and - not always - a number.